Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

I think you’re going to want to actually test this one. We humans make mistakes every now and then. Test comboing into it off of close jab, crouch jab, and close short and see what you come up with. If those combos don’t work, then the Rekka Ken has slower startup than it did in vanilla ST.

you can combo off cl.mp and c.lp.

I was the one who wrote that piece about combos with N.Fei in ST.

I never said you couldn’t combo off of any other basic attack. But why combo off of something like jab, short or strong when you can combo off of fierce for max damage?

Feel like showing off? Knock yourself out. I am a big showboat when it comes to my tournament fights so I know all about the different combo options. But when it’s crunch time and you’re trying to come out on top you usually wanna stick with the most damaging, most simple options available to you.

If I combo off of jab its going to be a flame kick. Not a rekka punch. If I am totally outclassing my opponent I’ll get fancy with the 6+hit combos but then it becomes insulting(especially online).

I often hear about how people are getting tired of scrubs and how much they suck blah blah blah…try making it a point to help them out. I’ve turned bitter losers into thankful learners because I took the time to explain to them why they lost and what they can improve on. I dunno about you guys but I would rather play scrubs that are evolving than one trick pony experts that brag about how great they are in a room full of novices.

BTW, I am working on an STHD wiki for Fei Long but he’s very very screwy so until I get some kind of word on what’s going to be fixed I can’t dedicate too much time into it…otherwise it will be like pissin in the wind.

Jumpsuit. I’ve talked to Sirlin and he says he uses him as one of his main characters, and he doesn’t feel his flaws are a problem. That pretty much means he’ll be staying more or less where he is right now since he seems pretty convinced that Fei is absoultely fine despite his problem matches. On the plus side he gave me some advice on how to play him, and I have to say he does seem a bit more viable than I originally thought. I underestimated how much utility the Chicken Wing still has, and it is still a very big source of mix ups.

I like Fei, but he seems kinda gimmicky to me.

His MK and HK CW seem useless to me. Or I’m not finding a decent use for them, w/o getting hit out of them.

I haven’t tested this, but someone said his HK CW is the best when opponents are in the corner and you want to get all 3 hits in.

Great contribution to that wiki :slight_smile: I think we are all looking forward to the STHD update.

Using Fierce is great after a jump-in or walk in, but sometimes the opportunity doesn’t present itself to be able to do a standing Fierce, sometimes a jab or strong might be required. Fresh and I were debating on whether Fei could use a kick to lead into a combo, and thus I quoted your part of the article. I tried testing it a couple weeks back, and found it to be true IIRC; only punches worked, and I didn’t have good enough timing to get crouching strong to go into rekkas. Though I didn’t have an arcade stick at the time, and won’t for a little while longer.

If kicks work, I’d be glad to be proven wrong. I’ll do my share of testing when I get back.

Hey Jumpsuit. Sorry if I offended you. I’ve always respected your knowledge of Fei Long…and that’s from waaaaay back in the days of a.g.sf2. I was merely stating what I was stating for information purposes only. Practically speaking, you’re absolutely right. Even if I could combo the Rekka Ken off of weak attacks, why would I when I should be linking to good ol’ cl.hp and then Rekka Ken them to dizzyland? My favorite combo from the front has always been j.hp/j.hk, cr.wp, cl.hp XX HP Rekka Ken (x3). If I catch someone open at point-blank range or cross up with j.mk, I sub out the cr.wp for cl.mp. The damage difference and dizzy potential is just too great to ignore.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated. In fact…do you have any videos of your Fei Long in action? I’ve been wanting to see that for about a year now. :slight_smile:


Huh? When wouldn’t a close standing fierce be able to hit when a jab or strong does? Cl.hp actually outranges cl.wp and cl.mp ever so slightly and comes out just as fast. I know that without having read the Wiki. Jumpsuit is absolutely correct.

First of all, cr.mp isn’t going to work because it’s not interruptable. Second, I just tested it myself on the CCC2 version of ST and, unless the Rekka Ken’s startup has been altered in HD Remix, it can combo after an interrupted cl.wk. Third, remember again that while this is all true information, the bottom line point still remains…

If you can hit with any attack up close, it should either be cl.hp or be a move that you can link into cl.hp. While you can hit with anything else, cl.hp opens up Fei Long’s true offensive potential.

Incidentally, Fei Long is one of the most link-happy characters in ST. You can look up my SNES SSF2 Link FAQ and get an idea for why Jumpsuit and I are saying either hit with or link to cl.hp for the win.

I forgot to write crouching in front of jab or strong punch. Sometimes you’re ducking and you strike, and hit the opponent low. I did say sometimes a standing [close] fierce, hence, you have to hit low…

I also stated previously that I hardly ever played Super Turbo, I played Super a lot. Obviously things have changed and I hadn’t updated myself on the changes. I’ve been away from my 360 and haven’t had the time to thoroughly test everything you guys have. I don’t remember if I tried a close standing WK or not. Just reiterating what Jumpsuit said…

edit: Was able to test on my brothers PS3, and standing close short does combo into rekkas.

Oh boy…

Well if that’s the case, they should at least Fix Fei Long’s L and M Chicken wings constantly missing Blanka when crouched.

Also I think someone mentioned that Balrog is the only member of the cast that can block c.HP while standing. If that wasn’t intentional, then that should be fixed too.

boxer and dictator.

Him too?


I encourage you all to message him about your feelings on Fei Long. I think he’s already had enough of my complaining. Maybe if a few more people request fixes he can at least have the minor issues such as the chicken wing and stand blocked c. fierce fixed.


Just try to keep it respectful.

Jesse you OG motherfucker! :lol::lol::lol:

Tell him to fix his flame kick. It’s all sorts of fucked, especially vs Sim.
HINT: Have sim do his slides against you and try to scoop him up off the ground using the short flame kick. Also go into training mode and try doing jump in RH, low fwd into super and tell me what happens randomly. :annoy:

Offend me? Cmon man, get serious! I am nobody special in this game and even if you did offend me SO WHAT!? I’d get over it lol! I was just going back over what I had written and saw that I never said what you said that you thought I said…know what I’m sayin? :looney:

I just try to post what I know, hoping it will help others. As for vids, nope. None lately…not sure if I’d want them posted either especially after the ass rape fest I have been getting from Bison players. Fei is severely outclassed in that match.

Bison can also block fei’s crouching fierce(meaty) but for some odd reason you can connect from max distance(Fei’s open palms touching their feet). Weird shit if you ask me.

Higher Jin…with all due respect to Sirlin, he’s not going to listen to me about Fei. I’ve already expressed my concerns in a private email convo along with several other top players. Balancing Fei is the least of the problems. His glitches and screwy factors have to be addressed first.

Off the record I feel Fei has been weakened so badly vs Bison that it’s almost sadistic. BTW, don’t miss a flame kick vs Guile because RH flash kick counters easily.

As of now Fei’s worst matches(IMO) are Bison, Honda, Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Vega.

how bout his best matches?

i’d say chun li, blanka and i dont know who else to put.

zangief is a bit hard now compared to vanilla st since chickenwing kick is near useless vs him.

Best matches?? Well, both Chun and Blanka have some REALLY simple tricks they can use vs Fei that nearly shut him down for free but I sure as hell am not gonna post them up :karate: But he does ok against both Chun and Blanka.

Fei does well vs Cammy and Hawk…still does ok vs Gief

My email was sent. I wonder if he will even bother to respond to someone like me. :looney:

LOL I thought i was the only one with this problem. It’s way too weird.