Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Those are side quests though, that’s kind of their point lol


Lol u bout right. All I know is as soon as u get a plane capable of flight, you can go to Wutai

@Garaski: I felt like a particular new character was padding cuz he added nothing and we didn’t get a resolution. But I assume that’ll be addressed later

Padding as in they took things that lasted five minutes in the original game and made them take hours instead in remake. Like this was only the Midgar section and they had to pad things out to make it last as a 40 hour game. I understand that. But it ultimately made for slow pacing.

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If you mean Johnny he’s about the only thing I straight up didn’t like lol

Nah, the red head. But the guy you named also seemed fairly pointless other than comic relief Lol

I don’t really understand why that’s a problem when they specifically said the whole game was just midgar. And it’s not like they inflated it with meaningless stuff, they actually improve on what’s there and flesh out stuff that was glossed over.


Who else has red hair?

Roche. Didn’t care for him at all

Sure they did. They added a shit ton of side characters and events that mean nothing to the overall story of FF7 and were just there to pad out Midgar.

He has brown hair dude lol

But I see. I did like him but we also didn’t see him that much.


You can do it as early as Disc 1, but you can’t complete it on Disc 3.

Fix it for you; the Tiny Bronco don’t fly, as soon as you get it, it gets shot down.
But it can go over shallow water.

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In side quests, sure, but the actual story content is still all relevant stuff


Nope. There are missions that aren’t side quests that feature these characters.

Lmao I’m all discombobulated, but yea. He shows up like 2 hours in, then you don’t see his ass any more :joy:

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The directors and producers of 7R have said until they’re red in the face that everything that has been added and will be added to 7R is stuff they had cut from the original game due to time constraint, memory constraint, technology constraints or things that were translated so poorly they may had well just not existed in the original.

They even said outside of a few new people almost the entire original FF7 team was brought Back to work on 7R

You not liking it doesn’t make that fact not a fact


Yep, there alot of background lore and information on the setting of Midgard it self


Uh, I never said any of that wasn’t a fact. Let alone has anyone even mentioned this for me to disagree with.
It’s also irrelevant to me feeling that the game has slow pacing. As usual you peeps just looking to argue with people that have a different opinion than you.

That is the definition of Arguments, people that have a different opinion looking to sway others

You’re right. But no one in this motherfucker knows how to agree to disagree. Lol


EWWWW…This looks gross!

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