ZERO Reveal Trailer:
:l: = Light attack
= Medium attack
:h: = Heavy attack
:s: = Exchange (or “Special” button)
:atk:= Any attack button
:a1:=Assist 1
:a2:=Assist 2
DHC= Delayed Hyper Cancel
AD= Airdash
[]Hyper Zero Buster
Hold any attack button then release.
-Acts just like Megaman’s buster from MvC, but you can switch the button that is charging the buster mid-combo to enable him to do longer combos.
[] Shippugga
:f: :h:
-Normal sword slash that moves him forward and hits three times.
-Sword projectile, in TvC this was his charge back, forward move.
:dp: :atk:
-Fiery sword dragon punch-style move.
:qcb: :atk:
-Command teleport, on the ground A goes forward short, B goes longer, and C makes him go up-forward then down-forward in an upside-down V motion. In the air A version makes him go down, B version makes him go straight and C is similar to his ground version.
Mid-air :qcf::atk:
-Goes downward with his sword in a 45 degree angle, A version is a feint, B comes down instantly but has blockstun, and C comes out slow but has no blockstun (I need to double check this due to not having a working copy atm, might be different compared to TvC) If comboed in the air it knocks down, on the ground it causes stagger.
[*] NEW Raikousen
Mid-air :dp::atk:
- Lightning strike that goes almost full screen. A version goes at a diagonal down-forward, B version goes straight, C version goes up-forward angle. Goes through the opponent regardless if hit or blocked.
:qcf: :atk::atk:
-“taste the Rainbow” hyper, OTGs.
:qcb: :atk::atk:
-Zero’s Genei-Jin, well not really… it creates a clone that replicates all your moves for a certain time period, the effect Stays when Zero is tagged and used as an assist.
[*]Big ass Projectile [Shoryudan Reppuujin]
:dp: :atk::atk:
-Fast Painful Slash… thats all there is to it really.
Thanks to KenMastersX for the detailed specials description =D
A: Ryuenjin- Direct/Tilt up
B: Hadangeki- Shot/Front
Y: Shippugga- Direct/Front
Gameplay footage:
BnB seen in most videos:
:l:(hold), , :h:, :f::h:, :s:, j.
j:m:, (release)j.:l:, j.:dp::l:, :s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s: Rekkouha (:qcf::atk::atk:)
Basic ‘charge’ Combo:
:l: (hold), , c.:h:, f.:h: (hold), :l: (hold),
, :h:, f.:h:, :s:, j.
, release :l:, :dp: :l:, :s:, j.
, :h:, :s: [land] :qcf::atk::atk:
for more combos check the Zero Combo Thread
Zero Theme Download:
zero 1.mp3