Which version of SSF2T HD Remix are you getting?

Hmmm, I thought the DOA4 stick is pretty good at the price. Anyway, I got both versions, 360 version for the superior connection (play online), and PS3 version, b/c I have a HRAP3 and a HRAP2 + convertor (local).

Hurry up with that. I’m itching to play you again like old times.

i just got a PS3 so thats the one im buying, if i see theres no comp or a lot of lag, dc etc, i think ill buy or trade for a 360 and my HRAP2SA for a Madcatz SF IV stick.

im playing on both, and the comp and online play on xbla trumps psn hard, it doesnt help either that psn interface is insanely un-intuitive in trying to play friends. it’s a real shame, i hope ps3 owners get a massive fix soon. no one should suffer

/me awaits for people to start jumping in and whining that im biased or some bs.

Well I 100% agree with you. Sooo many good players on 360 so far.

Kinda pisses me off some of the online related problems the ps3 version is having (360 has some too).

Capcom: hurry and patch please!

Oh yeah, Im playing on 360 to stay on topic lol.

i haven’t played the 360 vers. but if it doesn’t mysteriously disconnect every fourth game, then it’s already exponentially better than ps3

I’ve got em both and I gotta say the xbox version is definitely the better of the two. The online just feels smoother. I do wish the xbox version’s ranked matches used 2 rounds to win like the ps3 version does though.

Got it for PS3 because the PS3 is what I’ve got.

Voting “lol wat” because I didn’t know I could get SSF2T on 360 or PS3!

Honestly though, it’s very interesting to see the 360 take lead after the game’s actual release, even after all this time of PS3 being ahead in this very old poll.

I went with the 360 version, as I prefer LIVE over the Playstation Network… and I also love cheesemints.

Oh man, I feel for the PS3 only folks. I picked it up tonight to give the XCM Cross Battle Adapter a test. I refreshed for 30 minutes and barely found any friendly matches that weren’t full… Most of them only allowing 2 or 3 players. When I finally got into two sub 45 ping rooms (one was 29!) they were filled with HORRIBLE lag. I appreciate XBL a shit-ton more now.

I have them both. :smiley: but I have a stick for the ps3. just hit at me!

X360 Wish the online ranking worked but hey as long as matches are playable I’m good.

xbox version as well.

I almost regret buying a PS3 for fighting games, especially now that I’m getting a MadCatz SFIV TE stick for the 360 and dual-modding it with a PS1 pad.

I also have SFIV reserved on the PS3…you think it’s worth ditching it for a 360 pre-order, and buying/playing STHD and SFIV on the 360 instead?

If you play a lot of local play keep the PS3 version as people can choose which console to use based on what stick they bring over.

Get a CE for one and SE for the other console. Or CE for both if you REALLY need those DLC costumes or whatnot.


360 since live is better.

I downloaded the PS3 version, the whole online thing is extemely lame, almost makes me want to dish out some money for a 360

Is this still a good purchase for xbox 360? I purchased this on a different account, one that I don’t have any longer so in order to re buy it, I just want to know if it’s still active online… I hear the SFIV release stole a lot of users.