Which version of SSF2T HD Remix are you getting?

General consensus is that the Pelican converter (extremely rare) and the InPin (import from Korea via Laugh) are the best PS2 to PS3 converters.

You will have to talk to the user Laugh if you want to get an InPin converter though…

I’m on st hd remix right now on my ps3!!!


Gay!!! Is what I say, to this game NOT coming out for PC. Makes zero sense to me. Especially…since they plan on releasing SF4 on PC. :confused:


PS3…lol, wat?

It’s all I have.

I’m getting it for both systems. 30 dollars well spent :).

im gonna main the 360 version, since i feel that version will be more refined, when it comes to bugs and stability(im sure the beta has a lot to do with this logic). it’s had more of a chance to iron out bugs.

i will get ps3 version eventually as well, but mainly for offline use

xbox 360…

3siddy. Sucks to have to still wait for this though ;_;.


I don’t have a 360 (Nor do I want one for any reason) so, obviously PS3.

360 for now, but eventually I’ll do the same shit with this that I plan on doing for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe and getting both versions.

360 obviously, its always going to have more comp. Nice to see that a poll on srk reflects that FACT for once.

360 only because I do not have a PS3. I would have double-dipped otherwise.

360 only, more comp. and prolly better connections since we’re paying for it.

I’m gonna have to disagree completely. PS3 versoin has the better sticks, better d-pad if you’re using a controller, more mature community and I believe a lot of veterans are going with the PS3 version. Also, 360 has WAYYY more annoying kids playing. It’s almost unbearable.

That being said, I went with the PS3 version.

PS3. I have a Hori stick.

Might get the 360 version too if I can find a nice six button pad for it.

…doesn’t hurt that Cole, afrolegends, and Valle are on XBL also!

PS3, no stick for 360 :frowning:

I’ve only got a 360 so… yea… :slight_smile: