Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

From my experience, most of Fei’s moves and normals will stuff Honda’s headbutt but it will require you to actually predict what the Honda player is going to do.

From my experience, Fei’s rekkas either trade hits or gets stuffed by the headbutt and the rekka kicks only stuff the headbutt during fei’s 2nd-3rd hit animation sequence while Honda is already in the air.

Walking far fierce “handshake” seems okay. Cr. fierce + cr. fierce seems to be okay but stored Ochio throw is real threat to Fei therefore, it’s a huge risk to do, which also means tick throws are a huge risk.

Overall, it means you’ll be pretty much playing “physic” against a Honda player.

After playing HD remix for a good amount of time, I believe fei’s tier ranking hasn’t changed at all. I believe I can understand the changes made to fei due to one particular matchup, which is M. Bison “Dictator”. In original ST, once fei gets dictator into the rekka kick trap, it’s pretty much impossible for dictator to get out(since he’s the only char in the game who doesn’t have an anti-air). If dictator tries to do jump mp or any moves, he’ll get stuffed, unlike Zangief who has the lariat which can stuff the rekka kicks.

his throw range may be short but his walk speed makes up for it.

I’d say you’re wrong on this one. I met a guy last night and we were playing locally. He was storing his Ochio’s and they worked many times.

Also try using Short when jumping in. It should beat his headbutt most of the time.

Stored ochio is still in this game.

Ken seems to have much faster recovery from whiffed SRK and Hurricanes (compared to Ryu and Akuma). I just try to hit him well before he hits the ground, which unfortunately doesn’t get me any combos. At least it knocks Ken down.

After I block a ball, what should I perform? 3 rekkas or is it possible to do a jump-in combo?

Yes. Fighting Bison is like fighting a superman version of Honda. I’d take a Honda match over Bison ANY day of the week. Standing RH, scissor kicks, psycho crushers, insane crossups…all shut fei down big time. You can’t even do low fierce meaty attacks against him because they are useless…he can block them standing up just like Balrog.

Well, Fei Long vs Honda can be very tough. If you’re playing vs a typical Honda you can get away with a few wins by spamming st.Fierce, low fierce…maybe bait them with a few flame kicks. But it’s all guessing. In most cases Honda players LOVE to rush down Fei.

I always go for the first hit then run…run run run! If you see that their reversals and defense is sloppy then by all means go for the rush down but a good Honda player knows they can turtle their asses off and basically let Fei run into their moves.

Standing short kick is a better counter for the flying headbutt than jab. Only try to flame kick counter headbutts if you’ve got energy to spare and doing it close range…

The good thing now in STHD is that rekkas(if connected)can actually hurt honda whereas before in ST you had to be REALLY close to connect all 3 hits.

Like someone else mentioned, it’s all psychic when fighting vs Honda. You gotta be lucky and on the money with your moves otherwise it’s like throwing spit wads at a tank…but you can get lucky with a few sticky bombs :wgrin:

No offense…
That’s bad advice…never jump in on Honda unless it’s a “safe jump” because his headbutt eats everything Fei can throw out in a jump in. Even if you safe jump you gotta pray that the ochio throw or regular throw doesn’t get you first. Yeah, you can safe jump and go straight into flame kick or super but if he blocks you are SCREWED.

His throw range is short? I always thought it was the same as the shotos at the very least. IMO Sagat, Vega and DeeJay felt like they had the shortest ranges.

Ken players LOVE to double uppercut if they whiff the first one. The idea is to time your rekkas with ken’s uppercuts…execute the rekkas when ken is full extended in his jab dp. You can land all 3 hits of the rekka punches. Personally I like to walk up wait for them to miss a dp and just do stand fierce into rekkas. I rarely use pokes to counter missed jab dp’s because if you’re gonna go for a hit and risk getting smacked by a dp then you may as well go for a poke that combos(rekkas).

2 things. Dic can get out by doing jump away mp. It trades and breaks the loop. The other thing is Fei can only do the loop 2-3 times max before he has to walk up to be able to combo off of his standing fierce or jabs. Hawk can also break the loop.

To counter crouching strong, use Standing Fierce. Just shake hands with the fat ass and that will teach him to keep his hands to himself. Stand fierce is THE best attack you can use at close range because it stuffs almost all of hondas attacks and at the very least trades with his headbutt…it also gives great dizzy points.

As for his headbutts…from a distance counter with stand short, or jab. Trying to be fancy and psychic with flame kicks to counter the headbutt will only get you killed faster so I wouldn’t advise is.

Fei’s hopping fwd kick gets stuff by hondas headbutt. It’s good for wake up games vs honda if he’s afraid of doing headbutt reversals or ochios but its VERY risky. Even if the fwd kick connects, all he has to do is piano the ochio throw and you’re smacked down. Only do the hopping fwd kick from max distance so he can’t throw you.

And try not to use too many cw kicks vs Honda. It’s like pissin in the wind when you use that move vs Honda, Gief, Akuma, Ryu, Ken, Guile…pretty much everyone except chun li.

Hey, Jesse…

I was wondering about this last comment. I’ve found the Short Chicken Wing to be an AWESOME weapon, and it’s interesting to me that you say that it’s actually mostly useless against everyone. I’m curious as to why. I usually use the Short one and try to nick them with the end so I’m safe after they get hit or Block… I almost never get thrown afterwards (if it’s not Gief or Hawk or Honda). What’s the main danger of actually doing the move?

  • James

nope, he can get out with a very early forward j.lp, which is really hard and totally skewed towards fei when looking at risk reward. STILL that matchup was considered to be a 5-5 in ST. dic is a horrible matchup now for fei.

Wow this is stupid.

