Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Just pointed out how easy it is for someone who gives a damn to find out. The internet is thing. If I can find that while responding to you, editing my book, and cooking dinner then I’m damn sure a fan can investigate the matter thoroughly quite easily.

Honestly they didn’t really change all that much. Complete supposition on my part, but they can hit all the hard points while adding similar detail like they did with Midgar. IIRC There isn’t any city or town in the game near Midgar’s scale. How big was Junon? For what I recall everyone where else were just basic towns that could be given the same amount of detail as the sector “towns” of the Remake.


Junon and Gold Sauce are the only ones I can remember that were sort of big. It’s been ages so I’m probably wrong.

People were bitching about FF VII Remake not being a traditional turn-based RPG in the same way people bitched about RE 2 remake not having tank controls and fixed camera angles.

We can never have nice things


Wutai was pretty decent size too, wasn’t it a whole continent??

Yeah, but Wutai was basically just the city and a short mountain section.


Rented the Sonic bluray from Redbox today. Going to watch it tonight. I kind of don’t have any expectations but I remember hearing people saying that it was better than expected, so I hope that it’s at least entertaining.


Thanks for the clarification, my memory is hazy sometimes

Only thing I’m worried about is the world map, will or will it get cut? And if it makes the cut, will you be able to actually explore it or will it be like FFX’s where u select the city on a map?

Wutai isn’t essential to the story since the only thing that triggers the events in wutai is recruiting Yuffie who is an optional recruit

Going by Remake, I get the feeling Wutai will be mandatory in the future. They may decide to leave it optional tho, who knows


I honestly don’t remember much of Wutai. Never was much of a Yuffie fan. Would it be on a theoretical disc 3?

I have vague memories of Stay Puft Marshmallow Barret…or am I off base. I’m old my memory could be betraying me :rofl:

You could go to Wutai as soon as you got the Highwind in Disc 2 (I didnt know about it til Disc 3, so I went back and steamrolled that side quest)

I’m almost sure it won’t have a world map. The whole reason RPGs haven’t had true world maps is because of how hard they’d be to implement in a full HD visuals game. It’s always just big-ish fields between areas like in Dragon Quest 11 or FF10 or 12

Like, those ARE the “world maps” now

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I thought FF7R was okay. The things I liked about it the most was the battle system and the overall production quality. But the pacing wasn’t really that great due to the padding out of the story. I meant to replay through the original again before playing remake but couldn’t bring myself to do it. But after finishing remake the first thing I did was start up FF7 and it was amusing for me to basically do in two hours what took 20 hours in remake. Lol

I don’t really feel like it was padding though. Most of the extra time was filled with character development.


Padding doesn’t mean that there wasn’t character development.

What does padding mean aside from inconsequential fluff?

Nani? You can do wutai as soon as you get the Bronco in Rocket Town. Which is right after Nibelheim. Which is disc one.


Some of the side quests were definitely padding, but they were generally enjoyable so I didn’t mind, plus you get cool shit for completing them