Oh dear, I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.
Either way I just think long hyper combos get old quick. First few times its like AW SHIT YEA but then it gets to the point where you wish it would end quickly. MvC2’s were perfect, seriously, no need to make them long as shit.
^^ the most annoying… seems like the situation nick mentioned is exact;y whats about to happen.
everyone is gonna be “oh snap cool hyper” then its gonna be in a couple of months " man i wish so and so hyper didnt take so long" or they had a short hyper close up etc…
it would be nice if they had added an option to just keep the superflash like the previous games with the char portrait in the back for like .2 seconds
oh yeah windsagio i just wanted to play u online. that is all
I really like that they gave him a way to continue his air combos mid screen from charged buster shot. That flying electric shit is awesome. So far he does look better than his TVC counterpart with midscreen damage but I think overall his damage has been nerfed. He also seems smaller so maybe less space control, but I like what I see. New level 3 looks pretty good compared to his old one, does a lot of damage too!
His midscreen combo in MvC3 he can kind of do in TvC, it’s just that it was harder to do cause you had to combo his uppercut into his 5a. And his new level 3 probably only did a lot cause it was x-factored.
I think it’s not there due to the de-TvCing of the cast, when they got rid of double jumps and air dashes. We’re lucky we’re getting Zero’s air dash at all. Still, I think it’ll simplify Zero’s combos a bit because of it.
Also, I’m hoping one of his assists will be his sentsuizan for otg purposes, so he can be a combo assist-character.
Yeah, I’m not complaining or anything. I think this is one of the few times I’d agree that it doesn’t look like Zero will need a double jump (although I still think removing them from the likes of Captain America, Ryu and Wolverine was kinda silly). From the vids he seems to be able to hold his own and his combo’s are still flashy and cool as ever.
And yeah,Sentsuizan would be an awesome assist too, I forgot about that one lol.
That was mostly for characters for whom air movements didn’t make sense, and mostly on the Marvel side. Zero’s had double jumps and air dashes in practically every game he’s been playable in, so if Joe can air dash Zero should have his air junk also.
Yeah, you’re probably right. I totally forgot he’s had double jumps in every X game he’s in. I figured it would’ve shown up in the 3 videos of his gameplay in his air combos, but until we see a demonstration of him or the final build we won’t know I guess.