I have a question. When is it good to use CW? I opt not to do it because it is largely unsafe. I know it sails over fireballs and can provide some nasty juggles. Helps me please.
I have a question. When is it good to use CW? I opt not to do it because it is largely unsafe. I know it sails over fireballs and can provide some nasty juggles. Helps me please.
I tend to CW whenever in range, in fact it’s pretty much the backbone of my offense. Of course I’m a noob so take it as it is. I’d rather CW in than regularly jump in. If it misses I’ll usually land close enough for a throw, or a sweep. Even though it has really low priority, it’s odd movement usually catches people off guard, plus it tends to hit over top of crouching blockers. Also by CWing a lot I can set up the Rekkas easier as people tend to expect my jump in. It’s important to switch up it’s distances, and I’ve had it crossover once or twice but it seems like shenanigans. It juggles nicely as you’ve said, though I find when following it up with a flame kick it needs to be timed right, if the opponent is too high in the air you won’t get much damage from it.
However it has plenty of drawbacks landing too close can get you thrown yourself, and it gets punished hard by DP type attacks. Hell, even a jumping fierce can disrupt it. So that’s my take on it, but I’m pretty horrible, so chances are you had already realized all of these things.
Is meaty low fierce into wrekkas harder in HD Remix?
Please say yes so I don’t feel like an idiot for fucking it up all the time.
Thanks for the info dude.
Nope, they’re easier as the input and timing window for the Rekkas is more forgiving in Remix than ST. I find that I have to do the Rekkas slower than ST though, not just after cr.Fierce but doing a full Rekka as well.
I think I found linking cfp into mp rekka works best
I’ll try the mp wrekkas…
Startup wasn’t changed on them right? I hope not… It’s hard getting used to the new wrekkas, and staying safe. But spanking them for a whiff from half screen away is awesome.
I have what may be a stupid question. I have looked through this thread, as well as the original Turbo’s Fei thread… and can’t seem to find an answer.
I am just learning Fei and have been having problems especially with Ken. His jab SRK ruins me, and I can’t really find something to punish whiffed trips or whiffed SRKs.
Am I missing something?
Is there an easy-mode way for characters without a DP to hit Fei out of the chicken wing? It seems to beat or trade everything I throw at it and, unless I’m playing a command-grabber, it feels unsettling having him land so close to me when I block it.
CWs always lost to Sim’s slides.
CW loses to a lot of air attacks, it even loses to regular hurricane kicks somehow. (you’d figure by the angle he comes at he’d actually win out) They can also bait it and sweep it.
I’m having a lot of problems with Dhalsim, personally. Specifically his long range s. mk. It beats chicken wing most of the time, and combined with his fireball it can be hell to get to him. Sometimes I psychic flame kick it, or duck it and advance with a rekka, but for the most part it’s a pretty hard situation to be in.
Does it bother anyone else that Fei has a really hard time against most characters? I mean what are his “good” matchups?
Well, let’s see…he beats Blanka for sure (blocked balls are really unsafe against Fei), and he goes pretty even with uh, Cammy…It’s not very hard to beat, uh…Thawk. And, he doesn’t do half bad against Zangief. Oh, and depending on who you ask, Fei beats Chun-Li.
So, I guess, to answer your question, MAYBE Chun-Li, and no one else that matters, lol. Although, to be fair, his matchups are mostly better now. IMO the only matches that are just downright WTF brutal are Sagat and Guile. Sagat is even a bit easier now, but it still sure is really fucking hard.
If you want opinions from much better Fei-Long players, you can just look at this, though:
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of players jump short at chicken wings. And they seem to beat it. I’ve pretty much given up on them for closing distance now, and only use them once I get them into a crouching mindset.
That tier listing isn’t for HDR, though.
I’d say his worst matchup I’ve encountered is Honda. I pretty much feel he loses to most charge characters lol. I feel he excels at shotos. And I do agree that he gives Blanka trouble, which is good to have in his arsenal. That’s my early impression of Fei.
honda, besides him you can fight any match with some savyness.
VS gief - beats all jump ins
S.Lk beats a LOT of shit. It beats Blanka balls (though it’s better to just block them) and most of his jump ins, and it beats Honda’s torpedos and most of HIS jump-ins - and even his Hand slaps if he does it from far ranges.
I don’t think that’s the case. Fei’s standing hard punch can put a hurting on a randomly headbutting honda while also trading with hands at certain distances. (of course they can punish your recovery, but that’s why you mix it up with c. hp) Honda is also nice and fat which makes him easy to cross up with j. mk and go into a rekka combo (I find c. lp, lp rekkas to be the safest and most reliable way to follow up the cross up and it still does 50% damage in total) He’s pretty hard, but not his worst match I don’t think.
I’d say his worst match is probably against Vega. Vega’s jab has more range than fierce rekkas, and he can constantly harass with it while pushing Fei out for free. If you try to flame kick it and miss he can slide. If you try to jump in or chicken wing he can just flip kick. I think that’s way harder than dealing with honda.
i need help dealing with DJ and guile? any suggestions?
What are your anti-Vega off the wall shenanigans?
Well I try predict what he’s going to do, and more or less what trajectory he’ll probably take. Generally they want to go over your head and hit you from behind. In any case RH flame kick is really hard for them to deal with, but chicken wing can work sometimes too.
I also started using toward + RH more. It’s really good and it’s pretty under utilized. It advances you, has good range, decent priority, and really good dizzy. You can even link a sweep off of it which I didn’t even realize until my friend pulled it off on me by mashing buttons. (Of course c. mp is easier to link, but then there’s no knock down)
As for the vega crouching jab problem I’m probably going to try out c. mk and sweep as counters. I studied vega’s hit box during the move and his vulnerable hit boxes move a whole lot forward when he does it. Specifically his knee is a good place to aim for when timing a counter strike. I know the computer is able to pull it off on me with some consistency, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to do the same when I’m being jabbed into oblivion.