I love the hacking in Nier:A. It was the good stuff.
Finished Judgment. LOVED IT! Really loved the the change of pace in story and characters. The drone was an awesome addition. The arcade having a not-House of the Dead, and it being good is a great bonus, and Motor Raid being there is cool since that’s Sega bringing games underrepresented, into the fold.
Production values were amazing, made even more amazing, for the genre. This and DMCV were my favorite PS4 games last year, and the only ones, I bought. Having ‘gamey-ass-games’ with these production values has me pumped for next-gen. Judgment just has an aesthetic to it that is Clean and Smooth. It’s jazzy and upper-class. The music is on another level.
Really loved just about everything Judgment.
That just leaves Fist of the North Star to finish. I left off on Chapter 6 in that game. Funny enough that’s where I left off in Judgment before taking a break from it. Gonna take a break from the PS4 for now, though.
Gorebreaker definitely got my attention then, sheeeitttttttttt… I’d like to see more varied enemies though, and more on screen…it also might help if they zoomed the camera view out just a little bit.
Checking on something over at the Diablo forums… it’s an odd thing to see people that complain about the paragon system and other continued methods of leveling in games… at least in my opinion, you kill the game if you remove that sort of thing. Imagine D3 with no paragon points or legendary gem levels. Once you’ve finished story (ha, as if anyone other than me cares about the lore in these games), hit level 70 and acquired all the best gear for your preferred character builds… what’s left at that point if there is no continued progression? Seems like it would get stale pretty damn fast, imo if level 70 (+ all legendary weapons) was the end point for a character’s power.
Sometimes I think it’s a mixture of general laziness and/or diminished passion… like some just don’t enjoy the game that much anymore. Either way, the type of game people like this usually propose seems like it would be a terribly boring action-RPG…one where you just beat the game, hit max level and never play again…nah, fuck THAT.
heh, speaking of all that— now I’m up to paragon 93 on my XB1 character… and 145 or something on Switch…ridiculous power.
Don’t bother. When this was still Death Cargo and was supposed to be a fighting game, some randoms (most likely a shill account) set up a thread here and from everything that was in it, it was pretty obvious they knew jack shit about making good games (e.g. they couldn’t figure out how to make characters jump over each other, and then just called it a feature).
From what remember from those threads the game had a limit on special moves to prevent hadoken spam and the like. The scrub mentality was all over that game.
I finished Yakuza 3’s main story last night.
It tooks me 18.5 hours (with very few sidequests)
The Okinawa setting and the kids stuff was endearing.
The scope seemed bigger than usual with CIA involved on top of the usual gangster stuff.
A certain character is introduced early on who is pretty likeable and when he/she dies towards the end -DEM FEELS
For being a 10 yr old game, it is pretty smooth and the load times are low
The main villain could have used more flashbacks or characterization. His motives were a little thin. I guess coming after Ryuji and Nishki set the bar very high.
The music seems bland compared Y0, Kiwami1 and Kiwami 2.
There is a HUGE infodump about 2/3 in from a new character and it grinds the game to a halt. One of the few times I felt a little bored during a Yakuza games.
I feel that there are a lot less Heat moves compared to Y0/K1/K2.
I wanted Kiryu to fight a certain animal towards the end but he didnt.
The ending was very grim but the post credits just undoes it very quickly. I would have preferred some more details about how certain places were restored.
The enemies seem to block a lot more. I can understand the bosses doing this but random garden variety thugs do it.
There are a significant number of black folks walking around the Japanese citizens compared to Y0,K1,and K2.
I fully expect and highly anticipate @Million-X’s review of such flaming
Also, Turning on my PS4 for the first time in almost a year and holy shit.
The DualShock 4 feels feather light when compared to the Switch’s Pro Controller.
I forgot how much the PS4’s OS, Dashboard and Navigations lag, stutter and often times flat out doesn’t work.
If it wasn’t for all the money I’ve invested in it over the years and it’s last few titles coming out I’d just completely write it off at this point. It’s that frustrating to me. I’d rather have the PS3 XMB back.
Shits just agitating as fuck. A lot of people bitch about how busy Xbox’s OS and Dashboard is and how Nintendo’s is so boring and lacks features but at least both actually work and are efficient.
I started 7R and I’m immediately put off by the combat. Everything just feels so slow, Clunky, heavy and thick. I don’t really like it. Apparently it eases up or gives the sense of easing up after the first Reactor boss but as of now it’s very off putting.
X being a combat menu thing is hella awkward too. Not a fan of that.