Ended up getting the 360 version, despite that I’ll have to use that shitty fucking controller for a while… got it because it seems like it’s definitely the better version of the two. Might pick up the PSN one at some point.
Yeah, my hori is unusable trash.
Even the EX2 would be a luxury for me at this point… all I’ve got to work with is the 360 pad… trying desperately to hold off on buying a stick till the SF4 TE one is out.
The Hori’s a decent stick if you can pick it up for $40 or $50. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about it, but I took to it just fine. The stick feels like a Sanwa with longer engage points.
The Hori is not bad, at all. You’re crazy.
I had a DOA stick way back, but I dunno… it just felt crappy, and I really didn’t like the buttons or the stick. And apparently, they’re a bitch to mod. If anything, I’d get my HRAP3 dual-modded, which I might end up doing now that I think about it.
I trading in my PS3 for a 360. I got one just for fighting games and it seems like 360 simply has the better online interface. I was thinking of getting my HRAP 3 dual modded but there would be no headset jack. Besides I want to get the SF IV stick in feb.
Hori is awesome, best sticks made IMO. American clunky bullshit is weak, and faulty.
HRAP 2 SA for me.
Playing on PS3. bcchoi. add me.
PS3, since inPin adapters are much cheaper than XBL and a new/dual modded stick, even though I own a 360, and there’s more comp there
It kinda sucks that some of the top players are on XBL, since I’ve never gotten a chance to play them, and so far, the comp on PSN has been super scrubby
PSN ID: TheJollies
xbox 360 ftw. and to the people who say there is a bunch of little kids on XBL - they’re all playing halo, not paying 15 bucks for this game.
Exactly. I haven’t run into any kids on the 360 version yet… I think the worst you’ll find is some people who thought they were the shit back in '95 and actually suck at everything they attempt.
Bought a 360 yesterday just for HD Remix and SF4 in feb.
I just can’t sleep well knowing the demo is local multiplayer only.
All the potential future good players it repels is hurting my soul on the inside of the me. Seriously capcom. I think i’ll make a bot to spam every capcom forum urging them to patch this madness. Or not, but you get the point.
EDIT: i’m so super pissed i posted in the wrong sticky
I think forking over the money for a EX2 is worth it today IMO, and then you can just trash it for the madcatz stick early next year. The question is if you think the money is worth only about 3 months of play, regardless of the quality.
What controllers do you guys recommend for PS3? Does anyone use anything with a joypad?
I like an arcade stick too, but my beck always ends up hurting if I’m hunched over my coffee table too long.
can you use the anniversary stick (ps2) on the ps3 for hdremix?
Is there an EX2 joystick for PS3? I couldn’t find one. I’ve been thinking about getting a joystick (I’ve used controllers all my life for SF2), but then it seems like the SF4 joystick is the one to get.
I can wait for the “good” one, but by then my interest in SF will probably wane by Feb.
I’d prefer to get a PS3 joystick that I could use on the PC. Does wireless PS3 work?
I think http://www.amazon.com/Playstation-Soul-Calibur-Arcade-Stick-3/dp/B0018OCJ60/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1228340791&sr=1-2 is the PS3 version of the EX2