Xbox 360 for me, gonna pick between grey Vega and blue Vega color palettes to confuse my opponent and achieve victory!
The online community will be able to see my scrubbiness (sp?) that was hidden for over 10 yrs.
Xbox 360 for me, gonna pick between grey Vega and blue Vega color palettes to confuse my opponent and achieve victory!
The online community will be able to see my scrubbiness (sp?) that was hidden for over 10 yrs.
Thanks man I just saw it in the other thread! I guess I’m getting off at 4pm since its coming out at 5pm. I should get home just in time to start downloading before the psn gets overloaded with people trying to download hd remix. Does anyone remember the nightmere it was to DL the metalgear online demo?!?!?!?
The demo was free, I think it’d be a bit easier with this game considering it’ll cost a few bucks.
Both versions, though I still wish this was on PC.
both ~
I’m waiting till both versions are out to see which is the better one to go with. Go, indecisiveness!
Though, I’m leaning towards the PS3, just so I can finally put my modded HRAP3 to use. I know that if I use the 360’s d-pad, I will not enjoy the game at all.
Where’s the “Waiting for the never-to-be-released PC version” choice?
PlayStation 3.
Wow it’s dead even…
PS3 because I don’t have a 360 stick. Might get both since I prefer the Live community, if I can get a decent stick.
xbox 360
Seems pretty close over all. It really seems like it doesn’t matter what version you get, as long as you get it.
Unless of course you have friends with a 360 and some with a PS3. Any who, I am getting it for the PS3 as that’s the only system I own.
360 don’t have a PS3.
PS3, only one I got.
Arcade Sticks FTW!
2 x Pelican Adapters
2 x InPin Adapters
Better start using them adapters lulz.
i voted for ps3 because i don’t have a stick for 360 and it’s coming out a day earlier