The combat seems clunky until you learn the ends and outs. I gotten to Chapter 6 in hardmode after beating it on normal. I can tell you that the me that started this game initially would gotten bodied free by chapter 1. Learning Cloud’s Punisher Mode is a big early key. The counter aspect of that stance reaps huge rewards. Learning enemy weakeness and how to use the stagger system helps as well. It reminds me of fighting games in the way it rewards you for “getting gud.” I’m still learning things. For example I just realized that casting Slow or Stop extends the enemy’s stagger state.
Oh wow, never used Time materia to know it does that, duly noted
What the hell is Deliver Us The Moon about?
Why and the fuck are Items and Spells attached to your ATB Gauge? I mean, I guess it makes sense but with how hectic the combat gets it fucks up the flow of combat a lot imo.
So you can’t abuse items/spells. Forces you to strategize instead of spamming. I’ll admit it’s an adjustment to make but if you stick with it, you’ll find the combat excellent eventually
I’m heavily doubting it. I know I’m barely into the game and a lot of it is just “get Gud” but the combat feels so unbelievably and frustratingly clunky and busy.
Yeah, I may be able to get that 300% Stagger achievement trophy now.
I think you are making the same mistake a lot of people made. One I made during the demo. FFVII Remakes battle system is more inline with classic Final Fantasy than it’s given credit for. It’s active nature with its blocking and standard attacks hides the fact that it still is the Active Time Battle system at its core. Instead just sitting and waiting for the gauge to fill like in say FFIV, you can use standard offensive and defensive measures while the gauge fills. Remembering that goes a long way in my view.
Once I grasped the fact this was more atb rpg than action rpg I buckled downed and adjusted.
Tank/healer Barrett, a dedicated spell caster for staggers and tifa punches things. Definitely a git gud situation.
Also pretty sure Tank Barrett breaks the game lmao. Literally unkillable.
I need to work on my Tank Barret. I don’t think I’ll finish hard mode without him.
I think Tank Barret has more issues in late Hard Mode, but still is pretty strong.
There’s also all the times you can’t use him lol
He’s busted. Thought hard mode would be harder, but the combo of ridiculously high hp, life taker, prayer and chakra bodies the game. Add maginify with regen and barrier and honestly nothing is really a threat.
Maybe prayer and chakra are busted combined with how fast Barrett builds ATB. Bypass the mana issues easy.
I just give it all to cloud.
Dont have Lifesaver tho.
Got to believe they saw how FFVII did plus guessing how quickly folk are going to ‘reopen’ the economy and felt they should be fine.
Because they are powerful actions and took ATB in the original. Everything except normal attacking and using a character specific skill and Limits requires ATB.
Might need to change your mind set. I had to. This isn’t an action RPG. This is a turn based RPG with some real time action based mechanics but its still heavily reliant on ATB and turns.
This dbz kakarot dlc is on some bs lol
I wasn’t sure how they were going to approach the story for this…did not expect them to throw it in the trash lol. Red flags went up when Whis started talking about Super Saiyan God and I had to stop the video when he pulled Future Trunks in for the ritual.
You know how you stop spoilers from spreading? Stop openly admitting and/or telling people the spoilers for something fucking exist.
All it’s going to do is make people that much more curious, investigate themselves, deflate their anticipation and kill their expectations
Shit like this is so irritating. Just stick your head in the cloud, be patient and wait. It’ll hopefully all be worth it
I had little interest in playing TLOU 2 (was more into the story), but I feel so sorry for those of you who have to now wait a month and some change for this to come out with those spoilers abound.
No it won’t. Ignoring this isn’t going to stop the youtube asshole from having a spoiler thumbnail and title on his video or it being discussed openly when the game is brought up. I like a heads up for shit like this so I steer clear of the topic. I know I avoid the marvel thread here like two weeks before the movies drop.
Ppl are such dicks with spoilers, you could be scrolling about a random, unrelated topic and still see spoilers. Like when Endgame came out, I was reading the comment section about video games or wrestling (can’t remember which) , and a mfer spoiled that Tony died in the comments for NO reason