i played good kens. lost and won some. to me that match up u gota wait till he fuks up. ones he fuks up there gos 40-50% of his life with the combos i do. but im still having the hardest time play vs honada man. his charge literally just beats everything i have.i gota go vega just to win vs him.
I’m not sure how much this helps, but Fei’s S.Lk will beat the torpedos clean most of the time (actually, I’ve never been hit out of a S.Lk yet, but I’m not dumb enough to say EVERY time), and it’s really good for beating the Handslaps, as long as it’s not a meaty handslap.
jabs beat that stuff too, but that’s not the issue. The problem is that fei really has no way of mounting an offense, Honda can just sit there and headbutt most of the round.
If standing short and standing jab both beat both hands and headbutt, why does Fei need to mount an offense now?
haha that’s exactly my problem with honda. this is my hardest matchup by far. it’s funny cause i pick vega in this situation as well.
i added you on psn but never seem to be on at the same time to play against you.
quick question, do you guys use rekka’s a lot? i feel like i either trade hits, they hit me out of it, or they block and get a free attack after.
Because turtling is lame, obviously.
Who cares about winning?
Because he suffers from the same problems that cammy does vs honda.
do you all believe they may possibly patch Fei??..from the responses to his changes so far he seems alittle weak : (
I played a bunch of matches against a pretty good Gief player, and found out about that CW deficiency myself. I think against Zangief you really have to drop the CW and use rekkakens to poke at him (they will put you out of the range of his SPD). I would poke him into a corner than just walk up to him and toss him when I saw him just blocking low. When he went to jump out I’d either CW or flame kick. I found out that you really never want to try to get him to stand up on a fierce… more painful SPDs.
all you need against gief is c.hp, if he jumps HK, and an occasional flamekick and rekka. been like that since ST.
I recently picked up Fei Long for HDR since I can finally do his CW. I have to say I like him a lot. I don’t notice anything bad about his CW yet (since I didn’t play him in ST).
I think that puts me at an advantage since I don’t need to relearn the timing.
C.HP is godlike in my opinion. I CW in and then c.HP twice. If it connects it is a free dizzy pretty much. I have had a ton of success with it. If the opponent catches on, you do a lk.CW and continue on. I am sure against pros it wont work as well.
Yeah as a Blanka player playing against a decent Fei earlier today…as long as the timing is right Blanka will get hit by FULL REKKA everytime after a Blanka ball on hit or block. Least that’s the way it seemed. The few times I didn’t get hit after hitting a Blanka ball all seemed due to the opponent not immediately reacting with Rekka. I was only able to stay safe after using a Blanka ball if the Fei player is caught off guard and their timing is off. I basically played a Blanka ball less Blanka in the matchup. Which wasn’t terrible since Blanka’s normals are still good in the matchup and if you throw him Blanka’s bite always hurts big. Maybe you guys can add in more input but it’s not like this matchup is gonna come up a whole lot yet online.
Hey guys, kind of a noob with this guy…so would anyone be willing to show me the ropes over msn possibly?
I’ve played as Fei against good Blankas and as Blanka against good Feis, and I’m almost 100% sure that Blanka’s Roll can be countered by full Rekka everytime on hit or block. Might possibly only be the Fierce Roll though, cuz I haven’t tried Jab or Strong Roll.
This thread confirmed my suspicion on being able to hit Blanka after a blocked Blanka ball with a fierce Rekka. I am also sure that people here know that a blocked rekka = pain through blanka ball.
I really do like what they done with Fei Long in this mix of ST. He feel more complete to me now.
MYST! You big bastard! I missed ya. You need to give me ya cell num.
Anyway, yeah, I’m having problems with CHun Li. I can’t keep the bitch out. Everytime…walk up…throw…lighting kicks on wake up.
I flame kick the shit out her on wake up everytime though. But she still gets in and throws, wake up kicks.
man, i’m having such a hard time adapting to the new rekka timing and strings. I can never ever get the third one to come out, I always rush it like you’re supposed to in ST
Here are some safe rekka strings, could be done anywhere on the screen.
Jab, Jab, C. jab, Jab Rekka, Strong Rekka, Jab Rekka- Safe from sweep and throw range.
Cross over Foward, S. Jab, S. Jab, C. Jab, Jab, Rekka, Strong Rekka, Jab Rekka- Safe from sweep and throw.
Cross over foward, C. Jab, S. Fierce- This takes some practice to time the fierce after the jab, count in seconds if you must to get adjusted.
Cross over foward, C. Jab, s. Fierce- Safe from throw and sweeps.
Cross over foward, C. Jab, S. Fierce Jab Rekka, Strong Rekka, Jab Rekka.- Safe from throw and sweeps.
Jump in foward, S. Strong, C. Strong- Safe from throws and sweeps.
Jump in Fierce, S. Jab, Strong Rekka, Strong Rekka, Jab Rekka- safe from throws and sweeps.
S, Jab, C. Jab, Short Flame Kick. safe from sweeps.
Yeah but a blocked rekka can’t be so bad if you can just potentially rekka him right back after it hits?
…especially when the damage is usually 30% and up. I call that a nice trade!:woot: