Welcome to the NEW SRK!

Looks like the forums got a downgrade instead of an upgrade. It’s uglier and I couldn’t barely see this when I typed it. It types things in near black in the quick reply box. Also I can’t forget out how to change my avatar now?

Cool, good to know they’re working on it.

EDIT: I don’t see sig tab in our personal options anymore. Looks like admin removed it for now so I can’t delete sig. I’ll do it once the sig options come back.

The new forum software is XenForo, developed by some awesome developers who used to work for vbulletin before vb got bought and run into the ground. XenForo is cleaner, more modern, and exponentially faster than vbulletin. You can define custom smilies with it, just give the devs time to do their thing. (cough staging server cough :wink: )

As for ppl complaining about the look being too “mac”, or “too web 2.0”… not everything can look as sexy and modern as Windows 2000 – lol are you for serious? Do you think cell phones look “too mac” because they lack a rotary dialer?

what’s wrong with this “yeah let’s “upgrade” everything to the worst” hype going around the interweb? youtube, google, srk ALL patch it dead. Why would I want to see the avatar of EVERY member who made a thread, is it important? no - does someone care? no. just makes this board ridiculous “colorful” while trying to be somewhat “cool” with the new design.

Another thing,… where can I click to “jump” to the last post? I click on the avatar… user profile… I click on the name with last post… user profile… I click on the last page… last page but aint jump to last post… GREAT.

Serious, this is just bad. Please fix some minor stuff (disable those user avatar in forum overview; jump to last post button - and make it BIG please.)

thank you :slight_smile:

The signature has been removed. I wish they limited us with a small image with a max of 400x100 or less than that.

This forum is a total downgrade feature-wise. Please stop using SRK as guinea pig for some unproven POS forum software and stick with the proven performer.


The people that created vBulletin are the same developer from Xenforo. They just quit and decided to make their own revenue instead of s ahre revenue for their work.

SRK is not a guinea pig for XF. XF has been out since January… and 8WayRun.Com has been running XenForo since November (so if anything, 8WR was the guinea pig). XF is already proven to be faster and easier to use than VB4. The reason why people are switching off of VB4 is because its bad software.

I’m currently writing the module for the streams on the front page… but wordpress is foreign to me.

Hm, did we just get pos rep back in the form of “like” button for posts?

also, what is wrong with the “new posts” color? I can’t see a difference at all.

never change a running system. period.

This is the exact thing I had talked about way back when rep was yanked. I really hope it stays.

That being said, holy shit this is fast. Already liking it way more than vB. It’s clear the site is still got some tweaks to go before it’s back to its old self, but I can look over that when seeing the massive speed difference.

tiny minor complaint.
in our friends list it is now divided into
"people you are following"
"people following you"
now we don’t know who is ‘ok’ with being our friend and who isn’t cool with us.
i.e. there is no list showing who accepted friendship requests…it just shows the people you send friend requests to.
that won’t do. that won’t do at all.

man i hope that everyone’s feedback score from the trading outlet didn’t get erased.
its bad enough our visitor messages got deleted.

i don’t know why, but there is a thick black line over everyone’s name in their avatar box.looks like a the black censoring used in covering up private parts on Springer. why is that?
i only know who wrote what by looking at the very bottom line of a post.

Running SRK on a entirely new software that is less than 3 months old, or less than 9 months old if u include the beta. If this is not the definition of a guinea pig, I don’t know what is.

Speaking of the “speed”, do 8wayrun.com has remotely comparable the amount of traffic and contents as shoryuken.com?

If “speed” is the problem, it’s all the ads layer, java [S]shit[/S] script that’s on top of the website.

I don’t really see ppl rushing to switch off VB4… Many forums with highest amount of traffic & user base still using VB3.7 /3.8

Yeah, people that don’t like every single site they go to looking like some derivative of Facebook are just a bunch of old codgers. /sarcasm

People don’t like the new layout not because it’s new, but because it’s fuckugly. As another poster said, why does it seem like so many sites are doing this now? Gawker sites are an excellent example: before their recent site overhaul, things were overall great. Then they switched over to the new layout, and it was so awful that they’ve actually had to re-redesign the site to make it more like the old one since they were losing so many visitors. It’s almost as if everyone is trying to pull an iPad with their own sites/products: completely maim functionality in favor of aesthetics, when there was nothing wrong with the aesthetics in the first place.

The faster speed is great and very welcomed, but it’s the only positive improvement; literally everything else (general layout, “like” button, new frontpage, etc.) is absolutely hideous. The “if it ain’t broke…” adage is perfectly apt here, as there was nothing broken about SRK’s old design and it certainly didn’t need “fixing.”

I disagree… I know several people who just STOPPED browsing the SRK forums after the upgrade to vB4. VB4 is the Gawker example, not XenForo. VB4 did everything wrong, and made it extremely hard for administration on a day to day process. Just give the changes time, you will get used to it and before you know it, you’ll hate going to ANY forum that uses VB4. My users at 8wayrun.com also hated the change, but now they can’t stand going to other forums that use VB4 like SRK or TYM.

just something that will take some time getting use to for me, overall I’m pretty satisfied how much cleaner srk looks now that things are coming to

Although I’m not going to as militant as some others, I do want to join the “not liking it” group. The old software was clean, looked nice, and worked. I’m on many other forums for other things, all of which use some version of vB and it was just nice to have the same look/feel and gosh darn it, it worked - and it worked well!

This layout is ugly - I get a funky bubblegum/bouncy feel from it. Too many rounded corners and soft colors. I’m all for server upgrades, but software upgrades should only be done when something is broken, and I don’t think there was anything wrong with the old site.

I like it, and I in particular like the Whats New? and Watched Thread buttons. Now I don’t have to go all the way to my profile settings or whatever just to see if someone posted in a thread.

Lets just say getting used to this was easier than getting used to IE9, even though I have noticed an improvement of speed in both. :cool:

Also, the Go To First Unread is super handy too.

Lastly, thank god no one can like their own statements like on FB, that shit is annoying.

I love the front page, just saying. I like the HTML5 things … even though I’d like it more if everything was plain good links, but it’s okay. The old design was stagnant, so if this step backwards is what it takes to go forward, I like it.

I agree that the forum “upgrade” was more of a “downgrade”, was it really necessary?
It’s going to take awhile to re-format combo, match-up, etc., threads.
Especially since most MVC3 combo threads used those emotes which are now gone…
Some tournament threads seem to have disappeared too… :confused:

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”