Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

you can also link a c.hp, but it’s hard. almost always dizzies.

Jab headbutt and stored ochio raped fei in ST and still rapes him here in HDR.

I like Fei more in this one.

I’ve only played a couple times now. However, is it just me, or do Rekkas not “bounce” Fei back off the opp anymore? Like, yes, the range was increased in this version. But in original ST, a peak range fierce blocked rekka would push fei back just enough to be at perfect range to start the series again with a fierce rekka afterwards, which was great for people who flinched. Now, with the increased range, fei also seems to go through his opp’s guard more :frowning:

A couple questions:

Is there a way to do the flaming kick from crouching that won’t be telegraphed?

When I’ve tried, Fei will stand up for a split second before performing the kick, which kind of defeats the purpose of being able to do the move from crouch (since I’m essentially standing right before it comes out).

Secondly, how do you guys handle Ryu/Ken/Akuma’s hurricane kicks?

I was playing some guy yesterday and was winning each match pretty easily, until he started to spam Ryu’s hurricane kicks. Then the tides began to turn and every round was an insanely tough fight. I eventually started using Rekkas to close the distance/trade and c.strong to duck under/punish recovery, but I wanted to know if there was a better way to handle it. Whenever I tried throwing after blocking, I would usually get thrown instead, and it seems like the horizontal range on short flaming kick makes it difficult to time properly; the risk to reward didn’t seem worth it, either.

  1. kara cancel c.lp in flamekick ,that way you dont stand up
  2. see point 1 ^^ wait in crouch block for the tatsu to cross you, then input c.lp in flamekick (the other way)

also, forget about throwing after tatsumaki, it doesnt have landing recovery.

fierce rekka all day. it’ll make him think twice about doing random dps again

i dont like the fact that CW feels really nerfed. why did they have to take away one of the few things fei had like comboing off it.

i also am having a lot more trouble comboing meaty cl.fierce link cl.fierce x rekka.

he doesnt dizzy as fast in HDR. ive done xup mk cl.fierce rekka then as there getting up cl.fierce linked into cr.fierce and NO DIZZY, EVER. like WHAT. they usually have like a mp worth of health after this and no dizzy? yeaaah ok

Great, thanks for the advice. Practiced it a couple times in training mode and seems to work well. Now I just need to do it in a match.

Alright, time for another question: Last night, I was playing against Balrog, and at least once per match he’d get me into the headbutt throw trap (whiff headbutt, headbutt throw, during my recovery crossover, cr. jab tick, headbutt throw). I had no idea how to get out of it. I tried: reversal throwing, but would usually eat the jab tick or lose out to headbutt throw priority; I also tried flame kick, but the timing seems really tight and Fei would just end up crouch blocking anyway. Although I don’t really play that many boxers, it would be nice to know for when I do run against one.

Fei’s throw range is tied for shortest in the game, so you can’t counter his headbutt throw with another throw if he times it right. Best answer is negative edge flame kick.

i don’t have specific numbers on throw ranges, but if boxer has perfect spacing you cannot get out at all except with a reversal (either flamekick or super, chickenwing is unfortunately throwable).

if you are 100% sure he will throw you, just drum the buttons to increase your chances for a reversal. now that all hits of feis flamekick knock down you don’t have to worry about hitting him with the tip of a MK or HK flamekick.

That’s pretty lame. I thought they shortened his range and yet he still has more than Fei!

for some reason close s.mp, c.lp, super is really easy compared to c.lk and c.mk into super.

At least for me anyway.

How are you guys dealing with bison? I can’t seem to find a good counter for scissor kicks.

From what I’ve experienced, Rekkas and Flaming kicks usually trade, although I’m not 100% on this. I’ll test against a friend of mine who has a good Bison.

Walk forward FP

Okay so I’m chugging along in Ranked, and all I do is spam Roundhouse chicken wing like a scrub.

I KNOW in the back of my mind that spamming chicken wing will get me stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey against any good player (hence “like a scrub”), but I’ve done it so much it’s become a habit, and, really? It’s still working for me, I win consistently with this strategy.

Would it be better for me to make the effort to break the habit now? Or wait until I start losing?

Shhh I don’t want them figuring that out!

Yeah…and eat standing RH kicks in the process?

Bison is probably Fei’s worst match in ST HD besides Vega(claw) and Akuma.

Do you really think those are worse then Honda? I just feel powerless anytime I face him…

Speaking of which, what are some good answers for Fei against Honda’s c.strong, threatening headbutt? I haven’t experimented it much because I haven’t played many Hondas online but right now I’m thinking f+forward or chicken wings might clear it.