Which version of SSF2T HD Remix are you getting?

Poll coming.

It may or may not influence your decision in deciding which version to get.

all the big names are playing the Xbox360 version plus the community as a whole is much larger. plus since Live requires a fee to play, that means less children annoying people. and everyone got their custom sticks or thumbpad or custom d-pad, so controls won’t be a problem.

360 for myself, Friend might double dip unsure yet

I did realize that some people would double dip, therefore the poll is multiple choice.

It shouldn’t influence people, polls like this are never a good indicator of what the actual player %s are going to be.

PS3 for me

I would get it on XBL, but even my modded controller sucks on HF.

So, I guess I’ll have to deal with PS3’s “online”

Add me DiegoElFuego

Edit: Celsius, youre on my friendslist, see you tonight. LOL.

DC mayne!

seriously Xbxo360 but I’m very annoyed that MS has done very little to influence people’s choice for tournaments.


Do you seriously believe this… Especially about the children? Console wars aside, from what I have played on my 360 and what I have played on my PS3, whinning and generally annoying people are more on the 360. Gears 1 had like nonstop annoying people when I used to play that online. Conversely, Resistance, COD4 and MGO were fine online for the PS3 and I didn’t come into contact with all those childeren who have a PS3, like you say.

Seriously, do you ever stop to think about what you are saying. Just state what console you are getting it for and leave the console wars bullshit out of it.

I’ll probably eventually get it for both systems btw. PS3 first though.

  1. Once I get my 360 back from Microsoft. Gears2 is still shrink wrapped.

I own a ps3 so I will be on ps3 if anyone cares. By the way the game was suppose to be released today, but at 8am it wasn’t on sell! Today is the 25th isn’t it? I thought it was suppose to be on the ps3 today and 360 on 26th? I’m willing to guess some of the ELite players already have it because they was play testing it for capcom.

I will be playing on both, but the PS3 will get a lot more play from me.
360 is just so I can play with my friends who don’t have a PS3.

PS3. If anybody wants some scrub wins, my ID is Blue__Chips (2 underscores).

I think PSN updates a little later today.

let’s see by the numbers when both are out who has more players

oh yeah but xbox has the better players:confused:

BOTH ! Add Me !

I’m getting it for both consoles. I’m getting it for the 360 tomorrow and the PS3 version next month.

I’ll be adding as many people as I can over the next couple of days.

X Box 360.

Unless you’re able to win Evo matches consistently, there is going to be comp that can stomp you on both consoles. Getting one version or another due to competition isn’t going to matter for 95% of the people reading this.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow.