Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

No wonder they’re abandoning BFV then. Can’t wait for this next one to be another live service that will die in less than 2 years


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Sonic director says despite the open ending there is no plans for sequel but everyone involved with the first will be on board if the opportunity to do a sequel is Discussed


sheeeittttt, Destroy All Humans remake!??! hell yeah BOUGHT.

…and depending on how much that Crypto Edition of Destroy All Humans is I might want to actually get that version of it.

D3—currently up to paragon 160-something…ha, at this rate I’ll be well over 200 before the season ends, most likely…also got a good Hellfire Amulet crafted recently which gives me the Unwavering Will passive. The power continues to grow… I will be…inevitable… like Thanos.


Lmfao. So I was walking my dog yesterday and when I passed by the complex dumpster, I saw a ton of CD cases stacked neatly right next to it. The one on top being Tekken 5. I picked it up and rattled it, sure enough there was a disc inside.

Went back, grabbed some gloves, and brought everything in. After some pretty thorough disinfecting, this was everything I found:

Pretty neat haul. I found some stuff without cases too like Budokai 2. I’m really happy about that copy of Tekken 5 tho, and the entire Avatar collection is a hell of a find too. :grinning:


It must be Sonicabids counterpart from the Age of Apocalypse.


Mild spoilers towards the end. I wish Dunkey was a little more considerate about revealing giant plot points in his reviews.


I would have left the sports games in the dumpster.


Don’t blame them. If they have to change plans for some reason people will call them liars and a bunch of other shit. Already calling them liars for labeling this a remake even tho it’s a fucking remake.


I think people want to bitch for the sake of bitching.

People are idiots. Given my views on the original game. I did not follow the FFVII Remake closely at all. Yet even I know that it wasn’t going to be a 1 for 1 retelling of the original game. So the so called fans should have been aware of this. A bunch of people need to learn the different between a Remake and a Remaster. It seems they wanted a remaster i.e. the same game with better graphics. Putting “Remake” alone in the title indicates somethings will be changed. That said, Square Enix said some things would change and the game would only cover Midgar. I am so fucking tired of the current bitchfest our society has become.


Every modern console release of regular ff7 is a remaster lol.


Especially since the Steam-ReRelease they upgraded the Rendering Engine Some.
They also did some major bug fixes. It’s based on the Win95/98 Version and there for example a huge bug where it crashes on Win Xp and Later Window operating systems.

Hell, what they want is on PC. They’ve modded the hell out of the original game. You can play the original crapfest story, in it’s entirety, with better graphics. You can see the great Cloud Strife steal his boys identity, find his girlfriend, beat the living hell out of her, betray his comrades, and then stand there like simp when the antagonist murders his boy’s girl by running her through with improved graphics. :+1:t5:

Edit: To illustrate what I was referring to.

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Have you seen the Steam/IOS /PS4 /Xbox One/ Switch Ports compared to the PS1 and Win 95 versions?

I know the mobile one is trash and the original PC version is suspect. I honestly don’t care enough about the game to look beyond. I played the Switch version for like 20 minutes to make sure the cartridge worked and stuck it back in the case.

Then you don’t really have a leg to stand on in this argument.

Hey look what I found after 30 seconds. Damn this took SOOOO much effort.

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But you said you didn’t care.

Plus I seen this video a while back before buying the Steam Version and debating if I want the Steam Version or not.

I read an article that said subsequent episodes of FF7R won’t differ dramatically, itll still stick to the script from the original game despite the ending :flushed: