Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

They did it in 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 (I think 13 anyways? I don’t remember much of 13 outside of how much I fucking hated it) I can’t speak on 11, 14 and 15 cause I’ve never played them.

I don’t remember if they did it in 6, I don’t remember lot about 6 cause to me it was very unmemorable. Lastly, Summoners weren’t a thing in 1, 2, 3 and 5

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I’m late to the FF fold so I missed a that they did it in 4. I didn’t get into RPGs until FF7. I did play 4 tho, just didn’t get far

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@HD-Man I’m only spoiling this for the context of discussion


In 4 you could get a bunch of “hidden” summons by defeating certain enemies and getting their item that taught their summoning spell to Rydia.

They were Bomb, Imp, Mindflayer and Cockatrice. Defeating any enemy in their respective family tree had a chance to drop their respective summoning item.

Also, Asura, Leviathan and Bahamut were summons you acquired by defeating them in battle. You got Asura and Leviathan basically back to back by clearing the land of the summoners dungeon from the underworld. Which is a side quest but not really lol.

You got bahamut in the very last dungeon in the moons interior.

Bahamut is off the beaten path and the one real “Uber” boss. Unless you know how to defeat him he one shots your party in 10 turns.

4, 9, 10 and by extension 10-2 are my favorite FF’s. I know them like the back of my hand lol

X-2 has the best combat and job class system of any ff and I’ll fucking die on that hill. Idgaf if the story is just jrpg Charlie’s angels. Not every jrpg needs to be super serious. They can be goofy and fun too.


Picked this up today from someone locally to put in my light gun cabinet.

We did the transaction socially distant. I paypaled him and he just left it in his driveway for me to grab.

I have never played this game so we’ll see how it is.


I have only one request if Square decides to remake FF8: Don’t bring that DRAW bullshit back :joy:


The draw system was fine as long as your spirit stat was high. Your spirit stat determined your draw potential. If it was shit than you’d draw low numbers.

It’s why several of the GF’s you get have the spirit boost perk.

I mean it worked mechanically, but I felt like it slowed the game down. I’d prefer of new way of stocking magic or something more traditional. Felt more of a chore than fun. Personal preference I suppose

Don’t get me wrong, I :100: get the complaint. I’m not saying it isn’t valid. But once you actually figure out how the draw mechanic works you’re drawing 12-15 stocks of that spell at a time. Makes it much less of a chore.

Plus your Magic stock effects your junctioned stats. So it’s kind of a vital mechanic lol.

I also didn’t figure this shit out until over a decade after the fact. :joy:

I’m really torn on what to think of ff7r. What I can say is that if the next ff mmo looks half as good as this…lawd have mercy.

I 100% FF8 actually. Probably one of the few games I felt compelled to do that on.

I think I beat Ultima weapon last using by casting that insta-Limit Break spell on Squall each turn. That equipped with Squalls final, weapon, and it was a wrap.

Took me about 10 tries tho, cuz if I fucked up on one turn the game was over

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Aura is so ridiculously good against all the Uber bosses.

I remember watching my ex play 8 and she got Selphies The End limit on ultimecia. Shit was fucking amazing. Lol

Irvine was my dude tho. He was my favorite character

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Yea, I think Irvine stayed in my party once I got him, I don’t remember who my 3rd was

My favorite part of 8 was by far the Laguna sections tho, battle theme alone lol. But it was dope having two separate parties and going back in time

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Even less than that

I need that hefty book!

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Raid mode in co-op is a blast, super addictive.
Pc version doesn’t support online campaign co-op, for the record (I think split screen is still an option). Don’t know why they did that, you’d think implementing it wouldn’t be too different from the online raid mode.

Same here. I think I hardly even hit up a strategy guide for that game, everything just came naturally (missed maybe a sidequest or two after actually reading a strategy book, but they seemed pretty bleh).

It seems to be the cool thing to raz on FF VIII nowadays, but that game always has a special place in my heart. I will acknowledge any and all complaints about it, but I just love that game.


I didn’t know it was a thing to shit on FF8, when did that start? FF7 I get, cuz ppl like to be contrarian due to its wild popularity, but ppl hating on 8 is unexpected. I always assumed it was well liked, just not as much as others

Why do that dog it out exactly?

Draw mechanic, junction mechanic, disjointed story, level scaling, squall being a whiny cunt. So. Everything lol.


Drawing spells and lvling up on FF8 is for suckers. There’s faster and easier ways to get magic in that game lol

Junction system is what makes that game great.

Zell’s limit break is the shiznitz.

Triple Triad is greatest ever.

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It was so hard letting some of those character cards go to make the ultimate weapons And ultimate ammo for Irvine when it came time to.

All those stupid fucking rules and backward ways to get them. It felt like the game was stealing them from you.

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