What MOV tried to teach me

I dont think they have the work ethic.

MOV is such an inspirational player. I would have never thought he was that dedicated to 3s, I’ve played almost every single day for the past year, but I’d say the majority of those days I played to play, hoping I’d learn just by progressive experience. It seems MOV has built a daily regimen and with his work ethic, it’s very obvious why he’s the best. I’m not saying the list of “treats” is bad, but I think it’s more admirable working your way up. MOV didn’t have to use those fancy option selects to beast on us, his basics and fundamentals destroyed us. Baby steps and keep an open mind. Thanks Yi for sharing probably the most important aspect of MOV we didn’t get to see at Sunroute.

QFT x Over 9000

for the most part, if anyone saw him using some crazy option selects often it wouldve been most likely to teach us American players about them in the first place, but as for playing casuals what Metric said is pretty much what he did in order to get win streaks on most players

i think its still good to post them, there is no point in you guys not sharing what MOV taught you and keeping them for yourselves just because of a few idiots who wont learn basics first or who will boast.

i know for me it certainly wont help my game because i cant even incorportate simple noob option selects into my gameplay and i cant even execute them(still cant kara throw), but at least knowing how to do them, even if you cant do them, is good to know i think.

one last thing and ill leave it alone.
Who are yall to decide whats best for the 3s community? srsly

no one is deciding on anything, we’re simply suggesting whats best for the community, its up to the players themselves in this community to put in the work…no one has to listen if they dont want to but to those players who wish to improve, its best to start from the ground up with basics

again the players dont have to listen since its a suggestion but if you wish to improve, its the best action to take (its not a rule you must follow but more of a tip)

if you guys really care about seeing what MOV taught, as i said before i already compiled my list so just pm me if you wish to see it (even though 90% of you wont even use it)

Lucky? A lot of us flew down out of state to play with him. Only the most passionate players would even consider dropping money just to watch someone play a video game. You’re lucky a list was even made. The least you can do is be patient.

you blow my mind. lmfao

make the list of option selects please. although the ones you posted gave me enough information to download them out of videos. there were a few things i didn’t understand until now. like what MOV was trying to show my chun by jumping at me with his ken. it all makes sense now and rewatching the kuroda dvds is going to show me a million times more than it did even though i had studied them already.

everyone should do this. even if that list never comes out don’t wait, you know what to look for now. i feel not enough american players study third strike deeply. maybe now that its public WHY mov and kuroda are so good they will start to.

mov has always been my favorite player and his visit to the states resparked my love of this game
thank you MOV im studying hard

everyone hold your fucking horses and just be patient

I would rather at least know them so I could know these techniques exist, and maybe notice that my opponent is using them. He said approximately 6 months is what it takes to incorporate them into your game. That alone shows me these aren’t that useful to me. Not because im lazy, but I can tell im not at the stage where I should bother learning them.

This^ I love how some ppl beg and ask for something they won’t even use in their games quite possibly for the next few years or at all, and to say we are “lucky” that we saw him play is the most unintelligent thing to say especially since most of us either payed money for him to come in the first place or flew out and sacrificed our own time to go

If anyone is lucky it is everyone asking for a list on the forums here due to us being nice and distributing this ( or better yet making it known to everyone in the first place)

The least you guys can do is just watch the videos I posted because more than 50% of the tactics used are shown on video

We already saw how things can easily be misinterpreted by the masses on the internet, just imagine how much things will get out of hand if everyone thought they were hot shit because of a list that was compiled by other players who learned from MOV

Honestly, would MOV’s tips help characters like Necro, Oro, etc…, or is it strictly the big guys/girls like Ken, Chun.

imo, it helps mostly big dogs, but that’s because they are already so good

they are universal techniques that can help most of the cast

yea exactly

most of them can be used in a different manner with other characters but its primarily the same

now that most people temporarily dont care about 3s, can we get that list?

when people understand 3s is not about guessing in any way they will be able to integrate the option selects.

3s has never been about guessing.

except when paced against the option to play bad games or 3s, “well, i guess i’ll play 3s”

What about Makato?

yup even her, you must be able to play her guess free the majority of the match. watch any jap makoto they use confirmable dash punches and are quite careful with normal dash as its not hard to smack the bitch out of it.

even a counter poke can be considered a guess though.

but I’m sure you meant guessing in the parrying sense. The Denjin sense. Parry super.

vinnoob maranoob