Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Dude, I just looked into this, Yuffie was supposed to be a bounty hunter after Cloud & Roth during a cold war between Wutai and Shinra. I could see this change happening in Remake definitely

But that’s not even the big shit, EDEA from FF8 was supposed to be in FF7 as a Jenova cult leader. WOW

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Those are fighting words …

Na, joking.

Everyone just very strongly passionate so we are also just as strongly opinionated.

Breaking News

An FPGA Core of the PS1 is in early development

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I just don’t understand pacing issue complaints when the main story used everything to further characters. Even the early main mission with Johnny gets you a great look at Tifa and Cloud and where they are as people at that moment.


Well seeing as you feel so differently then you aren’t going to understand. Let’s just leave it at that. If you felt the pacing was fine then more power to ya.

For the PSVR bros this game is amazing. I been playing this game Oculus. This does John Wick more justice than it’s actual licensed game.


Dunkey was not a fan it seems. Found the video funny but don’t agree with a large chunk of what he said especially the stuff he takes out of context lol.


So FF7Remake…

Liked Aerith, the combat, character development and that’s really it. The pacing was annoying and boring at times, dialogue was pretty bad at times, not enough combat, story still mostly bleh and I didn’t really feel much emotion in relation to the story.

Some warning signs from the train wreck that is kingdom hearts. Still wait and see, but I see problems I did not want to see.

I don’t understand that at all. It’s the most successful VG movie so far right now right? Nobody is even thinking about a sequel? Weird.


I feel Dunkey doing that for the views

Yeah the best thing about the Remake is you actually get a sense of the city’s true scale. The original game didn’t really convey that. I don’t fault them for that at least. I just don’t think the hardware was capable enough.


Oh that’s just Dunkey. He hates RPGs.


Not familiar with the guy but that instantly makes any of his game opinions suspect for me.

He’s really fucking funny, and half his shit is just clowning around. I don’t watch his stuff with any sense of a legitimate review standpoint, more for entertainment. That’s not to say he isn’t a legit game reviewer, but he has his biases and is open about them.


Well it was not that the PS1 wasn’t powerful enough, Sqeenix did a better job utilizing the technology in FF8 and FF9, they were still learning the hardware with FF7, considering the early days of the project was directed towards prototype N64 hardware. FF7 was very much experimenting with new things for the first time.


I also think it has to do with Midgar not being the main setting of the entire game when it comes to the original.

Seems like he does enjoy the game, but he pretty much expresses exactly what I was thinking in terms of the game being amazing segments of combat sandwiched between huge sections of walking, talking, or watching. With dialog that ranges from passibly endearing to unbearably disconnected from how real people actually talk.

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I don’t get the dialog thing. I think there’s far far more instances of great dialog and voice work than iffy ones.

It also has some of the highest highs of VA work in general with all the stuff after the plate falls.

Barret especially


I hated Barrets voice at first but he grew on me. Didn’t know Tyler Hoechlin (CW’s Superman) was Sephiroth either, overall very solid voice work (miss Quinton Flynn as Reno tho)

That’s an excellent point Darksakul.

Outside of one character that makes a brief appearance at the end. The voice work was superb. I don’t get a lot of the dialog criticisms either. I think it’s the best dialog Square had done bar none.