The mansion was my favorite. I’m not a big RE fan, but the smaller and isolated setting was just that awesome for me, and still is.
Sega’s saying the P5R PC listing is a mistake.
Sega’s saying the P5R PC listing is a mistake.
Looks like the demand is there for a PC Persona, if I was SEGA, I’d take that gamble
I bought the new Ori game on Steam …
From the FF7R streams I’ve watched, the camera during combat seems to suck. Yes or no?
Riot Games is using a kennel based rootkit as DRM for their shooter
This a huge fucking no.
It’s iffy but there’s options. First thing is to pull the camera out to the furthest setting. Then there’s the Lock-on which mostly works but doesn’t aggressively keep the enemy on screen so it can fall behind really fast or very high up enemies. If you’re locked-on you can’t control the camera in the default mode because flicking the right stick changes targets. So you can either unlock and just control it manually in those instances, or you can switch to the lock-on mode where the camera doesn’t follow at all but you can control it freely at any time so it won’t get hung-up on walls. That’ll make it so the character you’re controlling always attack the locked-on target.
For the most part the default option is perfectly fine but in cramped areas it might help to switch styles. Thing is, the game has soft lock-on when attacking anyway so you can just fight without lock-on and just tilt the stick toward the enemy you want to attack anyway. So I just leave it unlocked for some enemies basically.
I would say no, but its not perfect either. It has its moments.
Yeah this was due to hackers in France. Days Gone and Bloodborne were listed as coming to PC and Sony shut those down, too.
EDIT: Had to clear some room but dl’ed Uncharted Collection. I don’t think it even took a minute to download. Was expecting to be in for the long haul.
Back the camera up all the way. I had no problems after that.
free Uncharted collection and Journey. Even if you already owned them through PSN plus, you can still own them normally.
JRPGs in general.
I’ve talked about it before, but now a days I need games that I can stop playing at random. Dont have 8 hours to drop at a time.
So jrpgs are tough for me to play. Last one I played was Rogue Galaxy and I fell off on it (even though I was having a lot of fun).
FF7RE really isn’t like that. Even 1 hour at a time should work fine. Unless you’re like, not including cutscene time, but they didn’t feel egregiously long to me. You can save at ANY point you aren’t in battle or a cutscene as well so you can stop whenever almost
Yes, it does. This one thing I can point out.
The target lock sucks too especially on an enemy that has multiple targets on it.
I don’t mind anti-cheat software if it is server side, but when it embeds itself into your PC to spy on you it crosses a huge line for me as a customer.
I’ve barely posted the past few years, SRK used to be one of my main reasons for using the internet, but now discord+life shit keeps me busy. Regardless I’ll always pop in at least once in a while to check out what’s going on.
2020 is looking like a fantastic year for my favorite genre; 2D Action/platformers these are just a few on my radar off the top of my head.
Capcom.sys is back lmao