Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

yeah i have mad problems with claw too. i can’t seem to put pressure which is how i play with every other character.

i also can’t seem to get 3x rekka’s to connect. i tried every combination but it still never connects. what am i doing wrong?

I’m assuming you’re getting the first two to connect with little problem ya?

Try using fierce to practice, do the first two then conciously input the third rekka slower than the first two. Basically, input the last rekka when the second one connects and get the feeling for that. If you were to count to 4 in terms of beats, it’d be kinda like 1st, 2nd, -, 3rd. Not quite that slow but that may help. Tough to put into words but I too was having problems with it and this helped me.

^thank you for the tip! the first 2 connect but it’s the last one that they either block or i can’t pull it off. that’s exactly the problem i’m having.

are you on psn? i would love to watch and play your fei long. would also like to hear what you think of my playskill.

I’m not liking the lessened frame advantage on Fei’s flip kick at all. I’m pretty sure that in certain situations I’m being left at a slight disadvantage (-1 ish). It seems like Zangief players have been able to SPD my recovery if the last hit of the kick hits sort of high. Has anyone else noticed this?

Yes I have, I knew this was gonna happen even before the release. Only “buff” he got was longer rekka reach. Whoo hoo.

First impression is that Fei seems worse. His longer rekkas are nice, but also bad in that they can leave you unsafe. And it’s nice that chicken wing is usable and that the short version goes through fireballs, but does it really have to be so crappy on on block/hitstun? I hit a Zangief player with it today, tried to jump in expectation of spd (planning to come down and combo into rekkas), and he grabbed me out of my prejump frames. Chicken wing seems like an unusable move against Zangief and Hawk from anything but max range.

Love his super though. And being able to actually piano reversal flame kicks is great, nice not having to worry that my reversal might not knock down.

Yeah, CW isn’t very cool anymore, but the flame kick is nice now, have yet to juggle with it though, the situations I can do it in occur to infrequently to make me learn to use it.

EDIT: Anyone notice after some extended play, the music eventually stops playing during matches?

Afterblocking a blanka ball, free rekkas?

what worked in ST for me was to use lots of c.MP as a poke. beats out slide if done early. spam c.MP and concentrate on when to do flamekick. you have to be very careful in this match. maybe now with the increased rekka range you can do a HP rekka if claw tries to poke with c.MP from time to time, but that’s just me speculating.

What do you guys use against Claw’s flying drop when it is too late to do the flame kick?
I instinctively try to use close HP or j.LK.

Nope. No free rekka after Blanka ball.

BUT! Flame kicks beat the rainbow roll.

And Blocked rekka = free Blanka ball

Unless you do HP, MP and stop(if it’s blocked) if the MP hits you can finish it with another MP.

Chicken Wing hits if blanka does that super jump. Chicken Wing loses to rainbow roll, and some of blanka’s normals. Chicken Wing has some crossup potential, but only if the last foot hits, and you have to do it late late.

You can combo flying kicks off eachother. If you catch the guy in the air, you can hit them with an HK flying kick, then again with another MK flying kick, then you can hit them with a flame kick. You can get some pretty great damage off this. Alternatively, you can combo into the super, rather than the flame kick. It usually only has one hit, but you can usually land 2 against the wall. Haven’t tried this with Rekkas…

you cannot combo flying kicks with rekkas. flying kick into flying kick into super has been around since ST.
ST juggle limit: 3 hits (3 chickenwings are possible if they each hit with 1 hit only)
supers break the juggle limit, so you could add a super after the 3 hits or even after 1, the super only hits with a maximum of 4 hits though.

hdr juggle rules:
4 hits are possible and flame kick juggles after flying kick. (special rule for fei accodring to sirlins blog).


Fei can do his CW, into C. Jab into Rekka, or even Shin Rekka. I’ve been screwing around with this today and found out on big characters (have not tested on small characters) that fei does have his old combo, it’s just tuned down alot.

Fei needs to be at a distance, and have his third hit of the CW hit, the third hit must hit in order for the C. Jab to connect, if the CW hits twice, fei is in recovery frame from the CW attack. Although the damage is shit, it is still able to combo and even build up meter and knock down which is good no matter what. the legend goes

----, Cw, Last hit Only! C. Jab, rekka x3
----, Cw, Last hit only! C. Jab, Flame Kick

It’s difficult to pull off some of his advance shit, I’ll post later, here are some basic ones and a dizzy

---- Close, S. Jabx3, c. jab, Rekka= 7
----- Close, S. Jab, C. Jab, Rekka=5
---- Cross over with Foward, S. Jab x3, C. Fierce= Dizzy I don’t know how this works exactly but I pulled it off twice after countless retries, note this combo was done on Gief Still have no idea how it was pulled off.

I am still fucking around with fei, Will post shit later.

I hate how I can finally do chicken wings with ease now, but the sole reason I needed to be able to do chicken wings has been stripped from the game.

chicken wing into s. Fierce repeat was so much fun too. :frowning:

I am on PSN but to be honest, I’m really bad at this game, I would be in no position to judge your Fei or your overall game haha.

The lack of frame advantage on chicken wing took me awhile to get use to. That said though, I am finding more and more applications for it.

My stance on Fei is that I feel comfortable against any shoto with him but outside of that I feel he has a lot of bad matchups again haha. He’s still the most fun to play for me though.

…there’s vanilla ST on the there, ya’ know. :wink:

and yes, i miss the lockdown also. :sad:

You can rekka blocked blanka balls, it’s just strict timing and if you fuck up you get a blanka ball to the face.

yes i have caught lots of blankas after ball but i prolly got lucky lol.so far im owning alot with fei but i have alotof problems with turtles. any advice on that?

Vanilla ST with that goddamn tiger knee motion. I hate that thing. End up jumping and getting dped for free. :shake: