Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

At least this time Activision are kind enough to warn us

P.S. Holy shit I didn’t know you had to manually save in Bioshock 1. Got killed right after seeing the Big Daddy scene and selecting “continue” literally loaded me back to the intro when you first arrive to Rapture. Dang.

@Chadouken dropping his kid off at school.


I searched as much as i could and only found one side event for it last year. Game got SF4ed. Inj2 also got dropped like a sack of bricks.

It isnt hearsay. Last time I talked about all this I pulled up attendance records. After that I looked through a bunch of tournaments for side events involving NRS games.

NRS scene doesnt try to susyain many of their games for long term play like the Capcom side does. Thats a demonstrable fact. Old MK games are in so little demand that not even fightcade has them as supported games.

If them fools are watching now, its because of the patch. They definitely didnt care that much before it. Other NRS games are in a similar boat.

Given how much they put into single player stuff and how much they’ve put on eSports, their scene should be massive by now. But for w/e reason, bum ass SF5 has had higher numbers than NRS games.

Being mad wont change the fact that NRS game attendance is lukewarm despite having all the things that are supposed to bring people into the fgc

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Finally hooked up my PS2 through the AV adapter on TCL tv. Tested lag with Shinobi, it was there. Switched to Game Mode, it went away.

Talked a co-worker into checking out Killer 7 (he bought it on Steam), so now I can talk to him about it. Gonna give Shinobi another shot. Wasn’t feeling it back in the day, but I’m down to give something another try. Still prefer 2D Shinobi, but testing the PS2 game, I’m coming around to it.

Arms is my favorite fighter this gen. Multiplayer in general has been Nintendo for me, with Mario Kart 8, Splatoon and Arms. Those and Mario Maker are why I’ll renew with Nintendo’s bs subscription. Skirted the online sub last year with GCU.

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One MKX discord are alive and doing amazingly well.

Given how much they put into single player stuff and how much they’ve put on eSports, their scene should be massive by now. But for w/e reason, bum ass SF5 has had higher numbers than NRS games. Being mad wont change the fact that NRS game attendance is lukewarm despite having all the things that are supposed to bring people into the fgc

Except for the fact that being Mortal Kombat makes that an impossibility. Did you read any of my posts regarding YouTube demonetization, video take downs and even issues with twitch when MK11 dropped? Blogs about MK violence is bad etc.

All the MK bells and whistles make it so that it’ll never blow up or be the face of the FGC you clown. That’s like believing DoA could be the leader of the scene.

I mean I beat it…what more is there to talk about? I’m slowly working through Hard mode but that’s just the game again bit with some restrictions and the need for smart materia builds which already got mostly talked about already.

Games awesome but I’m working through P5R which is a director’s cut basically. Also getting waxed in SMTIV.

Just moved on from 7R mostly. Nothing left to talk about.


If I’m being honest 7Remake was kinda boring on hard mode. Doesn’t exactly feel hard either. Didn’t bother finishing 2nd play through, felt like a chore. One play through was enough for me, not much else to say.

I admit, I don’t really drink myself but I always enjoy watching HTD especially when he does these specialty episodes.

Also, he’s a FFVI/Chrono Trigger guy so people here would actually like him.

Then ask them why they don’t run side events at Majors.

Think about it, there have been 5 different NRS games played in tournaments. You could legitimately have The Mortal Kombat Championships and run: MK2, UMK3, MK9, MKX and MK11. You add Inj1 and Inj2 and you’d have 7 NRS games all in one place. Not only that, but its feasibly done by just using PS4s and PS3s for all games.

So what’s the deal then? They don’t run it because the scene doesn’t want to.

Here’s the thing: none of that stuff is stopping people from showing up. Bad as it is, SF5 had 5K on release at Evo. The year of MK11’s release it had 1,567. Mind you that at that point, you had Injustice 2 eLeague, MKX eLeague etc.

So what’s the problem? Blaming it on sudden youtube issues is silly when NRS games have been on regular ass TV multiple times.

FGC is about showing up and playing. NRS dudes don’t.

So like I said already:

The NRS scene has way more support in different directions than SF, but SF players keep playing.

Not sure why this gets people all up in their feelings but they do.

MK sucks, yo. SFV sucks too, yo.

So does Alpha 3.


Leave innocent Alpha 3 out of this!



I guess I’m uncultured swine, I liked Alpha 3. But my favorite by and far was Alpha 2. That was my shit, and the music… :ok_hand:


Pretty much, it is a quasi remake of a two decade plus game. The only thing left to talk about are implications of spoilers and if Star Wars has thought me anything talking about that stuff when the answers won’t come for years only leads to disappointment.

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This looks dope as fuck. I love the traditional Castlevanias way more than Castlevanias from IGA.


Look the FGC only has one Truth, and that Truth is Street Fighter.

Also MK always been kinda garbage.

Step out of the 90’s shadow, we can appreciate games that do the right things. Ain’t like Capcom is putting money in your pocket… Or are they?

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His uncle works at capcom


Tekken is the leader of the pack for me currently with KoF and MK in third. SF in fourth.

SF was first in my head until the last 8 or so years.