Well he responded to me, and I’m no big name. I recommend that A LOT of people bug him about it if they feel strongly about it. Maybe if enough people communicate their feelings about Fei he’ll do one of the following things: A) Give Fei some things during the patch or B) Address our concerns in the thread and tell us how he personally gets around them.
Either way it’s a win/win. Again I’ve already sent him multiple e-mails, and I don’t think he’s taking my complaint seriously anymore. The only way he may consider it now is if a lot of people show their concern. It’s a lot like pressuring your congressman to do something. He won’t listen to one or two Joe Smoes, but if a large amount of people all say the same things then he might realize there’s something more to it.
The problem is he generally responds the same way he responded in the play test builds of the game. You have to beat him to prove your point. So yeah if anyone is really good at Honda/Sim and feels like they can take on Sirlin’s Fei I would encourage you to challenge him in order to demonstrate Fei’s inadequacy.
IMO in a lot of ways this is like a lay man trying to make his case against a lawyer. The best way for them to see things differently is another lawyer beating them in court. However, Sirlin’s Fei is no pushover from what I hear. He gave Damdai’s Akuma a run for his money.
psstt… fierce slide wit blanka, his slide will go under all of fei’s rekka kicks… just like wit dalhsim…
chun li, jumping short beats all if not most of fei’s moves, head stomp and runaway spinning bird kick is annoying against fei and even if he tried to do rekka kick, chun li can just jump short kick again…
Generally against players who love to do jump in short or jab, you can throw out a chicken wing just before the attacks is going to hit you in order to take advantage of the invulnerable startup frames.
Some people like to neutral jump lk or some stupid shit. Try to trip guard sweep them or walk forward flame kick. His sweep is one of the least used tools I’ve seen and it’s actually pretty good in certain situations. For example you can use it against dhalsim’s weak extended limbs for a knock down. I’m having trouble advancing against Sim’s s. mk/hk, but I’m going to experiment with butterfly kick to advance.
We’re both almost in the same boat. I played a lot of Super and my knowledge of ST isn’t as great.
That said…even I know that in both Super and ST, close fierce hits crouching opponents (except Blanka, perhaps), so there’s never a reason to use a crouching attack unless you’re linking into close fierce XX Rekka Ken (x3).
Did I mention that Jumpsuit was right? Ok…good.
As expected…especially since I tested it, too, per my previous posts. I’m glad to know I’m not delusional.
I never was able to counter a jumping short from chunli wit a rekka kick, even at startup. Even, if the the rekka kick was at it’s last hit animation, chun li’s jumping short would beat it out hands down, no trade at all. The best air move that Fei could do was a jumping jab and that had to be hit before chunli brought out her jumping short.
The invulnerable startup time, are you referring to the short rekka kick?
Last I played hd remix, fei’s weird invulnerable startup stayed the same as they did back in ST wit the Mk and Rh rekka kicks.
I rarely use the rekka kicks in hd remix nowadays, relying a lot on his rekka pressure.
Yeah I was talking about the short CW. I fought against a Ken who would tick throw me with the usual jump in jab into kneebash. I accidently threw out a short CW right before the jab was about to connect and I got in three deep hits. The timing is strict.
To ensure it wasn’t a fluke I tried it again when he tried the same foolishness and it did the same thing.
It’s worth experimenting with all the jump in jabs and shorts to see if it works 100%.
Cool… I still don’t like about the fact even though u hit all 3 hits of a point blank rekka kick, there’s not enough hit stun that your opponent will still be able to hit/throw you back. In ken’s case, you still eat that kneebash.
Is the motion for flame kick the same on crossup as it is for shotos?
I have a question and didn’t want to start a new thread. Is the motion for the flame kick when crossed up the same as a shotos? I’m getting pummeled when I’m crossed up because I keep flame kicking in the wrong direction when the opponent lands over me (usually a DeeJay) and this turns into a 5hit+ combo.
