Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Thread

Joe possibly banned, ey? Has someone done this in a real match? If its difficult to do I don’t think it should be banned. My opinion of course.

Since when did we start banning characters with infinite’s, unless its stupid easy to do there’s no point.

Since when was anybody ever banned because of them being too good, besides Akuma of SFIIT and some stuff in the Last Blade 2 game. If I recall correctly, only characters that weren’t in the arcade version are banned. But TvC seems to be a special case in the sense that there’s not really an active arcade scene. I wouldn’t know, but it seems people love to get a little ban happy with the ban stick from what I can tell =/

I say, until we get some tournaments going and see his potential there, we shouldn’t ban anything or any body quite yet.

I doubt Joe is gonna be dominating.

Exactly, people so quick to jump on stupid shit. In certain situations every damn character in mvc2 had a infinite but looked at how that turned out in serious play.

True, true. I hang my head in shame for jumping on the ban-wagon.

Yeah, even if someone gets the infinite down, the giant robots won’t care. And everyone else can just stay on joe’s ass. We need to get more awesome combos down for joe though.

I think that only Daimou is a wii-exclusive character…

commands for infinite?

you can at least supply us with that

until you decide to record, or not

well, if i’m not mistaken, the commands for the infinite are as follows:

[voomerang (qcf+p)>voomerang (qcf+p)>voomerang (qcf+p)] loop what’s in the brackets

like there are 3 attack buttons

so is it A B then C?

ima noob!!!

Even if it’s not an infinite, I can see Joe matches turning into nothing but “Voomerang! Voomerang! Voomerang! Voomerang! Voomerang! Hey come on! Voomerang!” XD

I just did this to a friend of mine,was pretty funny. Even if he megacrashes out of it,he still gets onslaughted by the next wave of boomerangs.

Not sure if this can be megacrashed or I was messing up on the timing and he was able to megacrash out of it at that point.

Anyone know?

Gee, I’m going to be a little angry if this turns out to be un-escapable. >_> I really like Joe and wanted to play him, but if matches turn into nothing but boomerang infinites, then that’s not Viewteful at all.

Actually, you have to tiger knee the projectile. Anyone and everyone could have just read the thread instead of asking how to do what’s already been explained.

As for the ‘too quick to jump on stupid shit’ comment, I doubt very seriously that anyone wants to play a match against anyone that can combo their projectile into itself.

Even if it doesnt connect it can still keep them in almost permanent block stun, which also makes it a stall tactic.

What it amounts to is basically if Ryu was able to combo his hadoken into itself forever. Regardless of if you can avoid it or not, it’s a stupid feature because it’s an obvious long range domination on Joe’s part. I don’t think I’m the only one that sees it that way, but I already know that the small characters have an advantage in this game simply because they’re more difficult to lock down and to keep trapped.

If this character can really infinite you from one corner to the next and then proceed to throw projectiles at you until you’re life bar is almost gone and finish it off with a a launcher into a freeze glitch to stall the match out until he wins by timeout, he has no business in a game where players spend their time practicing more than just 3 tactics.

Truly Neoblanka is wise. Everything about Joe seems like an afterthought. I mean, you can do 12k damage by the combo of launch, mash B.

I’m still gonna practice this shit to beat the crud out of some cocky Colorado players though. And to maybe improve my tiger knee technicals.

But if anyone has any good BnB combos for Joe, I’m listening, I have trouble comboing with him because of his short limbs.

haha…yup…there’s where it says “tk’d”…shame…I won’t edit my post :frowning:

Anyways, if you look over in the main thread from back on FGD, there’s a whole page of people talking about how talking about a ban is stupid, which is probably true, but I also agree with Blanka. Joe really seems like he was an afterthough. I already said this once, but they couldn’t have possibly playtested him for any reasonable amount of time. With a stupid infinite, freeze glitching, and who knows what will pop up, it does seem like he was just shoveled onto the console release. One thing that somebody suggested though for getting out of the inifinite was this: Megacrush>advancing guard>jump out. I’d still like to see a vid of the infinite, and also of someone trying to do things like this to get out.

Megacrush and advanced guard gives me hope.

But even if it is unavoidable, it’s still not going to be too hard to enforce a ban on this tactic.

I really like Joe. :confused: I don’t want to see him turning out to be just a broken toy.

Still no vid of this? Someone please post it up. I know the commands for it but hey, why not.

-Tha Hindu

I second, or even third now, the video request…