Video Game General 6.4: New Halo? What else?

I didn’t think Sega will ever resurrect Sakura Wars

I definitely want to give this series a shot.


Probably a bunch of roms you’ve been able to get since 2001.



M2 port of Gunstar Heroes has me sold on it already. Hopefully they don’t pull what Sony did with the PS Classic and go off on some PAL bullshit.

They really should just skip the first 2 Sonic games. Not when the Retro Engine ports of these exist. Might as well save these slots for other games.

S&K+3 is the only good genesis sonic anyways.

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I know people love them, but I just can’t get into the Genesis Sonic games.

Don’t like how the play and I find a lot of the platforming very unsatisfying.

I dodged getting hit with The Furry as a kid.

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The first one was a novelty at the time.

I didn’t go past it, honestly.

Just looking at the character models makes me think this will be another candidate for Sony censorship.

My main issues with them is that they are a game about momentum and you are this creature that is supposedly the fastest thing alive but they constantly put shit in front of you to stop your momentum and speed. I’m not talking about enemies you can easily hop on or spin dash through, though even then some of the enemies stop your momentum. There’s walls, spikes, platforms, “elevator” type platforms, just a myriad of stupid shit tnat impedes on your progress. And this is an issues through the entire series. No matter how good the game is it’s almost always an issue. Even in the spin off games.

Sonic 1 was cool. Didn’t age well. Same with 2.
Sonic 3 was fine but became great when the Sonic and Knuckles expansion cartridge came out. Then it was the GOAT sonic game. Still is.

Sonic CD was uh…well, I have fond memories of it. That doesn’t make it good though. It’s Intro movie was fucking hype though.

The problem with the 3D games is they were just bad. 3D Blast was garbage. sonic adventure 1 and 2 are damn near unplayable. They were out of date, clunky pieces of shit when they released. This goes out to anyone: Play them again today. They were bad then and even worse now.

06 was just silly and not even finished.

The story book saga of games (legend of the secret ring, sonic unleashed along with sonic and the black knight) were all laughably bad, corny, horrible controls and just stupid.

The sonic rush games weren’t terrible. They gave us blaze the cat though.

Sonic Colors (Wii) was passable. I enjoyed it but I wouldn’t call it good.

Sonic Generations was great but still had the tide and true issues every sonic game has. It just hid them better.

Sonic Lost World was uh, fine? Yeah. Fine.

Sonic Boom was an unfinished, notoriously
Glitch filled mess and red button games along with Sega knew it was a god damn mess but wanted a game out for the holidays.

Oh, what I’ve played of Sonic Mania is uh, fine? I don’t dislike it. Still plagued with the same issues every 2d sonic game has though. They’re just hid better through actually intelligent level designs. And honestly, the only reason Mania got universal praise because Sega had little to nothing to do with it. They basically let a group of people who made their own sonic game mods and fan made ports design and program the game.

I’m not going to mention any of the side games because none of them are worth mentioning honestly. However, I will say this: even though everyone pretty much fucking hated it, which they’re not wrong about, it’s an awful game but I love the BioWare Sonic RPG they made called Sonic and the Dark Brotherhood. It’s one of those RPG’s that are so bad they’re good. There was nothing technically or graphically wrong with it. Just the game play and writing were fucking atrocious.

Tl;dr sonic has a pretty spotty if not terrible track record when it comes to the quality of their games. But for whatever reason their fan base is so indoctrinated and blindly loyal to Sega and sonic that they keep buying their games hoping that “this will be the game to turn it around” despite all the red flags saying it’s clearly not.

They clearly don’t give a shit about sonic as an IP anymore. Just look at the live action movie for proof of that.

Other than Mania, which was awesome, The only good sonic games were on the Genesis


Could be pretty cool.

Coulda sworn this place died a while ago…

But with DMC5 being out of all things, and being gdlk, I guess nothing is impossible anymore.

And we thought physical was safe.

last reply about that topic. i have to appologie because i missed a important part which i couldnt check out due to me not being able to edit stuff for a while. you cant show videos in [ details] tag but you can show them in < details> tag! dont ask me why, i know its stupid but thats discourse for you.

and stuff like details=Nameblabla doesnt work. you have to keep it simple to < details> and dont forget the empty row. click on edit then you see how it looks like now.

2D Sonic games are basically “speed run: the game”.
You’re meant to replay through the levels and figure out the best routes and build momentum to gain speed. 2D sonic fans feel that this is something missing from 3d sonic games since speed is given instead of being earned through momentum. One of the most fun things to do in a 2D sonic game for me is just to roll down a hill and let gravity do it’s thing. Roll up a ramp, launch into the air and then bounce off enemies to extend your air time thus making you fly across the whole level. Obstacles exist in those games purely to make you earn that sense of speed. Once you figure them out then they stop being obstacles. Mighty and Ray are hilariously broken in Sonic Mania since their abilities allow them to ignore all that shit and just breeze through levels. Basically characters in 2D Sonic aren’t meant to be a Ferrari tearing through the level. But instead are more so like a ball bouncing and rolling through hills and curves where you can manipulate it’s direction. Even the classic Sonic levels in generations and forces didn’t seem to understand this.


That and they keep on knee capping the one feature/mechanic that could help in later 3D sonic games, and keep on using ether classic sonic or weird gimmicks as a crutch.


I was wondering how Gearbox was fuck up the BL3 announcement…

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