i assumed he was talking about juggles. comboing into c.lp rekkas as you say works, but imo it’s too unreliable.
Any chance you could video this.
I’ve been trying out fei, im terrible lol, but the chicken wing just sails over fireballs lol, actually beat down Dhalsim with just that lol.
Does step-in kick after a blocked Blanka Ball still connect??
So, I was one of those shoto-fags that everyone loved to hate… in HF, I always played as Ryu or Ken. Well, I’m fixing that now, and one of the characters I’m trying to play as is Fei-Long. I think I’ve got a decent grasp of the basics, but what are some of things I should keep in mind when playing Fei-Long? So I get wrecked less frequently.
haha i actually feel the same way about shotos. maybe it’s cause i face them a lot more i know what to expect/do then when i play a rog or vega player.
i’m on psn so i’ll add you. i’ve been playing a lot with other srkers in a room. i’ll invite next time that happens.
I like cr.lk, cr.lp (or standing lp) -> rekka x3 (or dk or super) because it hits low and is confirmable. You can also substitute hp for lp if you’re following with rekka. I usually go for these after doing a few overheads on their wakeup to condition them to block high.
Judging by the hitboxes, cr.mp is fei’s longest poke, but the blue and red seem to overlap completely, meaning it will always trade if the opp is sticking something out?
looks like you’ve answered your own question.
I have spent a ton of time checking Fei out thoroughly over the past 3 days and I have some very interesting things to say about him.
First, I wanna say thanks to D.Sirlin for helping to create such a great product. The game is a Godsend and it’s been nonstop fun. I am soo exhausted from playing but I love it.
Now onto Fei and the things I have discovered.
Believe it or not, Fei feels alot like A3 Fei long now. Everything from his rekkas to his meaty attacks seem different and feel alot like a3 but that’s just what it felt like to me. He feels heavier, like operating an SUV version of Fei whereas OG ST fei was like handling a go cart. He has alot more slop now, but nothing practice can’t remedy.
Overall I am gonna say that Fei Long is too damned strong now. I know, I know…I was pissin and moanin about Fei sucking but hear me out. I was both right and wrong.
Fei is beefed up too much because of one thing. His Rekka Punches. I was toying with these things alot and holy shit, it’s as if he’s king of the floor now against most fighters. I spent HOURS playing some really good Sagat players and Guile players and even they were like DAYUM!
His corner trap patterns still work great but you have to sorta guage the distance on the fly to be effective. Here is what I found.
- If you’re still in the habit of staying within Fei’s original ST range for rekka pressure you gotta change it up by starting it with STRONG punch. What’s good about this is that if you connect with strong you can still combo the rekkas using all strong punches. If it’s blocked you can create your own tempo. Strong-Jab…wait. Strong, strong, jab. You would not believe how many times I did FIERCE, strong, jab and got OWNED by low fwd kicks, scissor kicks and punches.
I would recommend getting used to Fei’s new ground superiority and start gauging where he can stand back as far as possible and still connect cleanly with his all fierce rekkas. This alone makes him insanely good on the ground now.
- His CW kicks are a mixed back now. But by far the most useful is the short kick version for several reasons.
It’s an easy overhead now, goes through fireballs…and if you do it at the right distance you get pushed back enough to be safe most of the time. In one match i was about to die and a honda player was doing hand slaps as I was getting up…I am known for doing wake up CW kicks in ST and I was able to pull off a wake up short CW and it breezed right through the hands and gave me all 3 hits of the cw kick …resulting in a KO for me. Everyone in the room was like WTF!? Crazy indeed.
His fwd and rh versions of the CW are kinda shitty IMO because you gotta be LUCKY enough to catch someone in the air with these things and set up a juggle. I rarely use them…and if I do it’s to gain ground in a hurry.
- His super. It’s stupid good now. All five hits of block damage, almost every single time. Only DeeJay was able to kick me out of it using his carnival kicks.
Now, Fei’s biggest weakness is his short flame kick. You can’t use it like you used to in st. His recovery is horrible and you can punish the crap out of him now. Not only that but it doesn’t DIG anymore like Sagats tiger uppercut for some reason. I was fighting a really good sim player and he was sliding right into my flame kicks and not ONCE did I hit him whereas in ST I would scoop sim players off the floor like crazy! Why these nerfs were done to his flame kick I will never know.
IMHO I would be perfect if he had his rekka damage toned down and his old ST short flame kick back. I wll post again soon when I find out more stuff.
Crouching FP.
