Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Speaking of FF tho, wonder if they’ll play up FF7’s alleged connection to FFX in anyway in the remake…

You can rewin the cards at the end of the game if you do the sidequests.
But you gotta hunt down all these people around the world to play cards with. The rules shit is painful to deal with too. They could prob make that better if they ever do a remake.

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That’s not the point and you know it

The only thing I had to look up regarding FF8 was what enemies gave you what permanent stat buff on ICTHeaven and ICTHell when you used Eden’s Devour ability.

Everything else was pretty much trial and error or I was told how to do by friends.

I loved how smooth the animations for Laguna, Kiros and Ward were. Especially Kiros. They came off not as clunky and stiff as the other playable characters.

What Hakingbird said about RE2 Remake is true.

REmake (remake of RE 1) happened because Sony screwed Shinji Mikami out of money so he said ‘fuck it I’m moving RE somewhere else’ and convinced Capcom to go along with it, initially. He settled on Nintendo since MS failed his test, and tried to cultivate an audience with REmake, RE Zero and RE 4, which didn’t happen.


Lagunas story was supposed to be as big as Squall’s, but Square had to cut out alot of stuff for reasons. Maybe in the remake it’ll be what they envisioned. Half of the game being Lagunas would be sweet

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they do. they actually confirm it even.

Good for me, as I had never played RE4 ever!!

My first RE game that I actually played from start to finish, was RE5!!

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Build up ATB, blast her with a weak fire spell to get her to pressured, then use your stagger skill and a combo after. That should get about halfway full or more. On the second round you should get the stagger and you can do a full punisher combo into Braver twice.

On the second KD you should have a limit break so do a punisher to braver to limit combo.

After that she’ll be near death which means Diamond Dust is coming. You can’t block or dodge summon final attacks so bring cure and heal up fully as she charges it up then just take the hit. I don’t recall if you have barrier materia yet at that point but if you do you can use Manaward instead probably.

After that she’ll be pressured for a while but she’ll also attack a lot so you need to be careful. Lay on the stagger skills when you can til you get her down.

Biggest problem I had with her attack wise was the AOE around her that she does very quickly, Icicle something. I noticed she’ll rely on that if you get greedy attacking her in neutral so the best way to attack is just once or twice then wait and see what she does. If you have Deadly Dodge you can use that for it’s good tracking and decent damage to chase after her when she moves without commiting to a big attack.

For Blizzard spells, block the initial hit that does no damage then dodge backward. For Heavenly something or other you can just run to avoid it, but dodging also works. Some attacks that summon smaller icicles won’t hit if you’re standing right next to her. Every other attack just block.

I bodied shiva lol. Fira, elemental attack and good helping of triple slash.

Wish the combat didn’t feel so…loose and there wasn’t so much unavoidable damage. :thinking:

Also more combat and enemies. Is there a hard mode?

I hope they do something similar like they did with that gamecube controller promo




yea sometimes you see something you want to dodge but the game is telling you to just block it.

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It really is an “action RPG” IMO. Moreso than most games that take that name since it really is a hybrid system

You can’t always avoid damage but in almost all cases you can guard or simply evade out of the way. But in general guarding is just the better option. Thing is guarding reduces damage a lot anyway. If you have the mindset of shooting for no damage in action games you kind of have to let that mindset go. It still is an RPG at the same time. Executional skill can greatly reduce the damage you take and is definitely necessary but that alone won’t get you through many fights. You still do want an actual strategy to be aware of especially with later enemies as well.

Supposedly hard mode is the same but no items allowed I hear. Not sure myself since I haven’t beat the game just yet

Edit: that said, what do you mean by unavoidable damage? So far the only attacks I’ve seen that both can’t be guarded or dodged are summon final attacks. Or do you just mean the chip damage?

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I just mean the chip damage. It’s a constant thing, kinda hammers home the rpg aspect.

I just need to rewire my brain to block and switch characters more.

The ai targeting is super wacky lol.

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Holy shit they really put 59 floors on these stairs LOL


Beat Uncharted 4. A nice play on words in the title. I can say that I am glad I played the Drake’s story, but it’s not something I’d pick up again.


Note to anyone playing FF7RE:

When you get to the Shinra Building in late game there will be a part you have to crawl through an air duct, MAKE SURE TO SAVE BEFORE GOING IN.

When you go in, you can listen in on conversations through openings, but when you listen to the first one it doesn’t let you back out with Circle even though it shows a prompt for it, so you’re just stuck. Hopefully it’s just me but just in case, save so you don’t maybe lose progress like I did.

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Finally whooped that optional boss in Chapter 8 of FF7. That was so satis to win after gettin my ass handed to me a dozen. First boss I encountered where I actually had to use serious strategy to win

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Well damn, I was going to suggest linking Ice Materia to Elemental Materia in your armor. Once I did that, things went easily.

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