Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

Was in training mode, I noticed that the kick throw has hitboxes. You can also cross “under” someone you threw into the corner, so there’s a some mix-up possiblity there. Though in certain situations, those hitboxes will be a problem, say probably against an air fireball or slow fireball from someone. I think this is a bug, aren’t throws supposed to be invulnerable?

The punch throw is invulnerable and you cannot cross under people. I didn’t test everyone, just assuming you can’t walk through everyone’s body.

If this was already mentioned, I apologize for the redundancy :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to ask a question right now, while some really good Fei players are hitting up this thread:

Does anyone besides me think that the longer ranged Rekkas are kind of pointless - specifically the HP Rekka? I never played Fei in ST because I think I would have gone crazy if I had to learn how to CW with devilish consistency, but I fired up training mode in ST to look at the differences, and it feels like doing safe Rekkas is a lot easier in ST, like there’s a way smaller chance of ending Rekka x2 within your opponent’s sweep range. Also, it feels a lot eaier in ST to do repeated Rekka x2 strings with Fierce -> Strong.

Also, I dunno if anyone noticed this, but STHD Fei’s jab Rekka doesn’t actually travel farther than it did in ST. :stuck_out_tongue:

i think the rekka change is better. it makes for more efficient zoning. makes fighting characters like guile a little more reliable, since i can start rekka outside of guile low forward range. thats just one example. Rekka pokes were indeed easier to use in ST. at max range you just did 2 fierce rekkas and stop to be safe, or 2 fierce rekkas and finish into a jab rekka to also stay safe, and that would be all she wrote. In HD, you gotta mix up your strengths more, depending on your range, and who you face. The strong rekkas are a really good substitue for the old fierce rekka’s. You also gotta know when you should and should NOT delay the next rekka hit.

In the end, his rekkas take a little more skill and on the fly decision making, but have more range versatility. I hated them at first, but I got used to it, and can poke with high succession now.

hmm. something odd. facing down a HHS honda, i noticed that the rekkashinken seemed to slurp him in and get me all my hits when i hit that hitbox in front of the hands. am i on crack, or should it only be hitting the first / second hit?

sorry, long day.


what rekka strengths you using vs dic?

depends on the range. i tend to not rely on rekka too often vs dictator. the scissor kicks give fei hell. one thing is for sure, i wont do a 3rd rekka often, unless i like eating scissor

I just wanted to say I fought Sabre’s Fei Long and my Fei Long looks like a scrub in comparison.

That is all. :sweat:

i woulda played more, but i got disconnected, and at that point, i was getting sick of em for the time being


Yes, I did this with SNES SSF2, but you can logically deduce anything that changed from that version to ST.

Some notes on the Vega matchup:

  • Overhead counters slide. You can also do an anticipatory short chicken wing if you think Vega will start the match like that.

  • Neutral jump MK and flame kick are some of Fei’s best options against wall dive.

  • c. HP is integral to countering c. jab pokes

  • If you anticipate the alternate wall dive. (Charge down, up + Punch) You can punish it on block by doing rekka x 2 very quickly. You won’t reach him with the first hit but you can reach him with the second.

Some notes on the Akuma matchup:

  • If you predict jump back fireball as Akuma’s opening move you can sometimes counter by doing a complete Fierce Rekka chain. If Akuma did a slow fireball you should be able to go under it and hit him with the final fierce Rekka.

  • As said before you can sometimes do short chicken wing through the air fireball and juggle him with a flame kick afterward.

  • He’s even harder to fight against than Ryu due to the fact that he can do the basic fireball gameplan much better than he does. He has an invincible uppercut, better fireball recovery, and even has extra range on his sweep.

Can I ask you guys is there any advantage for the Fei player if the shoto throws a slow fireball? They generally recover faster and are much more able to trip guard sweep you/uppercut when they use the slow fireball. I don’t know why they wouldn’t just continually throw slow fireballs.

against shotos, its really hard. fei still gets rocked by fb sweep pattern. i walk forward and neutral jump a lot. you gotta be really patient in this situation. luckily, if fei gets close enough, he can dsimantle a shoto pretty badly. Winning rounds on shotos really rely on the round start, for me. If you think they will throw a fb at the start of the round, beat it with a s.fierce. s.fierce works wonders against fb startup. If you can manage to beat out the fb with it a couple times, the opponent might be afraid to use fb at that range, and it gives you free reign.

