XBL must be better since you have to pay to go online.
I got the 360 one. My friend got the PS3 HDR and when I played on the 360 one then PS3 after a couple games I went right back to the 360 one and NEVER went back.
+1 thx
Slightly off-topic, just wondering about hdr arcade machines: Do they exist where you live? I haven’t come across anyone here in Sweden nor in places I’ve visited lately, just curious if there is a true HDR arcade feeling anywhere in the world of if it’s all SF2/SFIV
There is no arcade release of it, the closest thing would be putting a 360/ps3 in a cabinet.
Roliga matcher innan fr ett tag sen, vet inte om du kommer ihg dom dock.
Hmm I see… too bad HDR isn’t getting the attention I think it deserves - not that I’m a fighting games expert I just really regard it as my own 100% favourite in the genre
((Jag minns dem mkt vl. Riktigt kul, spelat en del mot en annan svensk claw, fredede och njutit av lg ping och bra motstnd, du var banne mig riktigt vass GGS
Jag kan skvallra och sga att alla inlgg jag skjutit ivg nu r mina fem frsta och det har jag gjort s jag ska kunna skicka ett PM till dig, tnkte stlla en frga Hoppas det gr bra
(detta var min plan ven innan du svarade mig hr, du verkar vettig och trevlig och kanske som svensk kan vgleda lite bttre n ett nytt topic i ngot underforum dr man blir tokgrillad av konservativa drar hr
Will be getting the xbox360 version soon. hope ppl still play…
Is there a more active community in the PSN or XBL version?
They are both active, but the experience is a million times better on XBL. Just stay away from PS3 or you will regret it.
I’ll be picking this up this week, I’m waiting on my new HRAP-EX-SE to arrive in the mail before hand.
Hope that its not hard for a newb to get into like how 3rd Strike was for me when I first started playing it on GGPO.
I would say focus on the basic fundamentals, and learn your spacing. Hit up the character threads too, since there is good info in them.
Just start small.