What People Message You After Beat Them - P4A Edition

Gotta keep the language school appropriate :smiley:

I get a perfect first round, about two get the double perfect… guy quits on the last mixup. No words needed.

Man, setups into instant kills are making people go batshit.

However, I’m getting a lot of praise for it too.

Oddly enough, whenever I get mail after doing it, it’s usually praises. Everyone who hates it, usually rage quits.

which setups are those with what character?

just curious, you dont have to share if you dont want :stuck_out_tongue:

Whenever I get caught by an IK, I just smile and give a thumbs up. I’ve been hit with some pretty clever setups though.


5AAA, boomerang swipe, step in dash, grab, boomerang swipe into stun, 222 CD. then there’s the one consisting of the paralysis punch involved, but that one is a lot more annoying to get through. And a lot more people seem to panic to the former and fuck up getting out of it, when it’s done in the corner.

Is it just me or do I find this ironic?

U SUK DICK. after a fight with a naoto player.

“Your fur looks so soft! Can I pet it?”

I actually blocked mail from people who are not in my friend list. Got tired of all the trash talk every time I lose a close match against someone or get bodied. -_-

I do miss the hate mail though. :frowning:

Once again… playing naoto…

got booted by another naoto (hurt my damn heart) because he kept mindlessly spamming bullets and so i start blocking then go into rush down mode and just lock him down in the corner rinse repeat victory… though to myself… damn good game hope he comes back harder

“host has kicked you from the room” :frowning:

then… another match against a kanji… just kept baiting his thorws and all around staying the fuck away from him traps and gunshots EVERYWHERE… he actually ending up winning but i damn sure made him work for it… of course like 2 command throws on naoto is death…thought to myself… damn that was fun… i got him next time…

“host has kicked you from the room” :frowning:

sent him a message anyway saying “smh good game anyway bro”

online people why you do this :frowning:

Beat a Kanji using Labrys’ Instant Kill after his D command grab whiffed, and got a message.

“didn no u wer a lil [female genitalia][female dog]”


People don’t seem to be as salty in this game as in others. That’s just my impression.

Oh they get salty. especially in mic player rooms.

This shit gets HYPE.

being a mitsuru player myself i get plenty of messages simply saying “aaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

Sounds like they need to learn how to block and quit pressing buttons every second.
Seriously, I love this game, but the complaining over Mitsuru is too much. I play Akihiko, and going up against a good Mitsuru is hell… But its the kind of hell that makes you a better player. Mitsy is the kind of character that exposes your bad habits or weak fundamentals and forces you to accept those weaknesses and get better, rather than depend on some lame-ass comeback mechanic to save you.

Mitsuru is also a character that lets you succeed with bad habits and inferior skills to your opponent.

I would be lying if I didn’t say that she gets a skewed reward for her skill set, but I feel that there’s a lot of complaining, and not a lot of pro-activity in learning the match up and maximizing opportunities. I still have yet to see anyone in the US really pushing the rest of the cast to their full potential, outside of a few Kanji players. A lot of people aren’t even using the entirety of the game’s mechanics such as OMCs, OMBs, and Guard Cancels to the maximum.

Not trying to start anything, I just feel that people should stop blaming everything but themselves when they lose.

In short: Mitsuru is strong, yes, but not impossible. We gotta step our game up.

“I will find you, I will kill you, I will cut off your fingers, and glue them to your stick, then shove the stick up your ass. You want to be a fag who spams Akuma fireballs? How about I light your testicles on fire and throw them at you, HADOKEN BiTCH, I’ll hang you in front of Capcom and have them nerf all the Shotos in fear”

Is what I messaged a 5 year old kid who beat me.

I think the problem is not so much that she’s really good, but that she’s really good on all levels. Usually you get beginners bitching about characters that have solutions to them; things like the grappler (he does so much damage!) or the zoner (I just can’t get in) that are usually not as good as they seem to someone unfamiliar with fighting games so you can say “hey, let me help you, this match up isn’t as hard as it looks” and if the newbie is willing to learn he gets better.

In Persona, you’ve got Mitsuru and you basically have to tell new players that she is going to be a pain in the ass no matter how good you get. It’s a real heartbreaker for a lot of people who want to learn this game, which is a shame because in every other aspect this is a great game to show people who are new to fighting games.