What happened at the Northeast Championship 15 in Philidelphia?

According to Ian, its purpose was to get TOs to respond about policing the FGC of assholes, and now that they are contacting the author of the article, that purpose was served.

1 - I thought the author had already reached out to various TOs and got responses. So suddenly they had to send out new correspondence to the author?

2 - If this was the purpose, why do it in such a public manner. You’re the editor-in-chief of the main hub for the FGC, you couldn’t have just reached out to them personally in order to make this happen for the author?

3 - The author was never really mentioned in the article except at the beginning, and that was not with a contact link or Twitter account associated. How did they know who to contact?

There’s bullshit abound in his “motives.” SJW White-knighting TBH, and to shame an entire community supposedly perpetrated by a single entity.


Transphobia or whatever exist in the world at large, so fucking what. As long as people have opinions on anything they are allowed to feel however they want about things good or bad. That doesn’t reflect on the so called community as a whole anymore than dude sucker punching that other guy who was in crutches. That being said where is the so called transphobia in this story anyways? Dude checked himself, and was apparently an acquaintance of the transgendered person. Nobody got any milk poured on their head for being where they weren’t supposed to be like a person that has dealt with true oppression can attest to.

“According to Ian, its purpose was to get TOs to respond about policing the FGC of assholes”

Which as I stated in my first comment, is NOT the fucking TO’s jobs to babysit the attendees. They are tournament organizers, not chaperones looking out for everyone’s butthurt feelings.

So GG Ian in promoting your personal opinion as “news” on a well traveled website. Ass.

So after reading the prior posts, what I’ve gathered is this

  1. Somebody lost their dong between NEC’s
  2. Went to the next NEC expecting people they havent seen in about a year to act like shit hasnt changed
  3. Said people just avoided him/her, didnt even say anything hurtful aside from the one guy who asked if she still had a dick
  4. Apparently, people who dislike transgenders only exist in the FGC, and need to be rooted up at the source for this discrimination
  5. The best way to solve this discrimination, is by being a butthurt little bitch, dont mention the actual story, and cause nothing but overall confusion instead of the change you actually want.
  6. The FGC as a whole should care because one person had a bad time at a tourney because of their life decisions they made for themselves.

Sound about right? Because the way all of this is presented to me is showing a 10/10 on my potato meter. Completely fucking retarded. I seen this thread last night when it had only one post and spent a good hour trying to figure out what the article meant. I got no results. I thought somebody had popped off after a grudge match or something in an incredibly distasteful way on stream. I come in here today and im still just as confused more or less. Am I reading the posts wrong? Did I miss a sentence somewhere?

Unless I did read something wrong, it seems like a transgender wanted to hang out with a friend and drop the “I’m a girl now!” bomb. Thing is, that’s not something you can just surprise somebody with. That needs to be shared during the process or made known ahead of time. For instance my best friend is female. If she just showed up on my doorstep one day without her long hair, her voice a few octaves lower, a bulge in her pants, and says to me “Sup bro?”, I’d probably avoid her for awhile too. Mostly because I’d be annoyed that I wasnt deemed important enough to share that shit with while she was going through it, and the fact that after a while you see people a certain way as your friend. A form of camaraderie if you will, you develop a bond. All of a sudden “Hey im that same friend but in a completely different body!”. It’s shocking man. You start to wonder if it’s still even the same person in there. Who did you know before? Who is it that you know now?

So wait, apparently the guy didn’t even talk to the other dude?

This is some serious witch hunting wow.

And as expected, no one is able to understand the message of the article…Because there really is no message to be found in it.

There was some discussion last night here in the Gamergate thread, but this is really a separate thing. It’s eerily similar to how Gamergate started, particularly in regards to the Streisand Effect.

Just piss poor communication all around here. If there’s a message, the front page article does a very bad job of delivering it.

Genuine question; why does a transperson, be they a friend or otherwise, have to justify their transition or their reasons for transitioning to you or anyone? Especially given how people can react so negatively to admitting that they are born the wrong gender.

Thing is, if you take issue with a friend transitioning, thats your problem, not theirs.

Dickgirls with be the down fall of the fgc.

They dont need to justify it. They just need to make it known beforehand because you dont want to drop that on somebody after it’s all said and done. It’s unnerving to go meet up with somebody, and then it turns out they arent really even the same person anymore.

