Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Paul Haddad, Voice Of Leon Kennedy In Resident Evil 2, Dies At 56.

This year can seriously eat shit.


this is true to a certain extent but they did throw a lot of hints and why they pointed out people should still play the hd version of the orginal game this is some rebuild of evangelion type stuff. i was gonna wait until i heard about this stuff now iā€™m in for the ride. the zack stuff is whatā€™s getting me tho.

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Aight about that


Zack is where they couldā€™ve done more to better tell the story. There are a lot of plot points and scenes that couldā€™ve used a better explanation or just clearer storytelling.

Cloudā€™s mental issues, Zackā€™s place, the nibbleheim stuff, Cait Sith, Cidā€™s weird abusive relationship, Condor reactor etc. Barretā€™s background story could use some retelling so people stop sleeping on him.

ā€œLol we are just retconning thingsā€ does fuck all for any of that.

People gotta be honest, they are just doing somw fanfiction bullshit to further fuck it all up like all the extra FF7 material has been.

For people like meā€¦


That thought the original story bad. Itā€™s all good. My only complaint is the new voice actor for Zack was subpar. Bring back the dude from Crisis Core.


Not liking the direction of the story doesnā€™t make it fanfiction


All the salty FF7 fan boys crack me up.

Thank you Nomura-san.


Iā€™m not salty, its just trash. This thread saved me hella money.


What direction? theyā€™re changing the story altogether. One you start changing plot points, you definitely headed in the fanficiton direction. They arenā€™t fixing narrative issues, theyā€™re changing the story.

Pick any story you like and then add that element to it. Suddenly its trash.


If you didnā€™t like it the first time, why are you buying it the 2nd?

I donā€™t like the RE series. If they fucked story elements of the game 'cause they thought it would get me to buy a remake, theyā€™d do a disservice to all the actual RE fans. As a matter of fact, its the type of shit that usually sours fans long term.

So basically everybody is cosigning some terrible fanfiction nonsense for the sake of it.

Thatā€™s dumb as all fuck. :joy:

@Pertho Where have you been man? Iā€™ve been over my thoughts of FFVII ten times over. Iā€™ve mentioned, in spoilers, my thoughts on FFVIIR as well. I bought it because I liked the game play of the demo and I heard they were changing the story. Once a bunch of people that liked the original game, which I think is ass, started bitching about the new one, I knew Iā€™d be good to go.


Canā€™t wait to get to the end of the game myself and find out itā€™s not a big deal at all.

Not gonna spoil anything but story wise. Iā€™ll just say this game is a remake of the Midgar events. Iā€™ll let you find out the rest for yourself.

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Iā€™m on the same boat. I didnā€™t like the original game neither and stans of the original hating on changes made me want to play it. Iā€™m going to wait a year so I can get it on PC. I want all the parts of this thing in one place.


I mean it has been said before Nomura is Nomura, those of us that thought he would mellow were wrong after the cluster that was XV/XIII Versus and KH3 development projects on this relatively straight forward one.

Give the man ship wheel is a akin to letting it go and putting it in the hands of fate. But that being said, this feels like a step up compared to KH games and FFXIII in terms of story. But if you wanted a straight remake, yeah this ainā€™t it.


Heā€™s not the main person in charge of the Remake anyway


Except the writing is actually better dude. Like seriously. The character writing is a huge step up. It ISNā€™T just wish fulfillment or whatever


Yeah my biggest problem with FFVII was the story and the characters. I thought both were poor. Cloud was a poor antagonist and given the actual events of the story that was wholely unnecessary. He literally usurps the weapon, feats, and girl of someone else. As for why I say it was unnecessary. I will spoiler tag this even though this 23 years old.


He killed Sephiroth. The lowly Shinra Guard smoked the baddest warrior in the planets history. Not only that, he did it in bad ass way. He got run through and in spite of that picked Sephiroth up and chucked him the life stream. He did what Zack, the brother like mentor whoā€™s life literally stole, could not and beat Sephiroth. Why have the protagonist adopt someone elses life when he did what no one, not any actual member of SOLDIER, could pull off.

Sephiroth was just antagonist version of Cloud. A guy that looked cool as hell but wasnā€™t beneath the surface.


He breaks down after reading the supposed truth about his origins. Which if he actually did. Would have told him Hojo is his father and Lucretia, not Jenova, is his mother. The different between Sephiroth and standard members of SOLDIER was that he got his infusion of Jenova cells in vitro. Yes the process gifted him with great physical gifts but he still was human being. One whoā€™s parents were still around. Hell him snapping slaughtered Shinra and killing Hojo would have made a heck of a lot more sense.

I also didnā€™t buy Tifa and Clouds friendship in the original game. It came off more as the unpopular kid lusting after the popular girl from a far that some close nit relationship.


Continuing the thoughts from my previous post. Three changes. Just three changes could have made the original story make more damn sense.



If Zack had actually killed Sephiroth. Cloudā€™s arc would have made sense. Zack would have avenged Cloudā€™s hometown and died saving his life. He would latch on to Zackā€™s life because he literally would have been everything Cloud wanted to be. He could have been drawn to Aerith because he subconsciously wanted to make up for costing her the man she loved.



This just is simple. Instead of Lucretia being Sephirothā€™s mother. Have her be only be a surrogate. Have Hojo implant an egg form Jenova in Lucretia and fertilize it with his DNA. Jenova actually being Sephirothā€™s mother combined with his father being an unrepentant jackass. Makes sense of his character arc.



Simple. Make Cloud her actual ex-boyfriend. Her hometown sweet heart. That would make her knowing his persona is complete bullshit and hiding it from her friends at AVALANCHE, risking their lives in the process, make sense.

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Except he was raised as a lab experiment. Regular SOLDIER members werenā€™t. Thatā€™s why he went crazy. He gets to be extraordinary because he isnā€™t entirely human.

Same with Cloud. Dude leaves because he wants to be a big bad hero. They told him he doesnā€™t have what it takes. Comes back as regular infantry unit, does something extraordinary, conquers his literal mind demons from a bunch of shitty science experiment, saves the day.

Tifa and Cloud being friend works too. A lot of Cloudā€™s story is about the confusion he is in when you enter the game. Tifa gets to question wtf is going on, Aeris is constantly reminded of somebody. Its all set up for the Niebleheim situation.

Probably couldā€™ve used a better translation but everything that happened in FF7 is explained. Shinra guard Cloud didnā€™t win a clean fight, he tossed a fool off of a bridge then passed out bleeding.

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Only FF I have played were off shoot games like FFT FFTA and FF:CCā€¦I look forward to Crystal Chronicles later this year. I assume thereā€™s been no release date yet.


Iā€™d love a FF Tactics or Tactics Advance remake. Or just a new FF in Ivalice pls.