Is it even an infinite? What happens if you’re up close? Wont the Voomerang hit before you have time to throw another? Seems the only reason they combo’d so well is because the second one was out before the first one even hit. If that is the case, you could go from one side of the screen to the other, but it would end eventually the closer you get as the TK naturally moves you forward.
I think the biggest factor here is the speed of the projectile. Does the voomerang disapear once it hits? if so, then in theory it should be EASIER up close.
Joe needs to recover before he can throw another Voomerang right? The earler the Voomerang hits, the earlier the opponent goes into hit stun and the earler the opponent recovers. That’s earlier in your recovery, than had you done it from a longer distance. I can’t really say since I haven’t got the game, but shouldn’t they be able to block by then at that range? Seems that only a tiny difference in the timing caused the last Voomerang (in that video) to not combo… Still going to be a troublesome block string though…
Let’s say that it takes 30 frames for a boomerang to hit your opponent mid-screen, 8 frames for the boomerang to come out, and it leaves the opponent in 10 frames of hitstun.
Even if it takes 30 frames for the boomerang to reach them as long as you send another one out at 8 frames it will hit 8 frames after the first one connects regardless of how long it took to get there. Since that is within the 10 frame hitstun period it will reset the hitstun back to 10, since the next voomerang will hit 8 frames after that it just loops on and on.
As to moving forward, I don’t know if that’s because I’m holding up-forward instead of just up or maybe even up-back. Unless the move itself moves you forward I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible to move forward or backward
while doing the infinite. I’m at work right now so I can’t test this.
I hope all of this made sense .
Note: These aren’t the actual frames I’m just using them as an example.
Generally it’s a TK which ends in u/f (in this case). Unless you’re fast enough to end at u or u/b (or if it’s even possible) it will move you forward…
Are you sure that’s right? It’s hard to theorise when you haven’t even got the game… But I’m looking it at it like this. The combo is relient on the fact that Ryu doesn’t recover before the other Voomerang reaches him, otherwise he can block (obviously). It’s like a meaty, if a meaty attack ends with less frames on the back of it, a link is possible. Think of it this way, if you recover from a fireball before it hits the opponent, a link is more likely to be possible. This is because the hit stun has been activated later into the fireball’s frames, meaning they recover later than they should have done, allowing it to link.
I don’t know, it might just be so fast it’ll combo anyway, but there’s deffinately a possablity it’ll be harder up close…
Edit: One thing I dread now is it being static (as in neutral jumping), if he continuously moves forward at least (hopefully) you’ll be able to blast him with the Mega Crush at some point in the combo.
The distance doesn’t make any difference to the difficulty. No matter how close you are to the opponent, the voomerangs will be the same amount of time apart when doing it correctly, which is less than the hitstun time.
As for the question of doing it static, it can be done, but it is hard. I’ve done it a couple times, out of the hours I’ve spent working on this. It looks like you can even start a backdash using a triple button hit and then throw a v’rang to cancel the distance you’re moving forward, but that isn’t completely confirmed, and is hard as hell.
Distance will make a difference to how frames pan out. Say for example, there’s 20 frames of start up, 20 active frames and 20 frames of recovery, 60 in total. Up close, you go through the first 20 start up frames, since you’re point blank the Voomerang will hit on frame 21. That means you still have 39 frames to go through before you can start it again.
However, the further back you are, the later it hits the opponent. Mid screen, you go through the first 20 start up frames, however since you’re further back, the Voomerang will hit on frame 41 instead of 21, meaning you only have 19 frames to go through before you can start it again. If the opponent gets hit with it, naturally in this circumstance, further back will be easier to execute (not set up!).
So it does actually make some difference. But whether it applies here with actual recovery frames though, I don’t know…
You can throw another one while the first voomerang is still out on the screen though. It doesn’t matter when it hits the opponent. You can do the same exact timing wherever you are on the screen.
edit: Re-reading your post, I think you are misunderstanding why the trick works. Because it is TK’d the recovery is canceled when you land.
Yeah I knew that, I was just reffering to however much recovery he had, be it one frame, ten frames or even minus ten frames. The idea still applies, I guess it’s just too fast to escape… Just trying to root out any possible way it might not be as broken as it actually looks. It’s a shame because it really is quite retarded lol…
It’s just that in your video there was a very, very small error that caused the last one you went for to not combo. I my self can’t make out that error so it’s obviously rather minute. Any frames, at least one frame where you might be able to block, I was looking for. Just wish I had this game so I could test this shit my self…
So was that theorised block-string escape ever tested? Advanced Guard, Baroque, super jump I think it was…
Your math does not make sense. It doesn’t matter what frame in the loop the voomerang hits on. It’s not a factor of distance once the loop is initiated. Tsuki already explained why.
If you don’t want to move forward with it I found you can just end the tiger knee on up rather than up-forward and it will come out just the same, with no movement forward.
If a projectile hits while you’re still in the air in this situation, they’re going to have more frames of advantage (regardless of whether it’s useful or not) than if the projectile hits while you’re back on the ground. Seeing as it’s air bourne, there was always that chance that it could hit while in the air up close, instead of when he’s back on the ground. It obviously doesn’t relate to this example or even this game so thanks for clearing that up. But it does make enough sense to be questioned…
So I heard that you can block immediately after doing a mega crush. Has anyone been able to test to see if there’s any correct timing to escape via mega crush/Advanced guard?
Advanced Guard messes me up when I’m doing TK’d Voomerang :sad:
Same here. Everything is completely thrown off by push blocking his voomerangs. X___________X I hate how I’m just frozen in the air for a tiny bit and none of my inputs are being read.
In the corner:
Assist that staggers [5b<2C] Repeat brackets
I usually do 1C on the left side and 3C on the right side because of the Karas infinite do what ever feels comfortable to you. I didnt see a direct translation for this infinite on this thread just JWong suggesting B and C was an infinite, im shocked no one has posted this sooner.
Darnit. I didn’t see the 2C part. I was doing 5b 5C. Now I need to go see this. If this is true then ug. -_-
So I finally got around to doing joe’s 5B 2C infinite. You can actally start by comboing into a 2C and baroque it, then start the infinte. X____X
Joe is too good. I was only able to beat Keits at a tournament last weekend because of my Joe (my other chars aren’t very good, unfortunately). Although both Keits and I were dropping like half of our combos ‘cause we haven’t played the game in awhile ^_^’’
Joe can do some nice DHC tricks off his aerial raves thanks to Red Hot kick
I like using using Joe + Tekkaman and doing (Joe) 2a, 5b, 3b, 5c, 3c, j.5b, j.5b, jump , j.5b, j.5b, j.5c (2 hits), red hot kick C, red hot kick B, 236AB, DHC 623AB
Joe DHC’s to Tekkaman’s Make it Rain super as a really great combo ender. Deals a lot of damage for only 2 levels. (most of which you build during the initial combo)