What happened at the Northeast Championship 15 in Philidelphia?

I find it very interesting that in the 4 years that you’ve been here, this is your first post, what’s up with that??

Troll personality aside, everyone should have the same respect bestowed upon them. Being transgender literally hurts no one. It’s just a lifestyle choice. We are all free to live our lives the way we want so long as it doesn’t bring harm to anyone else. I don’t care what your beliefs are, if you’re going to knock a person over for following who they are you are a piece of shit.

Then how would this even approach the level of something you’d need a Tournament Organizer to get involved in?

I keep feeling like I must be missing some part of the story that would give the incident that sparked that article gravitas. There’s the part in there about TOs, that makes it seem that they don’t care about any harassment that isn’t physical, but after hearing the story it seems clear that they simply didn’t want to get involved in this situation. Which makes sense because, even from the author’s account, it doesn’t seem like DC was actively hounding them. DC was avoiding someone that was mad about something he said, that he never actually said to them directly.

Again, if there’s something I’m missing here please let me know.

Idk, I was thinking about that supposed study that was saying the women that don’t give birth end up having hormonal problems later on in life. Makes you wonder how that could apply to men that are pumping themselves up with these synthetic female hormones when they completely lack any of the organs to support that shit. Is there a chance that this could harm them in the long run?

You must have just read the word “harm” and ignored the “to anyone else”. I won’t sit here and pretend I know what changing your chemicals will do to your body in the long run, but that’s his body. He’s free to do with it as he will.

I guess I’m being insensitive in not calling him a “she” but I don’t know him and I’d only call him “she” if he’d prefer it.


You know why? Because it literally costs me NOTHING to do. It’s the easiest request to fulfill

I tend to not post until I find something I know about. The FGC tends to know more about fighters than I do, so my input serves no purpose. However, I have seen drama like this tear communities apart. I don’t want it to happen to SRK or the FGC, so I had to speak up on the matter.

I have no issues with transgenders, my issue is with every minority crying about insignificant trivial shit, and making it into a bigger deal than it is.

EVERYBODY deals with an asshole occasionally, you don’t go demanding huge changes and front page articles to deal with it, and blaim entire communities.

I’m tired of women taking nonsense issues and trying to make a big deal out of it. I’m tired of transgenders getting one little comment that wasn’t exactly what they want to hear, and deciding that EVERYBODY needs to change their ways.

I’m a white male. The best opening roll you can possibly get in life. And I deal with shit DAILY. I don’t need a group of people to do something every time I have a bad moment.

Learn to deal with shit INDIVIDUALLY, and stop trying to make every bad day into some life altering cause.

Yeah I get it, your life is chaotic now and it would be best if everything happened exactly how you want it to happen. Get used to it, that IS fucking life.

One of my very good friends is a transgender. I showed this stuff to her and the EXACT words she used was “it’s a good thing he’s transgendered, because he’s obviously a massive fucking pussy.”

Anyway, I like how by the authors own admission they state that DC was going to ask them, but decided not to, like they realized it was a bad idea and maybe insensitive so he stopped himself. But since curiosity killed the cat, our brave little princess here decided that, no, they wanted to see what the question was. Gasp, maybe DC wanted to go out on a da…da…dato.

Instead the third party took upon themselves to give them the world shattering news that was, yes we all know you have a cock, but DC wanted confirmation. Poor Nicky’s hopes of getting that bbc were crushed faster than his parent’s dream of him giving them grandchildren and passing on the family lineage.

Oh well…


This is just posturing in an attempt to make white people not only safe but also “feel” safe. It’s an impossible standard put forward to lower the melanin count at FGC events.

“Someone actually has to do something bad before you can reasonably make a decision? My word isn’t enough to remove someone from a tournament? THAT’S ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING! Don’t you see the color of his skin? Can’t you see he’s dangerous?!”


Nope my reading comprehension and ability to follow even the slightest context is leagues beyond most of you, I was just wondering if you knew about the side effects and what not since your “girl” is taking that stuff and all.

I’d also like to mention it’s fitting the “original article” was on a website called Twitlonger. Mainly because my initial reaction to reading it was indeed that this guy is a pretty big twit.

Everything about this situation was not handled properly. Good job all parties involved, you fucked it all up to the detriment of all the people who weren’t there. Round 2 of “the fgc is full of assholes” can start now.

Lol “Round 2” he says…

That article was extremely vague. There is a picture with a guy popping off, and I thought “maybe someone made a very offensive pop off while the crowd cheered or something”, but then I looked into it, and apparently this was a personal problem between two people. The article called this “Bad behavior in the FGC”, and the comments are disabled, seems very odd to me, very clickbait-ish.

I got questions to ask and I’ll probably be done with this thread:

What was the purpose of that article?

What was it supposed to accomplish?

It was on there for about maybe 5 minutes and after that 2 minutes pass,then the comment section got close and then after that it just disappeared from the front page section,this makes no sense.


A series of bad judgements and a misuse of power.

I seem to recall a certain transgendered fighting game player receiving transphobic abuse directed at them in the comments of a fighting game website’s article, so let’s not pretend transphobia doesn’t exist in this community

I also remember a certain transgendered fighting game player coming out in GD and being wished the very best for her future as a woman.

So yeh, lets not paint everybody as homophobic or transphobic because of an intolerant few.

Thank god i didn’t paint every fighting game player as a homophobe or transphobe.