What do you want, bub? The Wolverine Questions Thread

The dive kick, when it connects, will give you a full ground bounce which is plenty of time to react(hit confirm) into a launch, :h: xx Beserker Barrage xx Hyper, or even some more extravagant B.Charge combos.
Also the Dive Kick has +9 frames of hit stun and +8 frames of block stun, as stated above, so it is a fairly safe move. These numbers likely dont include the time it take Wolvie to hit the ground and recover, as stated above.

You should also know that you can link a Dive Kick after Drill Claw, on the ground and in the air.
And you should also know that you can only get one ground bounce per combo, so you wont be able to continully loop them between dive kicks and relaunches.


I was wondering what characters/teams/tactics you guys have trouble with? Been having trouble fighting against wolvie.

uh Lightning Legs. haha

Fuck Wolverine, seriously.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad offline but I’m seriously having a hard time dealing with Dive Kick/ Drill Claw>Dive Kick spam. Seriously. It’s as if he can just SJ Dive Kick all day without any care in the world. Push block seems to just result in more dive kick. You Wolvie players got any info for me that may help me against this BS?

I play Thor/Dorm/Wesker, btw. Thanks in advance.

PS: Missed this thread first time around, I guess. My bad, guys.

You should be able to punish people who just continuously spam dive kick pretty easily. Especially with Dorm/Wesker. Dormmamu can Purification right in front of him or teleport out of the way. Wesker has teleports too, but if you have meter, then you should have nothing to fear. Sphere Flame with Dormammu and Maximum Wesker/Counter super will stop those pesky spammers.

Could anyone walk me through the easiest and/or best (assuming 2 diff answers) followups to a landed Berzerker Slash canceled into Berzerker CHarge (speed up super)? Assuming I have not sandwiched them with an assist, that is (that changes the answer, right?).

I’ve read in threads L Slash x 7, M slash x 7, repeated qcf+L(forget the name), and even if those are the correct answers, I cant seem to get them to juggle. Is there a timing method, or have better follows been discovered? I can hit the side-switch Berzerker Slash pretty well, and cancel to d d is cake. But then I tend to drop them. If I could convert that into actual damage, that would be REALLY good! For reference I’m running Wolverine Taskmaster Akuma. Thanks!

you can juggle about 7 b.barrages if you rapid press them but not the slashes. the only non veil of mist slash loop I know about is (:m::h: xx :l:slash)x3

Ahh, OK. I didn’t really care if it was barrage or slash. I just needed SOMETHING after a landed slash into charge. Guess I’ll practice the barrages. In the corner it seems you can do whatever. But midscreen is where I always drop.

Are you aware of dashing after the berserker charge? You just dash forward after the charge and do a bnb.

I dont have the game in front of me right now but i usually do something like:

dash forward :l: :m: :h: :s: j:m: j:m: j:h: drill claw to dive kick to :h: :s: j:m: j:m: j:h: drill claw, fatal claw

Barrage Loop is a weak option. You’re better off dashing into BnB, or doing a Slash Loop. Check the combo thread for examples. I posted two Slash xx Charge combos on page 2.

All of those vids show the combos off Charge in the corner. And I tried to dash into combo off B Charge midscreen a bit before bed last night and couldnt get it. I was pretty tired, so Ill try after work. but can I dash into launch off a Slassh xx Charge anywhere on the screen? Maybe Im not dashing soon enough? <shrug> I’ll figure it out. just wanna make sure it’s do-able before investing time practicing it.

Save your B.Charge combos for DHC glitch enders or DHCs out of short lead ins; no long combo DHC B.Charge, cause your just gonna run outta hit stun.
Also the combos that you see listed will work mid screen.
I suggest looking at InSayne’s B.Charge combos, his are practical with good damage and only require moderate exicution skills. Where as doing 7 perferctly timed Barrages can be difficult online.

If you cancel quickly enough, yeah. Dashing into :h: is quite a bit harder than dashing into :m::h:, FYI.

So to confirm, best bet after midscreen Charge is immediate dash sMHS, etc?

For ease of timing, I guess Dash :l: would be the easiest, but :l::h: connect can mess up if you’re not inputting as fast as possible (this is significant because :l::m::h: will screw up Slash Loop). Plus, it’s less damage in general. Dash :m: is easy enough to connect anyway.

