What do you want, bub? The Wolverine Questions Thread

Jam Session and Hyakuretsukyaku come to mind, but they prorate MUCH more. That said, they have benefits over Tatsumaki Zankukyaku worth considering.

What benefits? I mean, I have an idea how one could use those assists effectively, especially Chun legs. But how they would be “more benificial than tatsu” I’m not too sure.

That is, benefits which Tatsu does not provide, or does not provide as well. Not, necessarily, more beneficial overall.

Jam Session can be used as an effective anti-air. Hyakuretsukyaku beats out most, if not all, non-reversal physical options. Also, both assists keep the enemy in place, whereas Tatsu pushes them across the screen (although this push is helpful for corner carry during combos). However, this doesn’t matter in the corner.

Whether these benefits outweigh Tatsu’s strengths will depend on the match-up. Also, it’s important to keep in mind your team members’ synergy with each other, not just with Wolverine. Although, I think Wolverine is a character that should be built around first. How good you are with your assist characters and the strength of your assist characters are factors as well, but the first is a personal matter.

Well my current main team is wolves trish sent. Works really well actually. I use sents drone assist is too beastly with wolverine B slash. It covers entering in and if you get a cross up, it knocks them into the drones so you can combo off of it still. Hella beastly also with the 50/50 mix up when the opposing character has to enter in the fight.

You can combo trish peekaboo assist from wolverines air throws or place the trap before hand and throw them into the trap get a combo off.

You can also dhc wolverines air super into trishs round harvest super for full damage and get additional hits in the air with trash or sent

On topic though:
I don’t think that you need akuma too play wolverine properly you can get the same effect from any other assist

What should Wolverine’s BnB be against Tron?

edit: read first page, sorry guys.

While I won’t argue whether or not Akuma is needed for Wolverine, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say you cant get the same effect from any assist that you get from tatsu. In fact, the question is can ANY assist provide the same effect. Even if the answer is yes, it’s a far cry from “any assist can.”

Now, that being said… I was playing last night and would land throws (fwd, back, and air), dash in immediately, call tatsu, df+M slide, and… nothing?? Now Im starting to feel in general like on FORWARD throw, this combo extension is not guaranteed. But on back and air throws, is it not a guaranteed combo extension with tatsu? I’ve hit it so many times, that for it to suddenly not work seemed to make no sense at all. But I wanted to check and see if I was in error about what I can expect off a throw before blaming lag or something. My execution isnt the best, but throw, immediate dash, tatsu, df+M is pretty much un-fuck-up-able.

Arthur’s daggers are better than tatsu, imo. They move across the entire screen. Can keep Arthur safe by calling him off screen. They’re fast. Less hits than tatsu. More spacing options for slash mixups. Only two drawbacks lol. 1. it’s Arthur. 2. Arthur needs golden armor for you to do the same tokido bnb combo.

So basically the assist causes cancer? lol

Your timing is proly just off a bit between the dash and assist.

Overall, there are perks to using akuma with wolverine for sure, the foward momentum and speed the assist provides, OTG options, cross up options, hi-low options, scales heavily if hit with entire duration

but to say with sent drones, you get Foward momentum a little slow but it covers the entire screen if called from afar, up angle drone trajectory, cross up options and hi low options, scales moderately but places high hit stun.

You said a few posts back that you were wondering how to get in and stay in with wolverine after you use the tatsu assist to get in since theres a cooldown required before calling them in again. I had the same problem and that where i started to really like the sent drones. i always call sent drones and use B slash to get in and if it hit, cancel to speed super then combo, if it was blocked the drones save and i can still get a hi low mix up, if it crosses up i get a full combo.

Sent drones to me just seemed to have everything wolverine needs. with that being said my team is highly susceptible to beam supers like akuma’s. i often try my best to ensure that the slash at least interupts or crosses them.

hope this helps

Now that?s not a bad thought. In fact it gives me a cool idea: Wolverine Storm Sent. Idea being I can still do all my fun Wolve-Storm-Wolve DHC Glitch stuff, and then if they can kill Wolvie, I now get Storm-Sent DHC glitch stuff LOL I could work w/ that. And I guess rather than extend throws to full (albeit scaled) combos, I can throw and call drones and go for a mixup instead. Def worth a try, thanks!

Edit: I’m so confident I love this idea I already added it to my sig, haha. Also now that i think of it, I think MegamanDS, of the Magneto threads, has vids where her or his opponent use this team. Though maybe it’s Wolve Mag Sent, I forget and cant really check now. Either way, video reference is gooood. :slight_smile:

Pfft of the dhc glitch is what you want mon. Don’t Wait for them to kill wolverine so you can use storm you can always aerial exchange too storm for meter/damage multiplier. Good hunting my friend

Ive been shouting praises for that team since week one.
Before the DHC glitch was discovered I was already using that team and doing the damage reset without realizing it. All I knew was that my opps were dying fast.
But between all the setups for DHC Glitchs and Sents drones to help lock ppl down, that is an awesome team.

