Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Thread

Fourth, video request :nunchuck:

Well, I can get 10 reps sometimes now, and get 4 consistently. However, for recording, my only option is to do it straight on my computer through my gamebridge, which lags a ton. I’ve only managed to record 5 reps. If you people want that though, I’ll throw it up.

And for people that don’t want to just use the tk’d voomerang infinite, there is good news. You can combo a tk’d fierce red hot kick from the tk’d voomerangs, then baroque into a close up combo. It’s pretty sexy stuff.

Are you sure advancing guard can’t stop someone using v.rang lockdown? If a V.rang is AG’ed while he is spamming Joe will be pushed back during his assault, and it takes a while for him to land on the ground which gives you time to retreat.

Advancing guard works for getting out of the lockdown if you’ve been blocking the v.rangs, but if one v.rang has hit you, then you’re getting combo’d by them, and can’t AG anymore. However, it looks like a properly timed Mega Crash will get you out of the combo, but won’t interrupt Joe, so you’ll have to be ready to AG and SJ out of there to approach him.

Also, I wouldn’t suggest the tactic of retreating against a Joe doing the lockdown, which is what I’m gonna call this from now on because it sounds cool.

TK’ing voomerangs is NOT easy. If you do it too early, and the game will let you, you land before the projectile comes out. This isnt something anyone can just pick up and do, at all.

The timing is also very strict once you do start getting the TK’ed voomerangs to come out every time. Please dont fear shit like this until we see it dominating actual play.

On top of that, Rock Vollunut can shut that entire show down with machinegun arm.

Everyone can shut it down. Either get faster projectiles out first, or rush Joe down. It isn’t an unbeatable strategy, and anyone who claimed it is a fool. However, once you get hit by a voomerang, be prepared for a world of hurt if your opponent is good/dedicated.

I would record it, but the most i’ve ever got was 3. :shake:

I’ll be very relieved if it’s escapable via megacrush + AG. Then Joe can be Viewtiful again.

Anyway, even if it’s not truly an infinite, rapid voomerang spam is going to make him a horror to deal with at range, and considering that he has decently good close range skills I think it’s safe to say that he will end up one of the more feared characters on the roster.

But I’d like to see how he matches up against the uncomboable giants. I have a feeling that they’ll be better at handling him.

I don’t get it. I mean, if it works with tight timing from far, it shouldn’t work in close combat (a voomerang would hit too soon and you wouldn’t have time to throw another one). The only way to get hit would be a full screen voomerang and, unless you mash at full screen or mistime other projectiles, this is probably not going to happen. Am I missing something here?

Now, if you can do the infinite in close, that’s another thing. Combo into voomerang would turn a perfectly played into a very dangerous character, if people can get it down reliably, which they probably will.

The infinite works from any distance, because you can get a second boomerang to hit just before the hitstun from the first wears off. You can either throw them from afar and hope the opponent messes up, or throw one from in close to get them.

Your comment about comboing into the infinite got me thinking and testing, however. And you just gave a new option: It is possible to combo into the infinite off Joe’s j.C. It’s cancellable by any move, so when you are hitting with it near the ground, cancel it with a voomerang at the height of a tk’d v’rang, and start doing the motions. The only downside is they can hit you with the megacrash from this close. Oh, and in my opinion it’s harder to get into the motion from the iad j.C than just starting it on the ground.

I hope those ramblings made sense.

which CO players are we talking about here?

YOU! He’s gona beat the crud out of you, you cocky player in Colorado!

I rather like that, Cocky Colorado.

A, low B, C xx Baroque, [qcf uf+A] x N

Also works. But also has the downside of being in megacrash range.

Also, I see I’ve been tracked down by other CO players. Curses! Also, mostly izzy, but everyone is on my “cocky player to beat” =D

It may not be easy, but it’s ideas like that that will create ridiculous scenarios in tournament play.

I can tell you from experience that just because something isn’t easy doesn’t mean it’s not something people can and will turn into muscle memory reflex.

For CvS2 it was roll cancelling, 3rd was kara-throws, Marvel was the ROM, Smash Melee was the waveshine. Almost all of those were thought at one point to be too difficult to even worry about having it used on you, but people just practiced it to the point of creating a new standard for what was hard. The tiger knee seems hard now, but wait until the first major TvC tournament and see if there aren’t at least a few people that can do it to 20 or 30 hits.

And we still haven’t got a video/proper testing of it yet…

Made a quick video just do demonstrate how it’s done. Once I get more familiar with the timing I will try and post a more in-depth vid.

Thank you!

…that does not look like it can be burst/guard escaped in any way. -_-; the voomerangs are too huge and too meaty.

Stupid. Seriously, where was the playtesting?