Is the only choice to block this or is the motion different? I thought the motion would be (if facing right): B,DB,D,DF? Is this wrong? I have no way to practice it on training since the cpu barely does a crossup move.
I never tried this myself since I don’t like eating crossup combos if I miss it but it is supposedly B, D, DB, D, DF, + kick to reverse flame kick a crossup.
I need some clarification on what you said here. Are you saying a close standing fierce will hit crouching opponents as an overhead, or it just hits them as they are crouched even though you are standing? If it’s the latter, I did know that.
My objective is to hit someone low for a couple of reasons:
What I was saying was sometimes the opponent is blocking high (thinking you might throw a -> + MK), or maybe you are ducking against an attack and don’t want to risk standing up into something like a Sagat high tiger or Shoto hurricane kick as it passes over you… so you stay crouched, hit them with an unblocked crouch jab and rekka from there. If a close standing fierce hits after the crouching jab, that’s something I’ll have to start practicing, and it seems like that’s what you’re saying. I never personally tried that.
I think I read someone saying you can combo into rekkas after a crouching fierce in some cases, I’m guessing on someone’s jump-in or wake up. Is that true?
I thought it would be B, D, DF + kick, as the DP is F, D, DB + punch IIRC. It’d kinda be like a reverse ochio throw, without the 2nd part in there.
Though since Fei can block pressing F at the right time, maybe you’d just want to do B, F(when they cross), D, DF + kick. I’m stating those motions as if they didn’t cross you up yet. I’;ll make a pick and add it later.
Well… everything else still “sorta” works well just that the close fierce/standing jab combo don’t work anymore.
if at the right distances, you can still do his mixups(trip, throw, tick throw, etc…) you can still combo a cr. jab but it requires the opp. to be crouching(I am not sure if it works for small chars but it works on huge chars like gief).
His tech throw crossups still work, so that’s still good(use rh throw).
what to do nets you a few options after flying kicks. doing flying kicks is not really recommended on gief/thawk since if the 3rd hit doesnt connect, they get a free 360 on you. And even if you connect all hits(or atleast the 3rd), hit or blocked, you better do super, dp, or short flying kick ASAP, or you will get grabbed.
after flying kick, I tend to mix up between doing a short dp, s.fierce into safe rekkas, s.fierce into flying kicks, super, throw, or another short flying kick. He has plenty of options. while not as reliable as it was in vanilla ST, they still pose a shitty situation on the defender.
I tend to do A LOT of short flying kicks up close on charge characters to force them to stand up and lose their down charge, allowing me to stay on them easier(of course, unless they are smart and eat the overhead and keep their charge to AA the next flying kick.)
My options heavily depend on the character I’m facing. A neat little trick is using the rh flying kick on blanka up close. A lot of fei users get frustrated due to blankas low hitbox in crouch, causing the move to wiff like crazy. But if you do the rh flying kick up close, only the 3rd hit will connect. It will crossup, and hit really deep, easily allowing a normal to combo. So I tend to do s.fierce into rh flying kick to get the crossup, then s.short,s.fierce, rekka. Timing seems pretty strict. or you can just get the crossup and followup with a dp. seems really reliable.
His super is always punishable on block with fierce rekka x 3. The timing is tight. I suggest starting slightly before Honda even lands.
s. lk, s. mk, s. hp, and s. jp will all beat headbutt with the right timing and distance. However, you will still randomly be hit at times and the trade will not be in your favor. For reasons I don’t understand c. hp seems to always lose to headbutt. It may be too low to the ground to hit it at all.
Chicken wing can beat out headbutt when the following two conditions are met:
The chicken wing is on it’s second or third hit animation
Honda is not in his jab headbutt invincibility frames
s. FP can beat or trade with hands at certain distances.
That’s all I really got. It’s pretty horrible match overall. Fei does his best damage mix ups on wakeup, but they are all pretty much a non option against Honda. He has jab headbutt which is like a safe DP. He has stored ochio which is another wake up option, and finally he has the butt slam to get him out of cross up attempts and anything else he can’t get out of the first two with.