Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Dead Cells is a rogue-like, just as Metroid style game instead of a top down one, so rooms are randomly generated


@purbeast yeah, what he saidā€¦except its really freakin hard. youā€™ll die alot. once you git gud itā€™ll take you about an 1 hour to finish the game start to finish, but since youā€™ll die a million times before you ever even reach the skill level to even make it to the final boss the game has alot of replayability.

@Sonicabid oh i came close to buying 2 games. One was Fatal Frame and the other was Silent Hill 2.
mostly because i heard so much praise for them. but i never got around to it.
RE4 i heard alotta things too but i felt at the time i wasnt really gonna get that over SH2 or FF.
and yeah iā€™ve noticed Evil Within 1 and 2. iā€™ll prob pick that up next time steam sales roll by.
i did watch the movie Silent Hill. enjoyed it but i think i might have spoiled it for myself if i ever get SH2.

You just described like every roguelike game ever. Short as fuck but so ball bustingly stupidly hard and random that getting good at them is a massive time sink because nothing is very consistent so youā€™ll be playing them for a really long time trying to see the end.


yeah but this one really feels good in your hands. the character doesnt feel stiff or janky. feels damn fluid and smooth. other rogues are meh compared to this one. just my opinion.

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Yea sure of course. Iā€™ve played a few, Gungeon and Galak-Z (Especially Galak-Z) feel incredibly smooth and responsive, but the Roguelike elements really bring the games down imo. Galak-Z got a lot better when its ā€œstory modeā€ removed the perma death per chapter and check pointed you before each level and let you keep your progression through the current ā€œseason.ā€ I legit put the game down with no intention of finish it during ā€œseason 3ā€ because it had stopped being fun and was just frustrating and annoying because there was no consistancy to level design or enemy placement and death meant you where fucked and had to play through 4 or 5 levels you already beat to try and beat the level you had died on. Actual progression ground to a complete hault because you couldnt plan for anything, not the level, not the enemies, not even your load out. Ass.

what i like about dead cells isnt the difficulty or the random gen levels.
its that to me it feels like a strategy game or turn based rpg in that youre constantly trying to build your character with a particular strategy in mind.
synergy is the name of this game. synergy between weapons and skills.
for example oil sword and fire grenade. or teleport with assassinā€™s dagger. thats what i find fun about the game. every time you get to a boss youre always wondering if your make shift built character will have the right synergy to take the boss down.

i still think the game needs more polish regarding attributes of certain weapons and skills tho. certain weapons and skills are broken good while others are piss poor and useless.
hammer, blood sword, magnetic grenade. i have a long list of weapons that i just avoid at all costs because theyre too low tier.
lowest being cursed sword. its the most powerful weapon i the game but the whole 1 hit you die while the sword does not also give you a 1 hit you kill enemy attribute, sucks.
if it did 1 hit KOs it be worth the risk of carrying it. oh well.


Thats cool man, glad there is stuff you like about it.

I do think thats also a huge problem witht hese games, because so much of it is random that thereā€™s always a chance you get RNGfucked and get all the useless abilities lmao. Thats more an issue with the game having useless abilities, or bad ones or whatever, then the random nature of the game i think. If all the abilities where good and synergized with a lot of other abilities well then this issue would be less of one.


You have a lot of great games to check out!

Sonicabidā€™s list is fairly comprehensive, but I thought I would chime in on the subject in question as the horror genre is a favorite of mine.

The original Silent Hill is in my personal opinion much scarier than Silent Hill 2. Silent Hill 2 feels more oppressive than scary and at times feels like you gets stuck in place a lot of the time. The original, on the other hand, always keeps you on your toes and has a far more involved plot. Whereas Silent Hill 2ā€™s protagonist is a visitor of the misty ghost town following up on a letter sent to him by his deceased wife many years after her death, the originalā€™s protagonist during a trip with his daughter has a car accident that separates them and he traverses the surreal ghost town to find her.

Silent Hill 3 is a hypothetical follow up to the events of the first game starring the daughter. Canā€™t say anymore without ruining the experience. It isā€¦ interesting (at least its set pieces).

-> With that said, I think you should experience Silent Hill 4: The Room first as it is a great horror game that has a structure and mechanics too different from the norm to be a good experience with exposure to the others. It follows a man that becomes trapped in his apartment by an otherworldly force and is only able to peek outside of it without being able to communicate. He has a sewer hole open in his bathroom allowing him to be transported to different otherworldly locations inhabited by strange creatures.

I also recommend the psychological thriller adventure game called Silent Hill: Shattered Memories despite it not being a horror game. It is a fascinating high quality reimagining of the original game.

As far as Resident Evil is concernedā€¦ It is more action than horror for the most part (especially starting from 4). Prior to the fourth game the defining features are fixed camera angles, camera independent axis-based movement, limited inventory slots, magical storage box that moves your stuff between safe rooms, and typewriter saves requiring the abundant ink ribbon item.

Resident Evil 1 is really fun as it has really hilarious dialogue and is a good starting point due to the ease of playing the game as Jill. It is about a special police rescue unit getting stuck in a mansion surrounded and infested by genetically modified killing machines such as zombies and their struggle to escape that mansion. It is definitely my favorite of the bunch. The remake is scarier, but is kind of bland and is not fun in the least.

Resident Evil 2 is also really engaging, but logically absurd as the luxuriously furnished police station where you spend most of your time is filled with nothing but locked doors, hidden passages, and scattered objects that act as keys. It deals with a zombie outbreak inside of a major U.S. city experienced by an uninitiated rookie cop (Leon) and sister (Claire) of the firstā€™s male protagonist. It is an often fun and sometimes scary game that takes itself half seriously.
*If you decide to play it there are a number of things you need to know beforehand. For the cannon progression you need to play the game first as Claire and play it again as Leon for the complete experience (second playthrough is different and more challenging). You should immediately combine weapon parts with the weapons you carry and save the inventory expansion sash and semi-automatic machine gun for the second playthrough.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is like Resident Evil 2 while a boss character is in constant pursuit, but with worse story and more backtracking. It is in essence a spinoff featuring Jill from the first game going through the outbreak of the second game.

