Welcome to the NEW SRK!

I like the new layout, but I want two things. A default Blue Steel theme (I know there is a custom one, but the custom one doesn’t work well with the control panel becuase of the colors of the text). Second thing is I want back the coffee, and clapdos smiley faces. I’ve already accepted the fact we got rid of rep, post shields, and join dates. I’m okay with that, but don’t take away coffee too!

The forum is the same as it was before. It has new features that comes handy and some of the features will be coming back soon. It’s only been 1 day and you guys are bitching so much about it.

The new layout is definitely not fuckugly lol. The design of this forum has barely even been tweaked from the default XenForo template. Its just plain as hell right now because SRK didnt use a staging server and kind of rushed this out imo. The software is far superior to VB4, both functionally, and aesthetically. Calm down bro, you dont know what you’re talking about.

All of the information on SRK is now more easily accessible because of this change to a better architected software. The IA (information architecture) of this software is better organized, more accessible, and better presented than VB. Its also using html5 which will help out with SEO (not using many html5 specific tags, but hey, its an option) and allow SRK to take advantage of some APIs specific to html5 such as geolocation (for tournaments, streams, regional matchmaking, etc…). The administration tools are pretty gdlk and equally easy to use/manage. Hopefully they tweak the design a bit to get rid of some of the ugly, and make it look less generic. Other than that (and a few missing features which need adding) i think its pretty sick. (oh, and these buttons have got to go – or at least get a border (#353535 on the gray one and #aaaacd on the purple?) they blend into their shadows too much.

Just calm down, actually use the software, explore a bit. I guarantee that you’ll be pleasantly surprised if you do so with an open mind. Its far easier to navigate than shitty ass vb which hasnt REALLY changed since 1991.

So since this software has a like button, can we get a dislike button also?

I like the new interface but I like to suggest the option to add color based on your profile settings

I like the changes, and don’t really want to see too many add-ons. Post shields for premium folks would be a nice touch though, as well as the return of the emoticons from the past.

The last version of the SRK forums before this was so bad I didn’t come here much.

Geez…give them time to add more stuff.

Why’d you delete the Utah thread, yo?

I really miss the stream links bar on the front page :frowning:

You will experience some broken links. They are not broken. Just back out and retry again. If the link contains a /fxxx/ then, those links are invalid. They will not be modified to it’s right direction.

No, it isn’t like that. See, at least in that case it’d be a pretty easy fix on my own part.

XenForo is badly designed at every level, lacking in useful features and packed to the brim with useless ones, difficult to customize on both the admin and user end, and is just plain not pretty to look at. For that matter, it’s also a pain in the ass to use thanks to a few relatively large changes in forum convention, not to mention the web 2.0 dickwag going on all over the damn thing.

I’m not kidding, and I’m not complaining because I think change is bad. I’m trying to make a decent point that a change should really be made to a better, more proven forum software (I hated vBulletin but at least it was a solid, decently well-built piece of software), and that “embrace the change, it’ll grown on you” is not a good excuse for forcing us to use this horror.

tl;dr Change is not inherently bad or good, but, to go with an appropriate metaphor for the site I’m posting on, replacing the stock buttons in a Mad Catz SE with the stock buttons from a Hori Fighting Stick does not a good controller make.

Looks cleaner, but it’s definitely going to take a bit to get used to it with the changes and all.

its kay

Front page looks absolutely great, but it really needs the livestream list back.

Forums look really clean, but they seem too differentiated from the design of the front page. I also think the Forum should be a static size rather than fully liquid.

Love it this shit is amazing but is the feature to add your gamertag and friendcodes gone?

I’ll have to get used to it but seems pretty nice so far.

it looks cleaner but i would totally love for a 50 post per page option

Thanks for the upgrade. VB4 was clunky. My only beef with XenForo is that the in-place pop-up windows are slow (like editing a post, for example). My browser gets all choked up rendering it.

If the Times New Roman font isn’t your fancy then check out this post. I spent the day tweaking the default skin to my liking.

I think vBulletin 3 series was way better than the vBulletin 4.0

One thing I’ve always wondered about SRK is why Mr. Wizard and co aren’t more transparent about changes being made. Maybe because I hang around GD mostly so I miss announcments but it would be nice if we could give our input before someone just goes “HEY. I changed shit. Like it or leave!”