On a crouching Blanka, lp and mk Chicken Wing misses him about 70% of the time. The only one to hit consistenly is hk Chicken Wing. So in a corner, use that instead.

His j.hk doesn’t hit him either.

His Chicken Wings have 14 frames of invulnerable startup. Did they have this in the original too?

You don’t really need CW vs blanka. C.fierce, j.jab and rekkas kill him pretty handily if he’s sloppy.

about the honda and bison matchup, I’d rather face a really good bison than a really good honda. At least bison has to move in to hit you, but honda can just sit there holding charge and ochio. It’s impossible to break a patient honda’s defense. The match is like 95% guessing, with the other 5% coming in after you get the lead and can kinda bait him into doing what you want.

im a good fei player and i had a big problem with headbut hondas.

I jus stand still and take the chipdamage but dish out some rekkas in return, he may get impatient and starts the buttcrush and with perfect timing a flame kick will end hondas reign. a close HP will also work too. it takes patience to beat a headbutt honda

and handslap whores are a breeze. jus jump in with your attack of choice i prefer the jab or MK then a flame kick, and if they block it, next time u go for the chicken wings they will be blocking so walk up and throw them, they wont see it coming. (this goes for alot of other characters too.

secret honda tip: handslap hondas cant block for shit so chicken wings followed by s.flame kicks will usually mutulate handslapers (at least the ones i played and i played alot) (shh keep this between us fei players lol)

^You can’t punish or even really apply pressure with rekkas off of a blocked headbutt, though. In-fact, it’s fairly risky to dish out rekkas after a blocked headbutt.

It is risky cus u can get grabbed between rekkas if u do them wrong but im careful with that but. its all about patience and timing. i dont win them all but this stategy can work against a good amount of hondas. Fei is a high risk high reward character.

Ive got just the cure for sonic-somersault guiles (same applies for Deejay)
this is my little secret im passing on so dont tell nobody.(shhhhhh, fei players only)

this is what guile players dont want u to know (but i know lol)

1.When there moving back theres a 95%-100% chance a sonic booms coming right.
2.When there crouching theres a 95%-100% chance a somersault’s coming riiight.

So heres da deal.
fei longs worst enemy in this matchup is the somersault so you cant jump in wreckesly or youll get kicked out the sky and if u move foward thell move back and sonic boom all day. so be patient feel them out and recognize then there in sonic boom mode or somersault mode. is pretty easy when u played enough guiles to know.
so when hes moving back and sonic booming its cool to chickin wing or jump in for some damage and when close keep the offense, dont let him breathe when up close. watch out tho most guiles sweep alot.

Now heres my secret. when there crouching for a long time they have a somersault ready for you, so rekkas wont work, short chickin wings are 50-50 its risky, and jumping in on a crouching guile is out of the question. so heres what you do.
Step 1- Simply WALK UP to a CROUCHING GUILE. You see most guiles are expecting u to jump in so they can kick u out of the sky but just waling up to them will trick them into somersaulting and while they took the bait and missed it he’s wide open for a close HP or a Burning Flame kick or chicken wings followed by a flame kick for a juggle.

And heres the killer part.
Step 2- when u knock them down and they get up they will try a somersault on wakeup. especially if youre close. same concept applies. dont jump in on a downed guile. just walk up and wait for the wakeup somersault block it, or be in just the right distance so he’ll miss and punish again. Gotta love it.

WAIT THERES MORE killer shit lol. When the first two stepes apply they can become used to this strategy and heres what there gonna do. there gonna crouch block more and not somersault because you got them scared to somersault. so heres what u do.

Step 3- WALK UP to the guile player again (most guiles crouch block when blocking) and see if he’s still gonna somersault. if hes hesitant to somersault and remaing still then the match is over, youve got him right where you want him. When he’s in this state, WALK UP EVEN CLOSER AND GRAB HIM, or you can go for the short chicken wing with a now 85-15% chance of it connecting with little risk or a F-Mk fot the overhead kick then grab or flame kick. but careful when doing the overhead kick watch for a somersault again. if theres no somersault grab him again. and keep the offense with flame kicks and short chicken wings and rekkas and this will shut alot of guile players down. Patience is virtue in this one.

Hope this helps. Good luck. Now go unleash your Inner Dragon!!!


I play Guiles who throw flash kicks and Sonic Booms from the crouching position.

Don’t know what kind of Guiles your playing. :wonder:

To all Fei Long Players…

Many of you probably seen this Fei Long Tutorial video before. Just in case there are some who hasn’t…


Even if it’s Old school ST, the same still applies somewhat.

hmmmm nice video i didnt know u can cross up after the HP anti air (though i never learned how to cross up yet), i learned a few helpful things. but anyway i was jus giving a stretegy of certain guile players. i never said i was perfect against them. but i did beat alot of guiles even today with this strategy.

but as far as the video goes does this concept apply only for classic mode or can they apply to both classic and HD Remix

I am pretty sure those CW set ups no longer work due to the extra recovery frames on the CW. Maybe Sirlin should have had the extra recovery on the Short version of CW and had the block loop/combo allowing stuff on the Forward/Roundhouse CW. That way the Fei player would have to choose to use the Short CW in a defensive/ semi- offensive safe advancing way, and the Forward/Roundhouse version in an strictly offensive manner, sans the invincibility but with all the properties that make the high risk of it worth it in the ability to combo Standing Fierce or cr. Jab X 3 -> Rekka on hit, or loop on block.

Some of them can apply to HD remix, the only things that won’t apply are the rekka kick combos.

I don’t know if this was lag but I was playing a good zangief today and notice that he kept SPDing me out of mid flame kick animation. Man, gief owns at close distances

that cross up trick from the video wont work in HD remix either