Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Thread

works on grounded opponents but it dont work on megaman/roll/viewtiful.

joe’s jump C is pretty rediculous.

don’t think it was posted but you can also hold his bomb and he’ll keep juggling it. also if you throw a bomb you can A boomerang to send it across the screen. joe’s B air boomerang also seems to control space really well in front and below.

i dont have the game yet but have played some…block strings into the A bomb seem pretty safe because if they attack they’ll push you away somewhat and get hit themselves, if they pushblock you’ll be fine, and if they sit there you can just block too. if they get used to blocking, i assume you could call bomb then assist, then dash back and continue to zone. i think this is legit but unfortunately i havent been able to test this option much yet.

So are people finding Joe’s range to be an issue? When I first saw him, I figured that being chibi and having short limbs as he does, he’d have trouble getting in around characters with long limbs, let alone swords. But from the vids I’ve seen, his hitboxes appear to be quite generous.

You’re insane.:rofl:

The bombs seem to be pretty good for mind games and forcing your opponent around the screen, though. I was going to mention the thing about the bombs but I see it’s already been posted.

This is pretty recent, if you tiger knee his boomerang, it removes all lag from the end of it as long as you throw it right before you land back on the ground. The only way to get two on the screen at once. Insane for spam.

Okay I’m sure this is old by now. But it seems his bombs has even more uses as well. He can send a bomb towards your opponent aka Hsien-Ko style with his Boomerang. Seen in thse videos. Also pretty decent Saki play. Overall okay matches.

So, messing around with this information, I managed to combo the lowest tk’d boomerang into itself 4 times, but my technicals aren’t the greatest, so I’m willing to bet it’s an infinite. If not, you could at least use to approach from full screen, then go into a super, thanks to the insane meter building the boomerang does.

Edit: up to 7, does 15k on a full health Ryu.

Awesome. I just finished soldering my gamecube PCB to my stick so I’m definitely going to go test this one out.

EDIT:It works. The game’s officially broken. Together, I believe we have just discovered the game’s first un mega crashable infinite.


I’ll try to have a video up soon.

Only Joe is viewtiful enough to have something like this. XD

The timing is insanely hard. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to stop me from perfecting it. Full screen infinites are fun.

Hyper Viper.

so are we sure it can’t be bursted out of? Surely the opponent can time the burst in such a way so as to avoid the voomerangs and at least superjump out?

can someone make a video showing this?

Yeah well if it’s true that Joe/Saki/Ippatsuman/Daimao are wii only characters, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to imagine them all just banned.

Correct me if i’m wrong but aren’t the exclusive characters only timed?

That’s what I heard originally, but what (english-speaking) people were saying was that they’d get released in the arcades when the wii version got released which (if I’m not mistaken) hasn’t happened. Also the J-wiki lists them as wii characters and not secret characters or anything like that. For what it’s worth.

Most American people will never get to touch this game in the arcade. Japan isn’t going to play it seriously.

Why ban extra characters when there’s no real arcade scene?

Well what it looks like is capcom didn’t really appropriately playtest their console-only characters. (see: joe’s voomerang infinite, glitchy crap) So that’s why joe would get banned, but I could see it happening en masse rather than just joe.

Really? Japan isn’t playing this? So that means no TvC at SBO???

EDIT: Also, I have a question. I haven’t been paying attention to the behavior of VJ’s bomb. If the opponent is in the air, and happens to get hit by the bomb while airborne, how long do they stay in hitstun? Does it knockdown?

NeoBlanka, the timing isn’t that bad once you get the rhythm, you just need to have the full motion for the next voomerang buffered in by the time you land so you can instantly jump. I’ll see about getting video of it for people, though I suck when I’m recorded =/

I assume it can be burst out of, but since it’s a full screen infinite if you want it to be, it’s completely burst safe, and doesn’t stop joe from just continuing his spam. Who would’ve thought that my MM/VJ team would have the spammer be VJ…

Oh, and if you want the real jerk move part: If you do the infinite while approaching, you can combo into Joe’s level 3 super at the end. For the flashiness/awesome.

That all depends if capcom pays them to put it in. Also, no need to ban joe you can just ban the infinate after X reps if necessary.

True, the big problem is the number of reps. This one seems far more damaging than some of the others discovered. Although the one justin found for Joe seems even more damaging…

But, in non-infinite news, just making sure everyone knows about the invincibility on Joe’s 6B and 214AB. The 6B isn’t that great, since it still can’t combo unless you baroque it, but you can do these to get out of pressure strings. And, if you want to use my ultimate-make-people-hate-you technique, predict a burst and input the level 3 super. You’ll dodge the blast and kick them before they can block.