I can’t get around my friend’s Akuma, Gief, or Blanka. He crouch blocks alot, and I can’t get close to deliver a f MK. If I try to chicken wing, I get an anti air. I can CW him on wake up if I’m close enough, then I can play mix up with c.FP and weak CW or Throw if I weirded him out too much. But besides from that, I just need all around help. I tend to CW too much, and I don’t know much about Fei Long’s normals. I do know that I can poke with my Rekka, but besides from that, I’m horrible at defense, so I tend to go all out, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. So general help will be appreciated. I’ll be on sometime around 5-7 pm central time.
I can relate to that situation and I’m not offering an end all be all approach to those types of playstyles but this is what has been helping me in that situation.
If I’m at a distance, I slowly close the gap with one jab rekka. The range seems really deceptive to people as it usually gets me in range of a fierce rekka if I’m patient enough and space just right. But yeah, I’ve been inching in using jab rekkas a lot to get into a zone or space that I feel more comfortable at and opens up the rest of Fei’s options. Just jab rekka, wait, wait, jab rekka, then REKKA BARRAGE! lol
I’m a day one Fei, so I’m not supposing this is a relatively new concept, but Fei has a pretty cool Rekka string on most characters: From as far as you can execute a Fierce Rekka, just do Fierce, Strong.
This is great for two reasons: It’s a hit-confirm on its own, and it’s very safe against most of the cast. If it’s blocked, you’re out of the range of almost every characters’ normals. Otherwise, you have the time it takes to land both Rekkas to hit-confirm it and end with another Fierce.
There are some exceptions, though: You can’t do this from max range against Honda, Bison, Sagat, and maybe Guile (I was just testing this five minutes ago, I can’t believe I already forgot :/). However, if you do it slightly closer than max range, you still get the same result - it’s quite a bit harder, though, due to these characters coincidentally having long-ranged normals.
There are a few people it doesn’t work 100% on, either:
Blanka will still be able to land his slide kick.
Balrog can still hit you with S.Hp.
Vega will still be in range to hit you with just about everything.
I don’t even think I need to mention that Dhalsim will still be in range, so it’s kind of useless against him. A neat little shenanigan that’s worth knowing, though, is that if he tries to tick you with his slide kicks, he’ll still be well out of throw range. I wouldn’t depend on anybody falling for that, though.
Anyways, this is a pretty big deal, in my opinion. Even on the characters who can still hit you (Vega and Dhalsim aside), this is really useful. It allows you to be completely safe from almost every counter-attack, and you can be aptly prepared for most attacks that CAN hit you from that range.
I expect this tactic to fall apart a little bit when considering special moves that move you forward, but even those don’t put you at a real disadvantage. Overall, I’d say the reward outweighs the risk with this tactic.
Awesome post, Jumpsuit.
I am still pretty n00b, and I haven’t played great players yet, but it seems like Chicken Wing makes for more of an overhead air-to-ground approach than an anti-air attack. I looked at the frame data for the short version and it looks like it could be used to go through pokes up close.
Well, I played again today for about 3 hours straight in ranked matches and I came across one match vs a really good ken player. Completely zoned my fei even with his new cw kick that goes through fireballs.
He would toss a fireball and I would try all sorts of different distances to get through it and he would simply walk up and sweep me for free. It was very frustrating. I will have to have someone practice with me to see just how tough it is to get in even with this new cw kick.
On a side note, ALL of the CW kicks are practically useless vs Gief. Even if you connect, you get OWNED with SPD’s every single time.
Yeah, had to find that out myself against a really good Gief. I felt like I was just handing out free spds.
When you were fighting that Ken what did you do on jump in before he sweeped? I tend to throw out the air jab. That thing seems to beat alot of stuff it probably shouldn’t.
Shotos are probably the opponents i feel most comfortable against with Fei for some reason. But I probably haven’t fought one of the caliber you faced.
I’ve had the same problems with guile when it comes to CW. you can only chicken wing from very specific distances now that its so easy to beat out
Yeah, against a good fireballer, using the Chicken Wing to go through fireballs is pretty pointless - the trajectory is just too slow.
same thing happened to me while playing vs. a good dj, for him it’s even easier, just walk forward, HK or slide. that’s one of the reasons i wasn’t too impressed with lk CW.
Is it not possible to combo in 3 Rekkas after a j.mk -> s.fierce?
somehow i think sirlin completely forgot about the fei vs honda matchup
I knew this would happen, I’d figured it would go like a honda match. CW thru fireball, get swept. Rinse and repeat.