Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

None of these make-a-game ideas would ever be of the same quality as the original product because the original is a long term team effort with only a hardware limit and time limit.

Even my favorite creation mode in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (Skate Park Editor) cannot accomplish that feat. No matter how interesting the design, it never reaches the level of quality of the main game. It is simply a fun distraction.

I am not advocating that games abandon user customizable content, but simply that it is only a feature.

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No ones saying they can, obviously they can’t.

He looks like a discount version of Shang Tsung, who is already a discount version of Lo Pan from ‘Big Trouble in Little China’. I don’t think I saw any legitimate weapon based attacks in that trailer. I am also kind of mesmerised by how terrible the English voice acting is in this game.

P.S. Seymore has no facial hair and dresses like a woman.

P.S.S. It just occurred to me that Azwel is Lewza (pronounced loser) spelled backwards, in which case the comparison to Seymore is very apt.


The other day I was talking about being sad that Pandemic/Visceral were gone. I’m more sad now. They axed this game when it was almost complete.

“I always wanted to make a Jack the Ripper game.”

The group approved of the idea, but noted that it had been done before. The developers began rattling off a list of games where you play as Sherlock Holmes while trying to solve the Ripper murders, when the developer silenced them. “No, no, no. I wanted to do a game where you play Jack the Ripper.”

The group got really quiet.

“You can’t do that!” was the general consensus. It was too controversial, too sick; no one would ever greenlight it. Then the developer dropped the twist. What if the character that you’re playing is certifiably or potentially insane, and sees the prostitutes he butchered as creatures? What if he thinks he’s saving London from this scourge of vampires? Or what if there really are vampires, and the whole Jack the Ripper mythology was another group’s attempt to cover up the fact that vampires are real, that they’re living beneath the very streets of London in the catacombs?

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I was thinking Shang plus one or more people on the staff are fans of Fate/Stay Night. That franchise, while not the originator, really kicked off the trend of making a bunch of weapons to appear from thin air as a power.

The fuck is wrong with people? D:


If you look closely at the video, you can see a red laser sight on the black dudes chest right before the shots ring out.

That’s a pretty solid description of the 8-bit era in general, as well.

Just read about this…yeah WTF indeed. Seeing reports that it was someone who lost but not sure if confirmed or not. Either way it sucks we may now have to worry about something like this.

remind me to wear my Kevlar vest next time i go to Evo

cuz dat salt.

im letting niggas win from now on.

sheeeit, I went on to get the final 3 achievements in Diablo 3 just now… the “Self Controlled” is the trickiest one…(killing your shadow clone with your simulacrum clone during the fight with Diablo)…because the simulacrum clone seems kinda weak, and thorns damage can mess it up since the killing blow has to be from your simulacrum…presumably the melee as opposed to it casting a spell(?)…took several tries to get that. Then there was the “Game of Bones” which I thought was just bugged…but I got that on the 2nd attempt today… so my D3 file is back to being “completed” once again…yeah it does slightly irk that OCD side when you already have all achievements then some new content adds more so it’s no longer “100%”

heh, total time played = 773 hours, 57 minutes… and that’s just this version of D3.

You’re old enough to remember the arcade scene - c’mon.

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yes. yes i am.

that story reminded me of that stabbing over a KOF game in china.


i dont need to get Yamazaki’ed for…using Yamazaki lol

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So it was that little Bread shit.

Im not really sure I agree. 8-bit games where largly static affairs, they took forever for me to beat back in the day because I was 6 or 7 and lacked critical thinking skills. As an adult I conquered Castlevania III in a week. Galak-Z I never finished before the patch and i played it for like a month and a half.

8bit games are ball bustingly difficult, but its a static challenge, not a random one so you can account for it every time you play.

A lot of 8-bit games have that random factor.

The stages might be static, but there’s enemy behavior, and whatnot.

Donkey Kong is BASED in it.

A lot of the 8-bit and 16-bit games are “castlevania hard” where in they are only hard if you just try to muscle your way through the game. You gotta pay attention and learn patterns and remember where the hazards are. Most of those games back then would even teach you how to fight against a certain enemy or introduce you to a hazard in a controlled environment before really throwing you over the coals (mega man comes to mind).

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This is true.

It is also true that a lot of them had behavior algorithms that were not things that were 100% predictable, thus requiring reactions and timing.

Mega Man was Stage Hard, not enemies hard, imo.

But there were always ways around that, even as far back as part one (platform beam, in… Elecman’s stage?), which made the truly hard parts decidedly less so.