Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Is against piracy but is fine with eBay scalping.


Edit: Nintendo has nothing to with what Okamiden gets ported to. Just sayin.

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Purbeast get off your false mortal high horse.
We both know that Nintendo have no attention to release every old title for their past systems.

That the only way Nintendo could even do VC on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS as well as the Mini consoles was they download Roms as they didnt archive shit. And Nintendo dont have the rights to every of those games, many are from defuct companies or the IP ownership fell into a legal limbo. Nintendo makes zero money on 30+ year old games sold as used on eBay and at flee markets and yard sales. You say piracy is theft, I might agree if these were images of Nintendo Switch titles and not something from before your ass was born.
Whole game series would have never came out of Japan if it was not for Emulation and Fan translations showing that their is a market for the game.

let me just first say this @PussyStuffer - I absolutely love your display gif xD hahah it is so amazing.

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why the hell they’d put Noctis in Tekken instead of Soul Calibur 6?


They put Noctis in Tekken 7 because Tekken 7 is a guinea pig for the implementation of bad ideas.


I disagree… they put Noctis in Tekken 7 because they wanted to get hype for a unusual character… same thing they have done throughout the Tekken franchise history plus Square Enix has uses a lot of effort and sometimes cash to make Noctis a ‘thing’ kind of like they did with Lightning a few years back. If The Witcher is the only crossover we see in SC VI, I would be surprised, crossovers for fighting games are a big deal these days.

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Noctis was only good in the concept stage of Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Tekken 7 has made so many stupid mistakes and random ass pulls over the course of its development that it barely resembles the Tekken of old.

P.S. Crossovers are shit unless they make sense in the context of the game.


You don’t like fun stuff do you?


You know for someone who bemoans others for not paying for 30+ year old games, you do like to talk.
Mr Never paid for a modern console, he needed to win his from Taco bell.

it sucks that emu paradise went down i really should’ve grabbed the translated ps2 remakes of those phantasy star games.


Why would he call it piracy?

It is a false term.

Piracy by definition requires the actual loss of some good or goods.

Piracy is theft.

You cannot steal an unsubstantiatable supposition.

Not even in the digital age.

Here, allow me to try:

No sale has ever been lost due to emulation.

Prove this to be incorrect.


The burden of truth, even in formal logic, is on the party declaring for the existence of that which is unproven.

Or in this case, unprovable.

So even my supposition is more real than Nintendo’s fairy tale of lost sales.


It’s times like this I miss the LOL button.



Because you lack the means to posit a counterargument.

And that’s okay.

Because there is no actual counterargument - only bullshit Apologist Sophistry.

But your lack of willingness to own up to it, asserting that you wish you could hide behind a reaction emoticon, is a bad look.

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Actually no I LOL’d because of your strawman.

So you laughed at yourself, in my post?

I like fun things like Tekken Ball and Tekken Force, but not stupid things like the inclusion of Gon, who cannot be thrown or consistently hit with most mids (not to mention all highs) and has prevented the fully featured version of Tekken 3 from being re-released on any platform due to licensing issues.

Because regardless if I download the Rom or buy the NES game from eBay Ninterndo still dont make a profit.

Nintendo opped not to have old games like the virtual console on the Switch, for all real technicality I should consider these old games abandoned ware that hasnt been touched commercially in some 30+ years.

Its not theft as the properties are not even being optioned, there no profit to gain nor an attempt to make profit.
Nintendo being worst than Disney about it, as at least Disney does shit with Steamboat Willey. They have Archive and restored copies of Steam Boat Willey. Nintendo woudnt have the Wii/Wii U. 3DS VC if it wasn’t for emulation as they didnt archive shit. Disney put Steamboat Willey up on youtube for people to watch for free. What’s Nintendo’s excuse?
The Switch been out for little bit more than a year and Nintendo havent said squat about their past library of games. Not to mentioned the hundreds that are going to be left in the dust as Nintendo has no rights to said games, just used their muscle of their overpaid lawyers to scare away anyone who wants to touch a NES title, even if Nintendo has zero rights to it, that includes roms that were made completely independent of Nindy.

I not complaining I can’t get roms, as I said I got 99% of the titles I already want as roms for NES, SNES and N64. What I am saying is Nindy likes to fuck over online communities, even if those communities later actually help Nindy.

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