Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

new tomb raider looks great

Any word on how good it is? It doesn’t have the same dev team as the last two.

PlayStation VR sold over 3 million units

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Halo Infinite is confirmed to be Halo 6

Little Nightmares sells 1 mill

Good on them

Sniper ghost warrior contracts announced



Aaaaand there it is


Full announcement vid

Microsoft and Nintendo rejected Yakuza at first, now they want it

Too fuckin bad, I say they should pay for it to get put on the systems now


Reminder…Gamescom is going to be next week starting the 21st

I won’t be able to keep up with much since I’ll be visiting peeps in NY


DOOM Eternal looks absolutely insane, especially the footage with mouse and Keyboard play. This might be the game that finally pushes me over to get a PC.

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Sounds like Blizzard is changing their tune regarding Overwatch on the Switch

Rumor: New super mario bros wii u might get port with NSLU content and more added

Second time seeing something pertaining to this.

Activison’s gamescom lineup

Raphael is not confirmed for Soul Calibur VI nor are a number of other characters…

I’m all in on that fake ass Road Rash game shown above, Road Redemption, as long as it’s a budget title. That game looks fun.

Amazon may have goofed and revealed that Nintendo is going to have info regarding the Pokemon 2019 titles in a future event

If true means that we might be having some sort of direct soon. Kinda strange though since I figured they would have wanted to wait until Let’s Go was out but I guess they figure the audience is dif enough and there won’t be an effect.

Blizzard schedule at Gamescom

I mean, it’s not much of a leak. We are getting to that point when Nintendo would start dropping some info.

It’s a reboot-quel.

Of course it has all of the characters whose absence was a major factor in the utter and complete, abysmal failure that was SC5.

It will probably have GI back in some proper form, too.

If we have any luck whatsoever, the story involves time-travel which causes a full-on recon of that horrid, terribad piece of shit excuse for a travesty of a 101 guide on “How to Double-down and Execute the Butchery of the Lowest Point Entry in Your Series Ever, Towards the Surreal, Unto Dissolution of the Fan-base for All Time”, that was Soul Calibur 5.


…but we’ll still not get Hwang back, 'doe.

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gameplay wise it looks about the same, so I guess it will be as good as the last two games.
graphics seem shaper and the world bigger

Crystal Dynamics was still involved in some capacity. I have faith, it’s my most anticipated title of this year.

Nindy really fucked up the whole emulation scene. Serval big sites are down, and those who aren’t down dropped their nes, SNES, n64, game boy and Ds archives like a bad habit.

You can hardly find shit anymore unless you like installers to download a single room (obvious trojan) or viruses. Guess it’s all torrents and even more shadier sites for emu lovers now.

Glad I locked into my rom collection when I did.