I run them in the order of Wol/Storm/Sent.
I see what I can do with Wol as a battery, trying to get as many hits as possible to build meter, set up AEs to Storm to DHC Glitch, or simply open them up with drones, cross ups and IOHs, if he losses too much health I switch Sent in and give wolvie a chance to recharge health on anchor for a min. At this time I test the waters to see if the opp is weak to Sents armor guard atks, if they block too much I command grab, into death combo. and When the time is right I bring storm in to run laps around the battle field looking for anyway to get into an Elemental Rage.

That’s exactly what I said LOL “And then IF they can kill Wolve,” the idea is DHC glitch is STILL a threat.

Agreed pretty much all around. On the order and everything. I def didnt mean to say the idea was my own original thing, moreso that it came to me independantly after realizing Sent is an adequate Akuma replacement. Nannie, I posted some stuff in the Storm threads asking about some general runaway techniques. Would like to hear your thoughts on that (there, not here of course).

And on the Wolve front, I’m curious how you like to play the “FIGHT!” metagame when the match starts. Im finding dive kick attempts counter their throw attempts (seems df+H option selects dive kick and throw counter). Is that pretty much the angle you take w/ Wolve on point? Or any other tricks I should know to get the momentum right away. One thing I love w/ Ammy, the point on my other main, is I can usually get the initiative right away every game. (I said “usually!”) That’s a HUGE help, and would be great if such a thing couold be said for Wolvie too!

OS Dive Kick is a good option, but you run the risk of being anti-aired. My opponents tend to retreat. Letting Wolverine get momentum right away is an enormous mistake.

What do you tend to do then, to approach the opening? Walk fwd, play he back-n-forth footsie game looking for oppportunities to dash in with a cL? I tend to like to dash in, dash out, maybe throw out an assist then right away super jump and immediate dive kick. Or maybe shuffle around trying to space a good crossup Slash. Not saying these are necessarily great options, I just wanted to contribute some ideas rather than ask to be spoonfed. That being said, someone spoonfeed me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a toss up with Wolvie on start up, isnt it.?
I like to get in ppls faces and try to connect a j:l:j:s: xx DrillClaw Divekick etc. Now I dont test alot of thing against programmed dummies in the danger room so IDK if j:l: beats out Air Throw attempts but that is the assumption that I make when I try this.
Or if they like to run on start up then you can use the space to get your drone cross up game going early. Ppl seem to get intimidated when they see Wolvie getting busy with those Slashes.

What about this:
[j:s: + j:df::h:] I wonder if this can be an option select that will tech if they Air Throw and do an j:s: if they dont. IDK my ladys watchin ‘Bones’ uhh so I cant test it at this minute to see what move will come out based on priority, j:s: or Dive Kick.

Well i figured out that wolverine has a pretty decent hurt box for throws that extend from thighs to the extended arm. If you react to your opponent jumping first you can almost always get the first throw in if your jumping from underneath them. For example is magnus, his throw hurt box is the extension of his arm to his head and hes pretty vurnalable to throws that are coming from the downside. ( if you notice most of your thows come from jumping up to chase them in the air ) Im sure you can find a timing with storms assists to land a otg or extra damage. if you want the guessing game let them roll and go for a slash mix up. you can even call sent drones from anywhere and react to the ground roll knowing that your hella safe and if it hits without the drones or into the drones you can get a full combo again. furthermore, if they ground roll away from you and you whiff the slash or they block it you can super cancel and do another Bslash to cross them up since the drones are behind you for safety

To me its not the opener that im worried about its about keeping the other guys assist on check. this can be hella difficult with haggar and trons assists. or a strong beam assist like iron mans. To counter hagger spamming Cr,short with wolverine wont let him get hit by the lariat and hagger still takes damage etc.

Btw i dont know if anyone knows this already, but you can actually call out an assist before the throw is done. wolverines air throw hits a maximum of 10 times, thats becuase you can mash those extra hits, you can actually call an assist between 7-10 hits which will give you extra time to land the DF M afterward.

sorry if this is coming out jarbled i just woke up an havent had coffee yet



the game doesnt respond to button pushes option select like street fighter does, furtthermore your going to get a DF drill claw if you do J.s+dfH lol i love theory fighting sometimes we forget the basic of basic mechanic to further our pursuit in discovery.

Any jumping normal will beat out the throw based on contact, frames, positioning. same thing with what i said about the hit boxes of throws. In this case if i saw you jump up first with j L i would follow you and throw you and that exhange because of the properties i listed

I just walk forward; distance closed is distance closed. Once the match starts, I try to outpoke with :l:, :m:, :d::h:, and :s:, or look for an opening to Berserker Slash. If they don’t have good answers to Tatsu and Hyakuretsu, I’ll call assists liberally. Otherwise, I try to conserve my assists for when I have a clear opportunity to mixup.

oh yeah duh that is exactly a :df:Drill Claw.
your right theroy fighting is riddled with mistakes, better to just play

lol nonsense, you had the right idea tho