Yeah, that’s the stuff I’m thinking about. Some folks are just dicks. It’s hard enough to dodge youtube and the like, but some asshole will put spoilers where you’re not expecting them virtually anywhere you go.
Rock B’s spirit lives on after death.
FF7 Remake Final Boss
FF7 Remake Final Cutscene
FF7 Remake Ending Explained
Basically YouTube is filled with a bunch of dick bags. Don’t even get me started on the thumbnails assholes use or random comments
This isn’t really news. They announced this last year, but have mostly kept quiet about it. Hoping the delay is because they’ve given it over to Code Mystics who have arguably the best rollback implementations in recent memory.
Yeah I had some assholes spoil Endgame for me too on FB, especially with Hulk donning the makeshift Infinity Gauntlet and Tony’s funeral. However, I doubt TLOU 2 is on that level of hype, but yeah, would be wise to avoid pretty much anything social media related
I thought this was gonna happen but I searched up some media for Judgment and well…
I’m back in there, lol
Heat moves are expanded upon throughout the series, but I think with the Yakuza 3 they held back, trying to become familiar the PS3 hardware initially?
Did you do the sidequest in Kiwami 2 that references Yakuza 3?
They talk about it in there, and I can agree on certain aspects about them holding back, whilst building up to a bigger scope but holding back when they should go forward.
About the ending
I really would’ve loved to fight Hamazaki for instance. His intro, his meeting with Majima, and his backstory about his ties with the Chinese Mafia and the U.S. Military had my pumped to see what kind of moves he would have. Then it’s mentioned he’s most likely dead, and when he does return it’s through a cutscene with him stabbing Kiryu.
To piggyback on this. I think this is how the director was trying to go out with a bang, but they held back for potential sequels and wanted to leave it open. Had they kept with Kiryu dying it would’ve been a bummer since the villain that was built up, did without a fight and through a cutscene, which would’ve pissed more people off.
I liked the last boss in this alot, but agree there could’ve been more. I was still satisfied with it. I think Yakuza 2/Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 0 probably did this the most in keeping the boss in the players mind, throughout the game.
The music gave me VF4 vibes, which is probably one of my most least liked OSTs of all time. Made double is since Sega is pretty much untouched when it comes music.
Funniest moment for me playing FF7R regarding a sidequest:
S5 Pedestrian: Some thugs have been hanging around Aeirith’s place looking for Barret.
Me: K…shouldn’t be a problem…runs to Aerith’s place to confront them
Thug: Time to bring out the big guns…Rip em apart! * A lil cute unassuming Tonberry shows up on screen doing it’s lil waddle saunter over to us*
Me: eyes wide A FUCKING TONBERRY!? YOU GUYS BROUGHT A FUCKING TONBERRY!? looks completely worried at what’s about to transpire and immediately starts to get PTSD about the first time running into one of these guys in the original game
Wife: looks at me, looks at the Tonberry and of course is not amused What’s scary about that?
Me: slow turn to the wife That thing is TERRIFYING…
Wife: It really doesn’t look that threatening…What does it do? Wife then witnesses the first character get stabbed and is downed instantly…
That fight went south so fucking fast the first time I fought it lmao.
Yeah they ain’t no joke. Tip, hit em with a level 3 spell of some type to get the knockdown then go ham. Do it again just as they get up. Cause fuck trying to fight them normally.
I beat him using the Justin Wong method and and lamed him out. I didn’t know level 3 spells would work because when I assessed him it said no weaknesses so was like…WELP! lol
That asshole using stop on you is like nightmare fuel. It’s like having Sleep Paralysis and watching someone slowly come at your face with a plastic bag.
Thinking about it kind of reminds me of ReDeads but on a far worse scale.
They aren’t a weakness but high level spells just have high knockdown/hitstun potential in any case.
It took me three attempts to beat that thing. Things would be going well, then I’d slip up and bam, someone gets stabbed out of nowhere.
So, uhhhh, damn…Tony Stark dies in that last Avengers movie? That sucks. I dont think I wanna watch it now.
I tried that game Indivisible out. Man that shit sucks.
I dont have any interest in the next TLoU game. While the story in the first game was ok the game was fuckin’ boring as all shit to play. So boring that I had to force myself to finish it and it took me over a fuckin’ year. I aint puttin’ myself through that shit again.
I basically kept my distance and shot it from afar using Barret. Beat it with mid difficulty
maybe it’s a generational divide, or something… but checking those Diablo forums again reminded me… I really really don’t get why “botting” is a thing in the first place. So basically, you’re having an AI thing play the game for you. Sooooo what was the point of you even buying the damn game then? You get this game…only to have a program play it for you. This is one of the dumbest goddamn things I’ve heard about in the industry. The whole thing just comes off as stupid and incredibly lazy for a variety of reasons…then again, most people are stupid and lazy, so this really should not surprise me. If an app is playing it for you, that tells me you’re only half-way interested in the game at best…so why did you even bother getting it?
Really, so you have a bot farm up a few thousand paragon levels for you, and get all the gear… at what point is there some fun in this situation? Since there’s a never-ending loot hunt in these types of games, I wonder when they decide to actually start playing the game “for real”? The further I go down the general rabbit hole, the more it becomes apparent that I’m one of the few that has a drastically different opinion from literally the rest of the entire fanbase on quite a few issues in this and other games in the genre. (*like trading is another thing… there’s people that think trading should be just as limited in D4 as it was in the handicapOOPS I mean…PC version of D3… another perspective that is just Twilight Zone levels of bizarre to me.
I’m in favor of free trading between players on pretty much everything in action-rpgs…otherwise you kill some of the fun in co-op/multiplayer.)
I can get it. A lot of people simply like cheating because it makes them feel good since it’s easier to “win” while cheating. It’s the same thing with aimbots back in the day. Hell I used to love things like Game Genie and Game Shark and all those were for was cheating.
Also if you think about it, people LOVE watching video game play throughs now a days. I don’t personally get it for the reasons you are saying, but it’s pretty much the same concept of botting, with even less interaction. I hear many people on this forum even talk about watching people play through games when they come out so there is definitely a market and interest for it.
Amazon is apparently price matching as well…
That’s pretty much what I started resorting to when I said I went the Justin Wong route. Barret was my main healer so I played keep away and just peppered his ass till he was dead while keeping everyone else alive.