Which version of SSF2T HD Remix are you getting?

Playstation 3

ps3 v

Some BS on PSN with my card, I havent used it since last year, and there was an overdraft when I charged it today for thism, so I could only put 10 in my wallet. If I were to add more, this game would cost me $50 in total. No fucking way I’d pay that.

Shoulda bought a XBL prepaid card and just tried to use my modded controller.

Fuck this.

playstation 3

PS3 no, RROD

Xbox 360, get to use my modded EX2 for an online game that actually has people playing it (looking at Fatal Fury Special).

I’m coppin both for no reason at all.

<–Get at me!!

^^ this.

Console Warz FTL!

I think a both option would make more sense than that “lol,what?” option…

But then I read that you can pick 2 answers and shutted the fuck up.

I’m gettin’ this for PS3.

If I ever get one. :sad:

PS3 for me:
2 x Pelican adapters.
2 x PS2 Saturn pads.
1 custom sanwa PS2 stick.

  1. It’s what I got. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m getting both.

360 two hori arcade sticks FTW Sexy…

Where is the both option?



Click on both the 360 and PS3…?

Haha, hope the UK users all chose the 360.