Plus it would also be beneficial to them. Say for instance I am very strongly rooted in my political, religious, or philosophical beliefs and I am very against sex changes. It would be nice for that person to know beforehand that I, and possibly many other people would no longer associate themselves with him/her afterwards. It wouldnt be very good mentally if you just had this few thousand dollar procedure to alter your body, you have all this different hormone levels, and find out afterwards that you no longer have any friends because you just alienated yourself with that procedure. They need to know the risks and consequences going in. If that’s what makes a person happy, good for them. But they need to understand that their life will most likely not be the same after going through with it.

Well they talked on twitter and might have had a very brief exchange where DC was going to ask but decided against it. That’s pretty much it, that’s the so called harassment and transphobia that is apparently running rampant in the fight game community. The same community that had the evil Aris hitting on Kayo Police while they interviewed her and had her comment on the event they were attending. Same community that made Karaface’s dream of going to japan a reality…

and pays her regularly to take photos at tourneys?

Idk man, we looking like a bunch of closed minded bigots right now guys.

If anyone sees me at a major, feel free to sprinkle any unwanted/surplus coke into my drink

You didn’t already?

But why do they need to make it known beforehand? Especially if people are going to react negatively to it. If people genuinely are their friends, they won’t act like inconsiderate asshats and accept that the person made a decision, even if it’s not one they’d personally make.

If they aren’t able to reconcile the fact that their friend is now someone different, in terms of gender, maybe they aren’t good friends at all.


It took me less than half a minute reading the article to know exactly where this one was going. Because I’ve been dealing with this kind of crap in other places.

First of all, there is no account for what actually happened. You don’t need to name names, just give a brief overview of what was going on. What did the person say? What did the person do? That’s immediately one red flag when I read over this. If you are going to make a huge deal over this you need to give the audience an idea of what the issue was. If you only talk in vague I’m going to dismiss this immediately because I can’t form an opinion on things I don’t understand.

Second, whenever I hear buzz words that are common among the SJW types I immediately just roll my eyes because I can probably guess within about 2 seconds of what this is about.

Person 1 said something that was probably insensitive or asks a question that Person 2 doesn’t like.
Person 2 flies into rage about what Person 1 said.
Person 1 tells Person 2 to go fuck themselves.
Person 2 tells Person 1 to go fuck themselves.
Argument starts.

That’s often what happens. There are always exceptions, but I’ve been an organizer for large non-fighting game related events before and I’ve seen this happen far too often. And when I’ve been the one who has to deal with Person 2’s outrage as an organizer and how “I’m suppose to remove Person 1 from the venue”, I’ve rarely found it to be the case where Person 1 did anything that warranted removal. Yes he said something that was stupid and insensitive. But guess what? Saying something stupid is not illegal and just because you got offended doesn’t give you the right to demand their removal. I’ve only had about 2-3 cases where Person 1 actually was doing something that absolutely needed to be dealt with.

But in several of the cases, I actually found Person 2’s behavior to be even more deplorable because Person 1 was minding their own businesses when Person 2 starts trying to police what they say and then Person 2 is the one who is yelling and getting in Person 1’s face when Person 1 wasn’t even talking to them in the first place. Person 2 in reality was being the insufferable dick. In the end well over half the disputes were just arguments or really minor offenses.

You can’t police people’s language. Because the moment you say one form of speech is unacceptable another person can immediately turn around and make the argument “Well you remove people for saying X offensive thing, but Y also offends me so you have to remove people who say Y as well”.

Now could this be something different? Yes! But without knowing what happened…I CAN’T SAY JACK SHIT ABOUT IT!

yep, this was the point I was trying to make, she had months to process becoming a she, but then she expects to show up at an event a year later where the last time people saw her she was a he and expect things to be normal.

wtf Ash, you’ve made a life changing decision, it’s ignorant to think that doesn’t affect other people too. Asking why is perfectly justifiable, especially if you want people to understand and accept the new you.

If the defense would be so kind as to not waste time with questions that have already been answered…

Unfortunately, no matter how good friends two people are, there will always be lines that shouldnt be crossed. There’s always the possibility that sex changes just so happen to be that line.

I plead the 5th

I thought the point of the article was less “You guys are all scum, we hate you all” and more “Somewhere among you guys there are scumbags, please call them out more”

Woah let’s not react to the article with anything remotely coming near introspection

We can only flag ash so much before we get tired of it bud