Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

Ah this is true. The person I usually play against always punishes me when he uses Blanka. Is it me or is the deck stacked when using Fei against Blanka?

You should have no problems keeping the presure on chun or keeping her out. Just don’t randomly throw out Chicken wings, mix up the rekkas, and most of all if you see the woman jump roast her ass. Fei beats out lots of Chun’s stuff if I am not mistaken.

Meaty FP into FP xx rekka is nasty! I have had some problems vs Zangief and wondered what people do? Personally I like to look for meaty c.FP into FP rekka, it combo’s and is hit comfirmable to the rest of the rekkas. I like to stop on the FP rekka most of the time to keep a good distance. Sometimes I do, c.fp,c.fp…wait, FP rekka and see if it hits or not, if not then stop and do a lk hotwing. I avoid using chicken wing unless its an anticipatory antiair so I can combo into another chickenwing then super, or just fk hotwing.

As for antiairs I have been pretty successful with lk,hotwing most of the time, s.fp and s.mk(I think) are good in situational moments.

Any other tips?

Why are you doing close meaty attacks on Zangief, especially ones like crouching fierce that you have to do meaty super early to combo off of? Giefs are just gonna react to that and spd/super most of the time.

Just zone him out with your solid normals, not much need to get deep into his face.

getting back in the groove…

hey all… getting my fei on in HDR, and I need some practice! if you wanna add me on PSN, i’d appreciate it

PSN: giantnine

also, re: honda:

I’ve found lots of ‘em fall for the ol’ ‘keep jumping til they headbutt and then j.mk, meaty fp/crossup c-wing’ game. that and it seems like you can almost beat the headbutt by spamming s.sk.

game on!

What are the best/quickest ways you guys know of to dizzy opponents? I only really know of say, toward roundhouse into c.fierce. Are there other standard links/setups that wreck people into dizzies?

Meaty c.fierce >> c.fierce seems to dizzy like, half the time.

dizzying for fun and profit

the f.rk -> c.fp is a good one. i’ve also gotten common dizzies off of chickenwing, f.rk and f.rk, f.rk (first is as a meaty mindgame). meaty fp -> fp or f.rk or c.fp works too.

I have a lot of trouble with Bison matchups. It’s okay if I can pin him down, but half the time if feels like I either can’t catch him or reversal his strings. I end up eating a lot of scissor kicks on the startup of my moves. Any advice?

Hey, Im having trouble with that match too! Stop beating on scrubs son. JK good games.

Haha good games man. In all fairness I’m still learning Fei, and it becomes obvious in some of the execution such as failed rekka strings or reversal flame kicks. That’s something only exp. will fix.

They should have let the RH chicken wing have comboability since its the easiest to reverse if used in a trap, might as well give it some kind of utility

bison was an equal matchup in ST, now it’s horrible for fei since CW loop is gone.


I swear.

And she happens to be one of my other 2 mains.

Both she and Fei do really well against Shotos though.

But Honda is evil.

Fei is RTSD, not Stand Still, Snuff Shit.

Man, Short Chicken Wing is too godly, especially against Shotos. LOL. Started playing Fei when HD came out and here I thought you had to time the CWs and get over the fireballs. Life was made easier thanks to this find by people.

Short CW works so well vs dahlsim

Really? The only Dhalsim I’ve played shuts it down without a problem lol.

Slides eat CW up for free, or far cr. strong/fierce from farther away

CW kicks lose to drills and slides now :slight_smile: Fei is more Dhalsim’s bitch than ever.

Ya, I guess thats true. I just had some good success vs non slide pokes/FB’s to get me into that sweet spot.