Resident Evil: Code Veronica is a game that builds on the first two games and is the real Resident Evil 3. It is driven strongly by the plot, which deals with Claire being imprisoned in an Umbrella military facility run by rich homicidal siblings during a biological weapon outbreak and Chris trying to save her.

Resident Evil: Outbreak is a choose your own character and scenario compilation with more limited inventory, real time inventory management, infection meter, and worthless save system. It is hard and scary as hell, but is done poorly overall. The first bar escape segment and potential cure at an evacuated university segment make the game a good investment. Even the hospital and hotel escape segments are interesting despite being mediocre. However, the second laboratory segment is just terrible.

-> Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 takes the premise, mechanics, and options of the first spinoff, but is ridiculously good in its execution. All its segments are like full retail releases of their own. The only weak segment is the lab/city cure retrieval segment at the end of the game as it is just too long and too difficult (still well executed). It has a segment escaping from the zoo fighting infected exotic animals. It has a segment escaping through a subway with zombies and giant bugs. It has a segment like The Last of Us with parasitic plants and a madman with an axe It even has a segment from Resident Evil 2ā€™s police station that lets you see the events prior to Leonā€™s/Claireā€™s arrival and how most of the force evacuated the police station. It is an amazing content packed horror game!

Resident Evil 4 is the best starting point due to its intuitive third person shooter mechanics and briefcase inventory system. It is scary during the first playthrough and is a blast to play through again after you learn how to cheese all the enemies with the greater amount of control you are given relative to previous entries.

Resident Evil 5ā€¦ donā€™t play it unless you have a friend to push through the game with you in co-op. It is kind of terrible in every category.

Resident Evil 6 has the best gameplay mechanics of all the games (co-op and solo are equally good) and has campaigns that are very different in terms of tone, but is a mixed bag with respect to the quality. It is fun, but not very scary, and the plot is subpar.

Resident Evil 7ā€¦ wrong franchise.

You should also check out Fatal Frame 1 and 2 for some photophobic ghosts and Japanese village horror.

If 90ā€™s slasher flicks are your thing then you should check out Obscure as it takes place at a high school and features high school students.

If you are really hardcore you can check out Siren, which is a stealth focused title with weapons and enemies that canā€™t die. It is genuinely scary.

There are others, but this post is getting longā€¦

P.S. The Silent Hill and Resident Evil movies have nothing to do with the games!


I was watching some video trailer reactions looking at people get hyped its funny seeing people have excitement, its just gone for me I sort of have more fun seeing the reactions. Then I read message boards of people getting hyped and laugh at people arguing with each other on the day one sales but I always feel calm havenā€™t been hyped in years.

Only 2 things can happen now to make me 100% hype.

  1. The Official Announcement of Legend of Zelda Maker.
    2 The Announcement of CvS3.

Iā€™m ready and sort of hyped to play Red Dead Redememption 2 but if that hype meter could be shown it would be just 25% hype out of 100% and Iā€™m not dying to play it and donā€™t even care to play it on day one but still would enjoy it.

Itā€™s interesting that SNK and Squenix are trading crossover characters when a few years back, they had been suing each other over High Score Girl. I wonder if this is part of whatever settlement they reached when they dropped their respective lawsuits.

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Looks like Seymore from FFX.

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whoah this just randomly hit meā€” how great the ā€œMakerā€ concept would be in some of my other favorite gamesā€¦ Iā€™d buy this stuff immediately:

  • Diablo Maker
  • Devil May Cry Maker
  • Bayonetta Maker

^the amount of stages to play becomes endless then with people making their own worlds and then posting it up for the community.

More likely though:
Sonic Makerā€”yeah Iā€™d definitely buy this too.

He does look like an ANGULAR FREAK!

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I want a shmup maker. Thereā€™s one for the SNES but it only does Gradius style Horizontal shmupsand not Vertical ones.

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Thatā€™s what makes me sad. It only does one when it could do both.

shinobido imashime had a maker mode in it. only dabbled with that a bit, if i remember i think the tenchu games had a maker mode in it, the ps1 games i mean.

ohooooā€¦ Viewtiful Joe Maker. Actually yeah I remember bringing this up before, but Iā€™d buy that immediately.

Generic oneā€”> Action RPG Makerā€¦or that might be covered by the ā€œDiablo Makerā€ idea anywayā€¦ but Iā€™m picturing not just enemy placement and world designā€¦ Iā€™d include quest creation as well so the players have some kind of story creation in the mix too. Thereā€™s been ā€œRPG Makerā€ games released before, but itā€™s always some damn turn-based stuff, and fuck that.

*ohhhhh the possibilities though, just in Diablo Makerā€” if thereā€™s character customizationā€¦ just changing colors or even other effects of stuff like the Wizardā€™s Archon form, and the other character ā€œsuper formsā€ would be cool. (e.g.ā€” a red archonā€¦ perhaps gold, maybe you change it to look like smoke or a whatever else, etc. etc.)

I recently beat Final Fantasy VI for the first time. I can see why people view it as the best in the series even though I personally disagree. The game is very good. The music and aesthetics are top notch and the combat is very entertaining. I just wish it didnā€™t force me to play with most of the cast near the end. I understand doing that early on so I can get a feel for them, but making me go into the last dungeon with three parties was kind of a dick move when I only had about five or six characters I enjoyed playing.

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