Before I ask my questions I want to thank everyone for the help on the slash-charge combos. They’re cake now :slight_smile: You just have to cancel the slashes early as possible, then dash MS is easiest. Might be able to get more hits or do something else, but I’d rather go for 100% consistency. Thanks again! Two new questions:

  1. Due to the games’s stupid policy on assists having to “cool off” after use, I find that if I use assist cover to get in, I’m not really able to use an assist to help my offense once I am in. For example we very much want to tatsu when we start our cL or whatever, but we cant do any of this if our approach was covered by an assist! I’m just wondering how you guys combat this? Is it more a matter of trying to get in withOUT use of assist cover so the reward is much greater once we do get in? Or more a matter of having a longer attack sequence to bridge between the approach assist and the attack assist? With push block I’m not really sure if the latter is possible. Thoughts?

  2. I’d been intrigued recently with the Dante Felicia unblockable trap, and had been trying to think of good 3rds for such a team idea. I had a thought about using a Wolverine attack string, with Felicia called for a low, then canceling to Berzerker Slash for the go-behind. To use number pad notation, the theory here is that it’s counter intuitive to go from 1 to 3 immediately (downback to down fwd) to block it. I could see a lot of folks on SRK claim this would be easy to block, but until you’re fully used to it, having to switch your block really suddenly from left to right, AND make sure you stay blocking LOW, could be very tricky. And then once they’re finally adjusted to it, you could of course NOT cross up, or you can throw while they get their blocks in order, etc. Anyway, has anyone tried this, or thought of this? Just thought I’d throw it out there, seems like it could be a nasty and easy mixup. Still don’t think it’s worth replacing Akuma for, but ya’ never know :slight_smile:

  1. Some assists can do both (Sentinel Force and Hidden Missiles come to mind).
    If I can manage it, I try to approach without assists. I like to approach with Berserker Slash xx Berserker Charge a lot. On block, you have enough time for a dash-in before they leave blockstun. So, you can do something like:
    Slash (Blocked) xx Charge, Dash :a1: (Akuma Tatsu) :d::l: (xx Slash) or (, Dash j.:l:)
    You can do the same setup off of a Berserker Barrage, but it’s much more vulnerable to push-block midscreen.

  2. Wolverine can make use of Rolling Buckler for unblockables, but I wouldn’t really try to use it for Berserker Slash (it’s not super reliable like Akuma’s Tatsu, for instance). You can combo from OTG :df::m: with Rolling Buckler, which is good. Dante’s assists (Jam Session and Weasel Shot) are helpful to Wolverine, DHC to Million Dollars is very good damage, and Wolverine can use Berserker Charge for DHC glitch from Dante’s Grapple xx Devil Trigger. I’ve no idea about Felicia on point though.

Thanks! Yeah I’d love to try Wolverine - Felicia, but I feel like Wolve w/o Akuma is a mistake, and Felicia w/o Dante is a mistake. And I don’t know the secret code that allows for 4 character teams. Oh no wait, yes I do: on the character select screen, move the cursor over to Phoenix. Press A. lol

Oh man I promise Wolvie doesnt have to have Akuma with him to be compitant. The only thing akuma brings to Wolvies game is the Tatsu, but I think there are other options.
I think its a good combo and if it works for you then roll with it. But just dont convience yourself that you ‘have’ to have Akuma’s tatsu to run Wolvie.

Personally I think my Wolvie is pretty good and Ive never used Akuma in MVC3

Seems like Tatsu turns any Wolverine throw into good damage, and makes for really easy cL vs jL hi/lo mixups (the tatsu lets you “combo” off the jL.) Can anyone else provide both of these things, and so easily? If another assist extends throw combos, but you have to time it to the frame to make it work, I’m not interested. Tatsu is easy. Believe me, I’d love to run Akuma-less Wolverine, but he seems to give him a lot of excellent tools. And he starting to grow on me lol

All I know is I REALLY like Wolverine and have lots of fun ideas for him. but I also really like easy powerful mixups and big damage off throws.

Double Edit: Could tron, perhaps, provide any of the above things? I should test after work. Wolve could be a fantastic point in the ol’ <point> Ammy Tron shell. But again, I’d need to feel comfy that I’m not sacrificing too much for Wolve by omitting Akuma.

Edit: nannie, btw, I saw you challenged me the other day. Sorry I wasnt able to play at the time. We shall play again soon!