Okay guys to get some decent discussion going, I’m gonna get to play this game tomorrow and I can try something if you’re interested. Anything in particular you want me to try doing? Combos, setups, anything?

Edit- Derp, wrong thread

Here’s another one! Where are you guys playing this in Portugal?

Edit: Read the other thing, you lucky bastard. Seriously tho’, go check out the QA thread, anything we can figure out would be golden.

Same relaunch combo used in the trailer. See how easy/hard it is to do.

Try command dashing around. See how it feels. Can you do it more than once?
What about his new dive with the lightning bolt. Try pressuring with it.

Can you see if Zero has a double jump? Should be very easy to confirm/deny.

might be worth seeing if the dive part hits much, or if its just the lightning.

I just realized; is blaster considered a command normal now? Seems like he’s canceling blaster into dive, which is sure to be a special.

For the sake of organization I’m posting here the info I posted in the thread Kanta-Kun created:


  • Much to my surprise (and more people’s?), zetsueizan and the lightning dive move are different ones. Zetsueizan works much like it did in TvC, light button is a feint. However, lightning dive move (no idea what its name is) is a dp motion, light button is a diagonal downward angle, medium button is perfectly horizontal and heavy button goes diagonally upwards.
  • Relaunch after LD (Lightning Dive is what I’m calling it, I don’t know its real name) is relatively easy, but I was only able to actually land LD after a fully charged charge shot. You can then relaunch and knock the enemy backdown for an OTG Rekkouha or aerial raves.
  • Charge shot seemed to take about the same time it did in TvC. Getting hit completely uncharges your Charge Shot, but you can block just fine. Didn’t seem to make a difference which button you held down.
  • If people didn’t know, Hadangeki is now a qcf motion instead of charge back.
  • His assists are: Alpha - Ryuuenjin, direct up tilt; Beta - Hadangeki (didn’t check the version, sorry) direct front; gamma (again, what?) is his command forward+heavy punch, don’t remember the name.
  • F*** me I forgot to test his TvC relaunch combo. Sorry about that.
  • Light button Ryuuenjin seems to have longer recovery than in TvC, you can no longer combo anything after it. May require further testing though

omg, thank you for this info! The lightning dive move and the zetsueizan being seperate moves is a big deal, I’m thinking some shenanigans can probably be used with the lightning strike, and hopefully C zetsueizan is still safe on block. :smiley:

Hm, his assists seem not too bad, one anti-rushdown, one projectile, and a combo extender.

Oh, did you see if he had a double jump or not? Someone here was wondering about it a few posts ago.

It honestly seemed to me like he didn’t. I don’t remember ever double jumping and I did try some times

Is he any good Blue Lighting? Who are good partner with him?

He seemed about as good as he was in TvC to me to be honest. More time with this game will probably reveal bigger combos than the ones I could do.

Who is a good partner to pair him up with in your opinion?

Chun-Li’s Hyakuretsu seems godly to extend combos and maybe general pressure (need to test how it works against pushguard), and that’s about it so far. I haven’t done a very good at implementing assists into my character’s gameplay very well. We’ll see

I’m going to guess that the “lightning dive” is Raikousen from Megaman X8.

I thought you weren’t able to pushblock assists? could’ve sworn I read that somewhere…

he dives and with a slight delay, a blue diagonal lightning appears slightly above the trajectory he followed.

Anyways, as for his colors,

3- red and dark blue… similar to This on the right.
4- Bass

hmm, i was expecting the last alt to be Sigma.

well we now know who is a potential upcoming DLC character.

oh and that dude’s name is AXl.

Bass.EXE let’s fucking go

Hell to the yes. Even regular bass would be rad.