I like the farther rekkas, make fighting dee jay/guile easier and better chip damage against turtlers. Granted it takes a lil getting use to but its just as safe as ST fei, doesn’t push as far back as ST fei but enough to make him pretty safe.

Just for examples, Fei’s longer reaching rekkas can punish blanka ball and fierce psycho crusher from dictator and he can also do his cross up forward + st. strong + close fierce + rekka combo on guile(on occasions it will miss).

If it’s true, good thing that the jab rekka doesn’t go far, we already got the other two rekkas going far enough :smiley:

Back in my super days, I’d finish the 3rd rekka and do a short dragon kick right after to catch the scissor kicks. If my bro didn’t scissor, I’d still be pretty safe.

If I blocked his scissor kicks, I had my reversal throw or dragon kick down good enough it made him think twice about throwing me after.

Not sure how this works now in STHD, don’t have a joystick and haven’t fought any Dictator matches locally.

  1. Wouldn’t you want to do all 3 rekkas if the 2nd one hits? What would you want to do after if only you do 2 rekkas? A delayed 3rd rekka or tick-throw?

  2. I’d say jump up if you didn’t anticipate them throwing it, or take the block hit and wait for another opportunity to s.FP or FP rekka when you feel the range is right. Don’t do a short chicken wing unless you’re in range to connect or cross over, I guess? I honestly haven’t had a chance to practice against this situation much.

You’d still have to be concerned about him doing a Psycho Crusher, though. He’d at least get you for block damage if he can’t get there in time to hit you and…once that lesson’s learned (whether from you blocking it or you Flame Kicking him), you’ll probably get psyched out of your mind with a whiffed jab Psycho Crusher or the new Fake Slide…into throw. If you block the Scissor Kick deep enough, that’s always a free throw for you.

Bottom line, you’ll definitely want to mix up what you do after that last blocked jab Rekka Ken because you definitely have the advantage.

He’s saying that you do two out of the three Rekka Ken punches. The first punch will whiff, but will travel far enough to get the second punch (the gut punch) in range and hit. When the second punch makes contact, do the third one and knock him down. Your Super days should tell you that was how Fei Long dealt with blocking Blanka’s Horizontal Ball.

If only that dude still had his jumping roundhouse kick from Super. Didn’t the second downward kick and the third and final upward kick hit sweeps? Anyway, that said, I’d just add that jumping is preferrable, but because Fei’s jump is low and quick and he’s also one of the “thicker” characters, jumping straight up over jab projectiles is going to be a problem. That rogue “Chun Li vs. Fei Long” thread is proof of that. The only possible counter to the slow projectile will be the Chicken Wing (a.k.a. his old jumping roundhouse). Otherwise, you’re going to have to block and pray that your enemy isn’t a disciple of the Cobra-Kai and they mercifully throw a fast projectile.

Slow projectiles are the bane of Fei Long’s existence. He needs more stuff to deal with those.

I am having a hard time vs dict. They do this incredibly easy/lame thing that I can’t seem to stop. So here I am asking how to counter it.

The thing that they do is some block string loop that goes something like [cr lk, cr lk, scissor] x n.

You can’t stick a throw in after the Scissor Kick? If not, try something with some invincibility like a reversal Flame Kick. Short or Forward Chicken Wing might yield some good results, too. Once you hit them out of that block string, if they’re good, they’ll probably try to mix in a throw after the Scissor Kick. Solution: Either throw them first or cl.fierce XX Rekka Ken (x3).

I’m pretty sure you can throw Dictator after any Scissor Kick, though.

Are they hitting you with the tip? If they mistime it and they don’t hit you with the tip of the scissor kick then they are at disadvantage and you can throw them. Just time it right or you will get counter thrown yourself. I’d also try short chicken wing after the scissor kick. Bison doesn’t really have an answer for chicken wing traps.

After getting past that, you’ll have to deal wit stand lk tick throw mixups, thing is very hard to see since that standing lk is like a dragonball z 2 frame animation… LOL… kind of an exaggeration but you get the idea.