I love hate!

Na it only seems like weeks, its been like 4 days :stuck_out_tongue: Got it figured out now tho’ :smiley:

(ontopic) Now all we need is a tvc based roll :smiley:

Yeah, he did. Looks to function the same way as well. Also, he can combo into his other level 1(the rainbow shockwave) now.

Edit- His level 3 is a projectile now…? O_o

wOW I love the remix of the Zero vs. X battle from X2!
Zero has a new super it seems. HYPE!

Love how they’re trolling the X fanboys by giving Zero X colours.

Is it just me? Or was he relaunch busterless?

Also reason genei-jin super was never used was because during the duration Zero couldn’t gain any meter in TVC

lol damn man, Im trying to practice TvC zero for to be ready but i dont have a stick for the Wii, i feel like a retard trying to play with the stupid remote…

Looking at the trailer…it still looks like he still can charge shot.

Yeah…hmm…and there’s no random ass bursting…Marn might be having some fun.

Maybe he’s the reason they left mega-mvc3 advancing guard in :wink:

Uh…no…it was used plenty. >_>

If you want to do some research instead of trying to use the Wii Remote (lol) you can just read my writeup. There’s also some combo videos of Zero out there (or just watch Marn’s gameplay videos) if you want to know the extent of his damage options.
Zero: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Moves, Combos, Strategy Guide : EventHubs.com

You could use Zero’s clone super to dish out extra damage in combos or to make it harder for opponents to pushblock you while they were blocking. It was pretty easy to combo from with almost any assist giving you enough time.

Eternal blaze-If you wanna play jsut getta hori wii stick those work like charms for TVC. =]
Usually run like $30.

Guy-Who the fuck are you are telling me about my character?! Also if you wanna talk big Zero player when did marn ever use it?
unless your name was Rayzerburn your Zero never used Genei-Jin.

Nyo-Yeah Fireball assist(Ryu/morrigan) was like staple assist for Zero he’s @ his max potential with an assist like that.

Out of all the Zero music I expected to be in it, VS Zero in X2 was the least likely candidate in my opinion. Still, that’s actually my favorite Zero music besides Sky Lagoon, so I’m actually pleasantly surprised.

Now that Zero is announced, I feel complete. I honestly don’t care who else is going to be in the game anymore, I’m just glad Zero is in. Also, the poster above is correct. The title of the thread should have been one of the hilarious lines in the death of Iris. NOTHISISNTHAPPENING! THEREISNOREASONFORMETOGOONWHAT…WHATAMIFIGHTINGFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Also, wtf at the inclusion of JYB? I mean, I like him as a voice actor, but why didn’t they hire Lucas Gilbertson to do the job? I thought he was the best Zero voice actor throughout the series.

JYB took a Power Axe to Lucas, what JYB wants, he gets, because he’s part of the greatest people ever club.


Changed it :stuck_out_tongue:
kept it one word too, seemed funnier that way.

I agree about the VA, Lucas> JYB, its not too bad though.

Epic thread title. You win the internets sir.


Nice man, thanks for changing it!

How come a couple people are saying its the X vs Zero song? I’m not noticing it, only noticing the X2 Zero theme…

Doesn’t Sigma (assuming that’s him) in the background look an awful like Doom?